Recent papers in Perceptions
Participants' perspectives of a multi-component, group-based weight loss programme supplement for cardiac rehabilitation: A qualitative study Addressing overweight and obesity in people with cardiovascular risk factors is an important... more
Due to reforms in the education sector, school managers need to appreciate the new policies and laws that guide school management, namely Children's Act and Basic Education Act. Management of resources while ensuring accountability and... more
The enhanced accessibility, affordability and capability of the Internet has created enormous possibilities in terms of designing, developing and implementing innovative teaching methods in the classroom. As existing pedagogies are... more
Background: Medical television programs offer students fictional representations of their chosen career. This study aimed to discover undergraduate medical students' viewing of medical television programs and students' perceptions of... more
Muy pocas personas saben que en algún lugar de Asia Central, en la Republica Kazajstan en la región de Karaganda viven unos cuantos millones de personas con orígenes muy diversos y tiene raíces en mas de 130 nacionalidades.
Background: Immunisation is a cost effective public health intervention in reducing morbidity and mortality from vaccine preventable diseases worldwide. In Nigeria, childhood immunisation against poliomyelitis is still bedeviled by... more
Gas flaring is the burning of crude oil's associated gas. In Nigeria's Niger Delta, the flaring process is usually very close to communities and their farmlands and has been implicated in serious environmental degradation of the region.... more
In exploring the quality of schools' social system, this study provides insight into in which types of schools students may encounter barriers in developing supportive teacher-student relationships because of teachers exposing low levels... more
Objectives: To study if Asian ethnic groups in Hawaii today maintain folk-based beliefs about dementia, have inadequate biomedical understanding of dementia, and differ among each other regarding perceptions of dementia. Design: The study... more
Information technology (IT) has become ubiquitous over the last three decades, underpinning every aspect of daily activity. In parallel, the provision of information technology has become increasingly more service-oriented, necessitating... more
Purpose: We seek to address a research gap by exploring individual (managers and employees) perceptions of a variety of issues surrounding diversity, in the Indian context. We focus specifically on how people perceive diversity and its... more
Relations qualitatives entre conditions environnementales, morphologie et organisation dans la production d'ambiances sonores par Edith Normandeau Faculté de l'aménagement Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de... more
Public participation is a key ingredient of good governance and there are many advantages of involving stakeholders in the decision-making process. The European Commission identified the lack of stakeholder involvement as one of the major... more
Through a qualitative research approach, the present paper aims to explore the range and type of ‘values’ and ‘costs’ in formulating overall Consumer Value (CV) perceptions, in association with two emerging processing technologies that at... more
In the past several years, a number of scales have been developed that elicit a patient's self-assessment of the severity of his or her voice problem. The Voice Related Quality of Life Measure (V-RQOL) assesses a patient's perception of... more
The traditional energy supply is receiving a great pressure in the post-soviet due to the increasing demand and diminishing resources. The role of renewable energy sources is crucial for meeting the future energy demand, especially in the... more
Graduated or Continued (Completion I, %) Graduated, Continued, or Received GED (a) (Completion II, %) At-Risk Note. Students may be counted in more than one category. Student characteristics and program participation were assigned based... more
This study examined faculty members' perceptions of blended teaching from several perspectives. A total of 73 faculty members in Turkish Higher Education context participated in the study by completing an online survey that combined... more
The purpose of this study was to explore the women’s perceptions towards branded clothing in Pakistan. Survey methodology was used to collect the data and a total of 200 women from posh localities were interviewed for their perceptions... more
Integration has become both a key policy objective related to the resettlement of refugees and other migrants, and a matter of significant public discussion. Coherent policy development and productive public debate are, however, both... more
Objective. Eliminating health disparities, including those that are a result of socioeconomic status (SES), is one of the overarching goals of Healthy People 2010. This article reports on the development of a new, adolescent-specific... more
Findings in recent studies indicate that, contrary to popular fashion advice, horizontal lines do not give the impression of larger body size . However, in these studies stimuli were presented concurrently with vertical and horizontal... more
Background: Because community pharmacists are encouraged to provide clinical services, there is a need to determine the role perceptions of both community pharmacists and general practitioners (primary care physicians). Differing role... more
... They cannot be bargained or traded as can capital, votes, or official positions. ... But in practice such notions are often placed in their social contexts ... preeminent in a range of 'rights' movements in the twentieth... more
This study examines violence against women in Ghana and how it affects and is perceived by them. It looks at violence as experienced by Ghanaian women of varying ages, socioeconomic status and professional standing. It defines domestic... more
The evaluation of Game User Experience is an emergent and important field in game and HCI research due to its direct impact on the multi-billion dollar interactive entertainment industry. Special attention has been given to the shooter... more
Human security conceptions, service quality theory, critical social theory, and humanistic and social reconstructionist conceptualization of the curriculum have been used in this study to diagnose the quality of higher education (HE) in... more
A social rules perspective was employed to identify the elements of socially appropriate responses to unfair criticism in the workplace. Women generally endorsed for themselves response strategies based on stronger obligation and softer... more
The authors measured perceptions of safety climate, motivation, and behavior at 2 time points and linked them to prior and subsequent levels of accidents over a 5-year period. A series of analyses examined the effects of top-down and... more
Background: The risk of falls is a major cause of disability in older adults. A single fall, for the elderly, increases the risk of frequent falls and often causes an increased fear of falling again, which can become debilitating.... more
The gap between actual crime trends and public perceptions has cast a shadow over criminal policy since it became apparent -with the downturn in crime -in the mid-1990s. Neither the fall in crime nor the fact that this has gone unnoticed... more
This article examines whether the emotions of frustration and optimism mediate, fully or partially, the relationship between leadership style and subordinate performance in the context of structural equation modeling. The findings show... more
In the last few years, interest in improving the teaching of translation increased immensely. Proposals of introducing many methods to raise students' involvement and centeredness in the process evolved and many concepts from other... more
This article describes caregivers’ perceptions of communication strategies that are useful in their care practice when assisting individuals with moderate and severe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) during the completion of activities of daily... more
Although balancing work and family commitments is a significant source of strain for working parents, working mothers in traditionally male positions face additional anxiety due to unfounded assumptions about their competence as... more
Human security conceptions, service quality theory, critical social theory, and humanistic and social reconstructionist conceptualization of the curriculum have been used in this study to diagnose the quality of higher education (HE) in... more
This paper explores the resurgence of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape of New Jersey in the latter half of the 20th century. This thesis argues that the American Indian Movement, with its strong advocation for Native existence and pride, along... more
Previous studies have reported mixed findings on the associations between neighbourhood greenness and physical activity. This may be because different methods employed in these studies to measure greenness capture different aspects of... more
Although the flipped classroom has attracted much attention, the flipped classroom research in the English teaching context has not been widely explored. This research is intended (1) to explore the general responses of English teachers... more
In the recent years, the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) has been rolled out as an innovative scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), to impart skills required by the industry training to empower... more
This study explored undergraduate tourism and hospitality student's views of the industry as a career choice. Three hundred and seventy-nine tourism and hospitality students, from eight Australian institutions, completed a questionnaire... more
Purpose: This paper explored relational repair strategies of YouTube influencers and their viewers. Based on a co-constructed perspective, both apologies and viewer reactions were analyzed. Methodology: The paper was organized into... more
Cooperative learning (CL) is a well documented pedagogical practice that promotes academic achievement and socialization, yet many teachers struggle with implementing it in their classes. This study reports on the perceptions of 10,... more
It is estimated that 23% of the girls in secondary schools in Kenya drop out of school each year as a result of teenage pregnancy. Findings of the Kenya Aids Indicator Survey of 2007 indicate that the HIV and STI prevalence rate is 7 for... more
The study investigated the effects of cooperative learning on junior high school students who worked in structured or unstructured cooperative groups. Two hundred and twenty-three junior high school students participated in the study and... more