Recent papers in Pedophilia
Introduction. Antiandrogen therapy has been used for 30 years to treat paraphilic patients and sexual offenders. Yet the therapeutic success of antiandrogens is uncertain. Furthermore, there is still a lack of comprehensive knowledge... more
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a science policy concept that gained traction from 2000 onwards in the EU and US, in which alignment on purposes and values between different stakeholders is a key aspect. This thought... more
Previous research has found that pedophilic men referred for clinical assessment of their sexual behavior are more likely to report that they suffered head injuries before their 13th birthday than are nonpedophilic men referred for the... more
Research with the public suggests that knowledge about sexual offenders, especially child sexual offenders, is limited and often inaccurate. In general, the public tends to believe that adults who commit sex crimes against children are... more
There is much concern about the likelihood that online sexual offenders (particularly online child pornography offenders) have either committed or will commit offline sexual offenses involving contact with a victim. This study addresses... more
Since the 1970s the prevalence of child sexual assault has become increasingly recognised as a widespread form of social harm. Alongside this, the category of the paedophile has gained a new salience. One consequence of these two... more
Previous research has found that pedophilic men referred for clinical assessment of their sexual behavior are more likely to report that they suffered head injuries before their 13th birthday than are nonpedophilic men referred for the... more
data derived from various sources over a follow-up period of I-l 1 yr, provided the basis for appraising the effectiveness of a comprehensive cognitive-behavioral treatment program for familial and nonfamilial child molesters. Unofficial... more
Pedophilia is characterized by sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Despite the extensive literature documenting the pervasive and pernicious effects of childhood sexual abuse, there is surprisingly little psychiatric literature on... more
The purpose of the present study was to explore the extent to which men and women in the general population report sexual interest in children and to examine distinct developmental experiences associated with self-reported sexual... more
Pedophilia is characterized by sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Despite the extensive literature documenting the pervasive and pernicious effects of childhood sexual abuse, there is surprisingly little psychiatric literature on... more
Evidence has started to accumulate that relates pedophilia to a history of being a victim of sexual abuse as well as to comorbidity with organic vulnerabilities. During a naturalistic study regarding treatment of pedophilia, the authors... more
This study examines how stigmatization affects the identity and self-perception of non-offending persons with a sexual interest in children. To examine this, it analyzes a qualitative survey with non-offending persons with a sexual... more
The modern hysteria over child sex abuse is odd in that although feminists played a major role in raising awareness of sex crimes in the 1970s, there is clearly an anti-feminist element in the mass hysteria that terrorizes little girls... more
Possession of child pornography is a felony crime in the United States. The incidence of child pornography offenses has increased as a result of the availability, affordability, and anonymity provided by the Internet. Several types of... more
In this article, we present a new analysis of what is involved when individuals undergo significant public humiliation. We describe the structure of humiliation-that is, the factors that, taken collectively, render certain life events and... more
The present investigation sought to identify which brain regions distinguish pedophilic from nonpedophilic men, using unbiased, automated analyses of the whole brain. T1-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRIs) were acquired from men who... more
I n the late 1800s to the early 1900s, pedophilia was considered a sexual perversion for weak minded people. With its official addition to the DSMII (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- II) in 1952, pedophilia began to... more
This paper is about theory and therapy of pedophilia and provides a case illustration.
Jednym z najbardziej charakterystycznych wytworów kultury japońskiej są mangi (rodzaj komiksu). W mangach bohaterowie są przedstawieni przeważnie w charakterystyczny sposób podkreślający cechy charakteru danej osoby lub też stereotypowe... more
Lo scopo principale di questo articolo è quello di analizzare le cause e le conseguenze del fenomeno degli abusi sessuali sui bambini nella Chiesa cattolica d’Irlanda, e mostrare la necessità, sia dell’aiuto alle vittime che il bisogno... more
Der Beitrag untersucht den sexualwissenschaftlichen Diskurs um Pädophilie zwischen 1960 und 1995 beispielhaft anhand der Schriftenreihe „Beiträge zur Sexualforschung“ sowie der Fachzeitschriften „Sexualmedizin“ und „Journal of Sex... more
Parafilie obejmują podniecenie seksualne w przypadku wystąpienia określonych obiektów lub sytuacji, które nie są przedmiotem normatywnej stymulacji seksualnej. Zaliczyć do nich można pedofilię, ekshibicjonizm, czy też fetyszyzm. Z... more
This work focuses on the topic of pedophilia by reconstructing with a critical review all the main etiological theories proposed in the literature, focusing in particular on the clinical, psychological and neurobiological elements, to... more
In the present research, we addressed the question of whether people harbor punitive attitudes against individuals sexually interested in children even if no sexual offense is mentioned and whether this effect is amplified by the clinical... more
Did you know that 44-year-old Frank Sinatra had an affair with 14-year-old Tuesday Weld? And that Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was 14? The Allure of Nymphets chronicles famous and infamous age-discrepant relationships from... more
In aktuellen Forschungen zur Pädophiliebewegung stößt man immer wieder auf die Indianerkommune Nürnberg. Diese vermeintliche Kinderkommune fiel vor allem durch massive Störungen auf: Sie sprengte Veranstaltungen der Schwulenbewegung und... more
Aus den Katalogen sexueller Abweichung des 19. Jahrhunderts hat bis heute ein »letzter Perverser« überlebt und diskursiv enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen: die Figur des Pädophilen. Katrin M. Kämpf folgt den Spuren der speziellen deutschen... more
exploitation is a growing concern. Larger populations and poor economic conditions create opportunity to exploit people in sex industries, while international travel provides consistent demand and a sense of anonymity to the practices.... more
This article renders the results of research that investigated personality disorders in a sample of paraphilic and nonparaphilic child molesters. The sample contained 36 paraphilic child molesters and a matched comparison group of 34... more
Various subtypes of Pure O OCD, often little known, are discussed at length in this paper.
This paper explores Anne Rice's first published vampire novel "Interview with the Vampire" and explains how she uses homosexuality, pedophilia, and incest between her vampire characters. With her unique style of writing Rice cleverly... more
From MARY to LOLITA to THE ORIGINAL OF LAURA, this book mines Nabokov's oeuvre for example of nymphets, nympholepts, and nympholepsy.
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Pedophilia is bad. But how bad is it? And in what ways, and for what reasons, is it bad? This is a thorny issue, and sadly, one seldom discussed by ethicists. I argue in this article that pedophilia is bad only because, and only to the... more
This research document reviews the ways in which the internet is being used in relation to child sex exploitation specifically Sexting and Grooming. It will evaluate what measures are in place protecting children and what could be done to... more
An exploration for the political, literary, social and familial themes in 'The God of Small Things' by Arundhati Roy
Prophet Mohammad was not a Pedophile. He was Pedosexual! Following is an excerpt from the book in progress ‘The Accidental Prophet’. It is a neoteric reflection of the life of Mohammad, the prophet of Islam. It features a close... more