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Villalobos, Álvaro. "La problemática social y urbana en la obra de Rosemberg Sandoval: un ejercicio de conciencia y ética" Karpa 1.2 (2008): n. pag.
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      Performance ArtsArte Latinoamericano Contemporáneo
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      Performance ArtsTheory (Anthropological, Critical, Postcolonial, Feminist, Psychoanalytic, and Post structural), Arts and Crafts Movement Revival, U.S
Performanso meno laukas, kartu su vizualiųjų menų lauku, Lietuvoje patiria itin didelę atskirtį, nes yra subordinuotas tiek meno, tiek kitų laukų atţvilgiu. Neretai performanso menas, apskritai, nėra laikomas meninio diskurso dalimi.... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtPerformance ArtLive Art
Readers of literature, listeners of music, appreciators of visual art-indeed, all recipients or "audiences" in any form of the creative and performance arts-do sometimes connect with the artistic work on a deeply personal and subjective... more
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      Sigmund FreudArchetypesCatharsisCreative Arts Therapy
The outline of the development of Performance Art features happenings in New York and Vienna in the sixties as well as body art and performances with closed circuits in the seventies (among others). Action Art, Environmental Theater and... more
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      Performing ArtsPerformance StudiesPerformance ArtLive Art
________________________________________________________________________ Nossa revista chega ao número 8, consolidada como uma publicação de alto nível no panorama das artes cênicas do Brasil. São inúmeras e constantes as manifestações de... more
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      Theatre StudiesEmbodimentActionPerformance Arts
The mixed reality choreographic installation UKIYO, explored in this article, reflects an interest in scenographic practices that connect physical space to virtual worlds and explore how performers can move between material and immaterial... more
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      ArtMixed RealityVirtual EnvironmentPerformance Arts
Algunas impresiones sobre el trabajo conjunto de Emilio García Whebi y Gabo Ferro presentado el Centro Experimental de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Ciudad Autómona de Buenos Aires), en el marco de la "Bienal de Performance... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesContemporary ArtPerformance Art
What is Performance ( Body) Art and what's going on Turkey's performance art platforms
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      Performing ArtsPerformance StudiesContemporary ArtContemporary History
Lisans öğrenciliği yıllarımda yazdığım bu makaleyi; şu anda değerlendirdiğimde birçok hatalı bilgi ve görüşüm olduğunu görmekteyim. Makaleme ulaşan değerli öğrenci ve araştırmacıların da; bu görüşümü göz önünde bulundurarak kendisini bir... more
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      Dance StudiesDance NotationChoreographyCaucasus
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      Performance ArtCommunity-based art, performance and dialogueBody ArtSite-Specific Art and Performance
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      Dance StudiesChoreographyCaucasusTurkey
A review of MSA X Conference "Modernism and Global Media" (Vanderbilt University, November 13-16, 2008) متابعة لمؤتمر اتحاد الدراسات الحداثية العاشر بعنوان "الحداثة والميديا العالمية" (جامعة فاندربيلت، 13-16 نوفمبر،2008) . Published in... more
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      Media StudiesIntellectual PropertyModernism (Literature)Women's writing
Em dezembro de 2016, trinta e cinco artistas – que têm o corpo como centralidade das suas práticas artísticas – foram especuladas(os), através de uma mesma questão genérica composta por quatro perguntas, sobre os motes que circundam os... more
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      Performance StudiesQueer TheoryPerformance ArtBody Art
Narrating war in semi-documentary performances enables making sense of complicated and chaotic war development, but at its downside, power relations, stereotypes and mystification of survivors’ positions have been easily manipulated by... more
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      Aesthetics and PoliticsPerformance ArtsBalkan Wars
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEgyptology
Performances of 12 international artists that participated in a 9 days long intensive / full immersion workshop with Franko B in Magacin Macura, Stari Banovci, Servië.
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesPerformance ArtPerformance Art and Public Spaces
Belirli bir zaman ve belirli bir yerde, bir izleyici kitlesine sunulan gösteriler olarak tanımlanabilecek sahne sanatları, bu geniş tanım gereği, geleneksel eğlence biçimlerinden Batı etkisinde gelişen modern tiyatroya pek çok etkinliği... more
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      Modern Turkish LiteraturePerformance ArtsTraditional Ottoman-Turkish Drama (karagöz, Ortaoyunu)Circus
The mixed reality choreographic installation UKIYO, explored in this article, reflects an interest in scenographic practices that connect physical space to virtual worlds and explore how performers can move between material and immaterial... more
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      ArtMixed RealityVirtual EnvironmentPerformance Arts
"La bandera en los tiempos de la indignación" corresponde a dos performances realizados por la artista chilena Janet Toro en el transcurso del reciente estallido social en Chile. Ambos trabajos se inscribieron en el marco de la exposición... more
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      Performance StudiesPerformanceChileFeminismo
Performance Art
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      Performance ArtPerformance ArtsPerformance/live Art
Aboriginal performance art is the high-heeled, steel-toed moccasin of the telegraph; a series of mountain passes known for extreme weather and dangerous curves. Here, First Nations artists hybridize the telegraph, distilling the... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArt TheoryPerformance StudiesPerformance Art
В статье исследуются вопросы перспектив организационных изменений жилой среды. Исторические формы японского театра рассматриваются как модели этапов развития средообразования. Результаты статьи обосновывают концепцию органичной... more
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      Future StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesKabuki
Performance Art
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      Performing ArtsLive ArtBody ArtPerformance Arts
Performance Art
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      Performance ArtPerformance ArtsPerformance/live Art
Melbourne photographer, sculpture and installation artist Richard Giblett has a very consistent fascination with geometric forms and shapes and axonometric projection of structures since his art school years while he studied art in WA.... more
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      Creative WritingImprovisationVisual ArtsPerformance Arts
Products embody possibilities for performativity in everyday actions. These are eliminated in the design process to create usage scenarios. But users interpret product use in terms of performativity. Product use cases are discussed in... more
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      Industrial DesignPerformativityProduct DesignUser-Centered Design (UCD)
Performance Art
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      Performance ArtPerformance ArtsPerformance/live Art
The mixed reality choreographic installation UKIYO, explored in this article, reflects an interest in scenographic practices that connect physical space to virtual worlds and explore how performers can move between material and immaterial... more
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      ArtMixed RealityVirtual EnvironmentPerformance Arts
Sensual entry into the city, a tangle of streets is one of the achievements of situationists (Ivan Chtcheglow) for whom the city has become a total place of art, a field of experiment, exploration. Spontaneous drift of flâneur, creating... more
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      PerformanceAudiowalksPerformance ArtsSoundwalks
Raw, bold, provocative yet stylish, Bitch on Heat is a hypnotizing, seductive and intoxicating show that contrary to what the rather grotesque image on the sensationalist promotional poster suggests, is clever, witty, cerebral and... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGender EqualityFeminism
Performance Art
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      Performance ArtPerformance Art and Public SpacesPerformance ArtsPerformance/live Art
... Take one: The Ultimate Commodity As the content for our production, we chose Singaporean writer Gopal Baratham's short story 'The Ultimate Commodity ... project focuses on a small part of the larger story; on... more
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      Theatre StudiesAugmented RealityDramaTheatre