Pentecostal/charismatic Christianity
Recent papers in Pentecostal/charismatic Christianity
this paper help full for the area for research in pentecostal and justice , today's christian perspective for justice
Die Studie untersucht das Verhältnis von Pentekostalismus und Politik in den Philippinen. Dafür werden zuerst Diskurse und Figuren mit nationaler Ausstrahlung beschrieben – erstmalig auch solche, die von der Forschung bislang ignoriert... more
This essay is about a group of neo-Pentecostal evangelists who decided to represent their church in the New York Dance Parade, which they regarded as an opportunity to promote worship as the true purpose of art and engage in spiritual... more
The questions asked in this chapter are: how is “responsibility” imagined within the Pentecostal world? How does this relate to notions of personhood and sociality? As such, my chapter contributes to the questions asked in the... more
The official origins of the Catholic Charismatic renewal can be traced to Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA), in 1967, when a group of Catholics was baptized in the Holy Spirit. The movement soon spread to theUniversity of Notre Dame... more
This chapter summarizes the core ideas found in our book "New Religions as Global Cultures," in which we explore the complex relationship between global cultures and new religions--specifically how new religions selectively combine... more
À Kinshasa, les films provenant du Nigéria constituent un genre très populaire. L’auteure montre que le triangle entre migration, religion et libéralisation des médias est relié dialectiquement au surgissement d’un nouvel imaginaire... more