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In her close professional relationship to composers, such as Luciano Berio, John Cage, Hans Werner Henze, Igor Stravinsky and Sylvano Bussotti, Cathy Berberian has productively tainted historical preconceptions about the authorial “work”... more
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      Operations ResearchAuditory CulturePerformance Studies (Music)Experimental Music
This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in developing the meta-scientific reading skills and academic achievement with a sample of gifted pupils with varied academic achievement levels enrolled in a science... more
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      ArtDramaturgyPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Situationist International
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
Throughout the ages, from ancient Greek theatre to the postmodern, acting styles have been changing, adapting and developing. In order to understand what these approaches meant to both performer and audience, it is important to understand... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesBiomechanicsTheater and film
A presente proposta de comunicação visa a uma abordagem crítica da linguagem cinematográfica de Glauber Rocha, enfocando principalmente suas relações com a estética teatral, em específico o diálogo com o teórico francês Antonin Artaud e o... more
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      Literature and cinemaPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Cinema StudiesTheatre and Cinema
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      Indigenous StudiesPerformance StudiesPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Maori Performing Arts
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      Cultural StudiesSociology Of DevianceVisual SociologyEthnography
The emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic has brought many theatre organizations into isolation. The result of government quarantine measures led many student-artist theatre groups to hold their productions online. Before the quarantine, the... more
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      EthnohistoryTheatre HistoryPerformance StudiesOral history
This book, The Dancing Word presents a systemic and phenomenological description of a contemporary intercultural theatre practice. The product of over eighteen years of embodied research by the author, this volume offers a blueprint for... more
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      Theatre StudiesDevised TheatrePerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Taijiquan T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Much recent thinking about performance documentation has coalesced around an apparent opposition between the relative stability of the document and the ontological ephemerality of the live event. Indeed, if we begin from the problem of... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation ScienceArchival StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
As a critical methodology, performance ethnography offers researchers a unique opportunity to tap into what I call queer social scientific remainders by using the dramatic staging of ethnographic material such that it can be disseminated... more
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      Research MethodologyEthnographyTransgender StudiesQualitative methodology
Kaleidoscope is a short book series of 20,000 to 50,000 words designed as an experimental and cross-disciplinary platform that documents and forges an innovative path forward for ethnography in a precarious era. Our interest to initiate... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologySocial AnthropologyPublic Archaeology
This article argues that Harold Pinter's fascination for the game of cricket is recorded in his dramaturgy. Beginning with a consideration of the theatrical quality of cricket, the author goes on to analyse Pinter's dramatic form, the... more
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
This essay will explore two approaches to acting, namely Bertolt Brecht’s Epic performance and the American Method, and evaluate the ways in which they have been informed by 'implicit theories of the self'. This exploration will make use... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesPerformance EthnographyTheater and film
In this article I focus on the performance practices of one of Sumatra's little-known mask varieties, that of sakura theater, performed in the southernmost province of Lampung. I also draw attention to four other Sumatran mask types,... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Masked Performance
The works of Ideogram Théâtre offer a concrete example of how the Sufi teaching of Anatolia (tasavvuf) might today inspire a distinctive approach to the actor's art. With actors who are not only doers but also witnesses of the truth... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesDramaSufism
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      Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Anthropology of AlevismTheatre, Performance and RitualBektashi Studies
Boal's work from revolutionary theatre praxis to autopoietic theatre and its relevance fore the 21st century.
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      SociologyPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Performance Studies and Musical Theatre
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
Tesis Doctoral de Leyson Ponce | Departamento de Filosofía, Lógica y Estética - Universidad de Salamanca.
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      Dance StudiesPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP URL' above for details on accessing... more
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
This paper explores parallelism as a phenomenon not restricted to language and poetic expression but rather something that may be manifested through any type of signs. The first half of the paper concentrates on the relationship of... more
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      SemioticsMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesAnthropology
The practice of taolu (tao4lu4, tào lù, 套路), the prearranged movement patterns of the Chinese martial arts, has been explained in fantastically diverse ways spanning a range of interpretations from the essential and functional to the... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Traditional Chinese Martial ArtsMartial Arts Studies
«Karagkiozis performers of Solea: Th. Themistokleous, A. Kokonas, G. Idalias» Shadow Theatre (“Karaghiozis”) in Cyprus is a quite intriguing field for researchers, due to its geographical position and its particular political-social... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFolkloreArt History
This paper explores the experience of space afforded by the practice of tàolù 套路, the prearranged movement patterns of the Chinese martial arts. It examines the roots of tàolù in Chinese martial preparation, religious self-consecration... more
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      Theatre StudiesChinese ReligionsPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Traditional Chinese Martial Arts
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      ReligionEthnographyPerformance StudiesEthnography of Communication
Starting in the summer of 2022, the University of the Peloponnese, through the Department of Theatre of the University of the Peloponnese (Τμήμα Θεατρικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Πελοποννήσου) will host Performing Space, an... more
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      Performing ArtsPerformance and performativityArchaeology and Performance TheoryPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
Books included in this cutting-edge series centre on global and embodied approaches to performance and technology. As well as focussing on digital performance and art, books in the series also include the theoretical and historical... more
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      ArtPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Routledge
EcoCentrix: Indigenous Arts, Sustainable Acts International Exhibition of Indigenous Art and Performance Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, Southbank, London 25 October – 10 November 2013 Alive to the power of performance, contemporary... more
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      Performance StudiesIndigenous FilmPacific Islands artAboriginal Art
The celebrated Munich cabaret artist Karl Valentin first came to prominence with his performance of his sketch Das Aquarium in 1908. This was also the moment at which he first established a comedy based upon extreme logic, wordplay and... more
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
The aim of this paper is to investigate museum educators' articulations of their performance during guided tours. The paper investigates preparations for a guided tour, considerations related to doing guided tours and the events after the... more
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      Public ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesPerformance StudiesMuseum Education
Recipient of the Canadian Association for Theatre Research 2014 Ann Saddlemyer Book Award Honorable Mention "This book will be a valuable resource for scholars interested in the work of Grotowski, Polish theatre, women theatre... more
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      Performance StudiesJerzy GrotowskiPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Experimental Ethnography
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP URL' above for details on accessing... more
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      HistoryPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
sometimes-distant lands for a variety of reasons. Some move away from real or imagined threats to their very existence. Others seek a better quality of life. And some adventurous souls are inhabited by a restless wanderlust – a desire to... more
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      Performance StudiesAutoethnographyPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Critical Performance Autoethnography
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionRitual and Performance (Egyptology)Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Ancient Egyptian Literature
In Dancing Jewish, Rebecca Rossen engages with a wide-ranging history of Jews and Jewishness in American modern and postmodern dance between the 1930s and the early twenty-first century. She outlines the vital role Jewish choreographers... more
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      American StudiesLawJewish StudiesDance Studies
BUSH, Sophie (2017). Putting on the red boots: role-play as 'coping work' and 'creative work' in the theatrical representation of prostitution. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 1-16.
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
The authors have collaborated for a number of years on researching the cabaret career of Karl Valentin. Here they provide a brief summary of Valentin's active life as a preface to their translation of one of his last cabaret sketches.
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    • Performance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
This article explores a notion of the theatre that should make possible, in Antonin Artaud's words, a 'decisive transfusion of matter by mind'. I begin by contending that whilst Artaud refused to treat the body and the mind as separated... more
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      MathematicsAntonin ArtaudPerformancePerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
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      Cultural StudiesParticipatory Action ResearchPerformance StudiesPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesComputer Networks
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      ArtPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Performance Studies and Musical Theatre
Knowledge of the complexity of human communication comes from three main sources – (i) studies of the linguistics and neuropsychology of dysfunction after brain injury; (ii) studies of the development of social communication in infancy,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpeech perceptionPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Speech
This book chapter examines the potentially fertile relationships between Michael Chekhov’s practical work with the actor’s body and imagination and the Yinyang Wuxing cosmology which underpins the Chinese art of Qigong .
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      Theatre StudiesActingPerformance ethnography (Theatre Studies)Michael Chekhov
Performance ethnography is a critical research method that takes seriously the role of the body in doing qualitative research. The sensuous and performing body becomes a central tool in ethically encountering others, and can also function... more
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      Research MethodologyEthnographyPerformance StudiesQualitative methodology
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      Cultural StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyPsychogeographyCultural Landscapes