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Physical and virtual learning spaces in higher education: concepts for the modern learning environment / Mike Keppell, Kay Souter, and Matthew Riddle, editors.
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      Learning commonsPeer Assisted LearningParticipatory Learning
The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program of the University of Missouri-Kansas City addresses attrition by providing academic support in courses that are high risk for students. The program contains a number of innovative features, for... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year Experience
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a student academic assistance program that increases academic performance and retention through its use of collaborative learning strategies. The SI program targets traditionally difficulty academic... more
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      EducationPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)First Year ExperienceDevelopmental Education
The EOA Best Practices Clearinghouse identifies, validates, and disseminates practical activities and approaches to improve the success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically underrepresented in education.... more
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      Educational TechnologySuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year ExperienceSocial Justice
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      Teaching Turkish As A Foreign LanguagePeer and Group learningTeaching Heritage LanguagesPeer Assisted Learning
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
This is the training manual used with the student paraprofessionals at the University of Minnesota to prepare them for their role with the campus Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Group program. Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) was developed at... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Student EngagementTraining
The EOA National Best Practice Center identifies, validates, and disseminates practical activities and approaches to improve the success of students who are low-income, first-generation, and historically underrepresented in education.... more
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      Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutStudent EngagementPeer Assisted LearningStudent Achievement
(Purpose) The purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income,... more
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      Program EvaluationStudent Achievement MotivationStudent Motivation And EngagementFirst Year Experience
The Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program at the University of Minnesota is a primary academic support program for historically difficult, introductory college courses that serve as gatekeepers to academic degree programs. Based upon... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Student Motivation And EngagementFirst Year ExperienceCollege student development
This 2019 annotated bibliography reviews seven postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that have been implemented nationally and internationally to increase student achievement. An extensive literature search was conducted of... more
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      Program EvaluationEducational ResearchPedagogyCollege student development
This examination of the University of Minnesota Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program identified five themes of choices made by student leaders during and in preparation for study group review sessions: (a) redefined facilitator role... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Educational ResearchDevelopmental EducationPeer and Group learning
This chapter focuses upon a subset of the broader educational practice of peer collaborative learning, specifically postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that embed study strategy practice within their activities. These... more
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      Higher EducationDevelopmental EducationCollaborative LearningPeer Assisted Learning
This qualitative study focused on observed and perceived changes in academic and personal attitudes and behaviors by student participants in the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program at the University of Minnesota (UMN). The PAL model... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)First Year ExperienceDevelopmental EducationCollege student development
(Purpose) The purpose of this glossary was to identify and describe education practices that improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income, first-generation, and... more
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      SemanticsStudent Achievement MotivationSocial JusticePedagogy
(Purpose) The purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income,... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutSocial JusticePedagogy
Postsecondary peer cooperative learning activities often share common goals of increasing student learning and persistence towards graduation. These approaches range from simple activities created independently by individual classroom... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Educational ResearchDevelopmental EducationCollege student development
(Purpose) This 2018 annotated bibliography reviews seven postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that have been implemented nationally to increase student achievement. (Methodology) An extensive literature search was conducted of... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)BibliographyEducational ResearchFirst Year Experience
This research investigated variables that may influence effectiveness of the Supplemental Instruction (SI) learning assistance and enrichment program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and other U.S. postsecondary institutions. The... more
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      Developmental EducationEducational TheoryPeer Assisted LearningStudent Achievement
This annotated bibliography does not attempt to be inclusive of this broad field of literature concerning peer collaborative learning. Instead, it is focused intentionally on a subset of the educational practice that shares a common focus... more
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      Self and IdentityEducational TechnologyLearning and TeachingStudent Motivation And Engagement
This article discusses a research-based reading intervention called peer-assisted learning strategies in reading (PALS) and includes practical suggestions for educators concerned with literacy as a tool to reposition and empower students... more
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      DiversityRace and EthnicityInclusive EducationPeer Assisted Learning
This study investigated online mentoring as a method of supporting inexperienced, geographically-dispersed Supplemental Instruction Leaders (SILs). Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic support program that employs successful... more
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationMentoringPeer learning
Peer assessment is increasingly being used as a pedagogical tool in classrooms. Participating in peer assessment may enhance student learning in both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects. In this study, we focused on noncognitive aspects... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Peer and Group learningPeer Assisted LearningSocial-Emotional Learning
Günümüzde, değişim kaçınılmaz bir gerçek, öğrenme tarzındaki çeşitlilik de aynı şekilde. Bu kitapta, Doug Thomas ve John Seely Brown değişimin gücünü, birbiriyle ilişkili kavramlar olan ilham almayı, bireysel öğrenmeyi ve yeni ortaya... more
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      Creative WritingProgramming LanguagesHuman Computer InteractionTeaching and Learning
Postsecondary institutions throughout the nation=s history have provided developmental education and learning assistance programs to meet the academic standards expected of admitted college students. This history of developmental... more
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      HistoryPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Developmental EducationPeer and Group learning
At the University of Minnesota during fall 2006, I created a college--credit course to help study group leaders apply educational theories during their group sessions. This course was required of al new group leaders beginning during fall... more
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      TrainingDevelopmental EducationPeer and Group learningPeer Assisted Learning
This paper provides a basic overview of Supplemental Instruction and a new application of it named Video-Based Supplemental Instruction. In order to retain the at-risk student population, we have developed an information delivery system... more
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      Developmental EducationPeer and Group learningPeer Assisted LearningStudent Achievement
In the last two decades, teachers, researchers and educational authorities express their concern for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students’ poor writing performance and failure in formal tests (Lee, 2009; Meletiadou, 2013; Pavlou... more
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      Peer AssessmentStudent MotivationPeer Assisted LearningESL/EFL Writing
As an attempt to shed more light on the effectiveness of alternative assessment in second language (L2) learning, this study sought to evaluate the effect of self-assessment and peer-assessment on writing performance of Iranian English as... more
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      Creative WritingDiscourse AnalysisTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
This updated 2020 annotated bibliography reviews seven postsecondary peer cooperative learning programs that have been implemented nationally and internationally to increase student achievement. A number of the publications report how... more
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      Program EvaluationStudent Achievement MotivationSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year Experience
This research investigated variables that may influence effectiveness of the Supplemental Instruction learning assistance and enrichment program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and other U.S. postsecondary institutions. Study... more
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      HistoryPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)TrainingDevelopmental Education
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      Online LearningPeer Assisted Learning
The study examined the views of lecturers and Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Tutors on students’ use of smartphones for learning at a rural university in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The research adopted a quantitative... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyHigher EducationMobile Technology
This research investigated variables that may influence effectiveness of the Supplemental Instruction (SI) learning assistance and enrichment program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and other U.S. postsecondary institutions. The... more
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      HistoryPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Higher EducationTraining
Peer collaborative learning has been historically embedded into education. As both pedagogy and learning strategy, it has been adopted and adapted for a wide range of academic content areas at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary... more
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      Developmental EducationPeer Assisted LearningStudent AchievementStudent retention and persistence rates
The Supplemental Instruction (SI) model of student academic assistance helps students in historically difficult classes master content while they develop and integrate learning and study strategies. Goals of SI include: (1) improve... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Developmental EducationEducational TheoryPeer and Group learning
In 1972, the TRIO program leaders at the University of Minnesota (UMN) developed the Integrated Learning (IL) course to meet academic and cultural transition needs of their Upward Bound (UB) secondary school students. These courses were... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year Experience
Peer tutoring or peer assisted learning is an effective instructional strategy that involves active and interactive participative learning process resulting in a deeper understanding of concepts for both 'Tutors' and 'Tutees'. The aim of... more
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      Learner AutonomyAt-Risk YouthPeer Assisted LearningAcademic support
This topical annotated bibliography is drawn from a larger database of peer assisted learning (PAL) programs available at Major national and international models in the bibliography of nearly... more
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      Program EvaluationEducational TechnologyHigher EducationBibliography
Peer-assisted learning (PAL) promotes improved skills across a variety of disciplines, and may enhance students’ understanding of conceptually difficult ideas. The effect of group size in promoting learning of such concepts, either in... more
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      Threshold conceptsEvolutionBiology EducationPeer Assisted Learning
Peer collaborative learning has been popular in education for decades. As both a pedagogy and learning strategy, it has been frequently adopted and adapted for a wide range of academic content areas throughout education at the elementary,... more
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)Developmental EducationPeer Assisted LearningCooperative Learning
PA is rooted in some of the most popular theories which describe and explain how learning and, in particular, L2/FL language learning can be effectively combined with assessment (Peng & Jui-Ching Fion, 2009; Topping, 1998). There are six... more
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      Peer AssessmentPsycholinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsPeer-to-Peer
The first year of college has always presented challenges to both students and institutions. For students, it is one of life's most critical transitions. In fact, the most critical period for first-time students is during the initial... more
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      First Year ExperienceDevelopmental EducationPeer Assisted LearningCollege Students
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      Peer Assisted LearningSupplemental InstructionPeer Tutoring, Supplemental InstructionEducational Research and Evaluation
Hill, J., Thomas, G., Diaz, A. & Simm, D. (2016) Journal of Geography in Higher Education. This paper uses case studies and secondary literature to critically examine how learning spaces inhabited by geographers might be used productively... more
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      Social MediaLearning SpacesPeer Assisted LearningFieldwork
Having its pedagogical roots in Supplemental Instruction and grounded in theories of social constructivism, Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) is based on a model developed at the University of Missouri in 1973. It supports student learning by... more
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      Peer and Group learningPeer Assisted Learning
This paper describes a collaborative action research study in which peer assisted learning was deployed simultaneously across a range of disciplines in two institutes of technology in Ireland.The aim of the research was to determine if... more
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      Action ResearchFocus GroupsPolitical ScienceFirst Year Experience
In early May 2020, invitations to complete a brief survey on postsecondary peer assisted learning (PAL) programs and their operation online in response to Covid-19 were posted to several national and international email listservs.... more
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      Program EvaluationEducational TechnologyHigher EducationLearning and Teaching
CoderDojo is a movement of free computer coding clubs which began in Cork and is now a worldwide phenomenon. Examining what CoderDojo is and how it works in a public library setting, as well as the extant literature, this article gives... more
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      Programming LanguagesPublic LibrariesPeer and Group learningPeer Assisted Learning
Developmental educators have a historic opportunity to reinvent themselves as resources for the entire campus -students and faculty alike -in partnering with the new enriched learning environment. The learning process must be expanded... more
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      PsychologyPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Successful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutDevelopmental Education