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It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
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      ReligionSociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
Bilateral obstructive nephrolithiasis is a rare cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in early childhood. As soon as the identification of AKI secondary to ureteral stone is made, it will necessitate an emergency treatment. Patients: We... more
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      Acute kidney injuryPediatric UrologyDiureticsInfant
The primary non-refluxing megaureter (MGU) is one of the common causes of hydronephrosis in children. The aim of this study was to introduce ultrasonography (US) prior to and after 3-hour free bladder drainage as a simple method to... more
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      AdolescentPediatric UrologyProspective studiesChild
Objective: To analyze the spectrum of testicular tumors in children in an unselected population-based series, as well as the results of testis-preserving surgery. Patients and methods: Our hospital database was analyzed for operations for... more
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      BrazilAdolescentPediatric UrologyChild
Male circumcision, is practised for religious, social, cultural and medical reasons, it is one of the oldest and most common surgical procedure performed globally. It is estimated that one-third of males worldwide are circumcised, 2/3rd... more
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      Male CircumcisionPediatric UrologyComplicationsPediatrics and Child Health
Objective: To develop a simple, objective and reproducible quantitative measurement to assess success of posterior urethral valve ablation. Method: In 30 patients with posterior urethral valves the diagnosis was confirmed by voiding... more
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      Pediatric UrologyProspective studiesChildInfant
Circumcision remains as one of the most controversial topics in current medical practice. The most important argument against circumcision is the permanent change of anatomy, histology and function of the penis, with potential... more
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      Plastic SurgeryPediatric UrologyPediatrics and Child Health
Objective: To evaluate outcomes of desmopressin treatment in monosymptomatic enuresis (ME) and nonmonosymptomatic enuresis (NME). Materials and methods: PubMed was searched for all studies investigating enuresis, up to July 2009, in which... more
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      Pediatric UrologyEnuresisRecurrenceCombination drug therapy
A stark contrast exists between the physiologic importance of the umbilicus during development and after birth. During development, the umbilical cord functions as a channel allowing blood flow between the placenta and fetus, it also... more
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      PediatricsSurgeryPlastic SurgeryPediatric nursing
Radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluations of the urinary bladder architecture following autologous composite colo-peritoneal pedicle graft, as alternative tissue for urinary bladder reconstruction, in the surgical repair of... more
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      RadiologyPediatric UrologyDogsUltrasonography
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction with concomitant ureterovesical junction obstruction is a rare condition whose treatment remains challenging [1e3]. Renal ultrasonography and diuretic renogram are universally utilized to assess a... more
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      Pediatric UrologyUltrasonographyInfantUrinary Bladder
Objective: We report additional technical modifications and extended application of proximal TIP hypospadias repair in consecutive patients operated by a single surgeon. Materials: During a 39-month period, 36 patients underwent primary... more
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      StentsHypospadiasPediatric UrologyChild
We sought to quantify early deaths following neonatal circumcision (same hospital admission) and to identify factors associated with such mortality. We performed a retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent circumcision while... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedical SociologyClinical PsychologyHealth Psychology
This book provides all pediatric surgery trainees and other professionals involved in the care of childhood surgical disease a hands-on guide to the management of typical common clinical pathologies, as well all possible rare anomalies... more
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      Children and FamiliesPediatric UrologyCircumcissionPrepuce
Objective: This study addresses mothers' experiences with potty training in a Vietnamese population. Subjects and methods: Forty-seven mothers were interviewed and followed from the time that their children were newborns until they were... more
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      CommunicationVietnamPediatric UrologyChild Psychology
In 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a policy statement and technical report stating that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks. In response, a group of mostly European doctors suggested... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociologyCultural Studies
Whatever this part of the body will be kept and cared, or it will be removed and discard, we have to confess that the prepuce is exquisitely designed, highly vascularised and innervated with a complex of specialised erogenous structures... more
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      PediatricsUrologyPediatric nursingPediatric Urology
The evaluation and management of fetuses/children with antenatal hydronephrosis (ANH) poses a significant dilemma for the practitioner. Which patients require evaluation, intervention or observation? Though the literature is quite... more
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      UrologyPediatric UrologyPregnancyKidney
Background: Penile length-for-age nomograms in prepubertal boys may aid in early recognition of endocrine and genetic disorders associated with abnormal phallic size. There are scarce data on the penile length measurements in children... more
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Introduction: Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) is one of the leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Oxidative stress is considered as one of the aetiological factor in PIH. The present study was done to study the... more
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      BiochemistryPhysiologyHuman PhysiologyPhysiotherapy
According to Brian Morris (2013), “Science supports infant circumcision” and “so should skeptics.” It would be more accurate to say that ‘Brian Morris supports infant circumcision,’ and that skeptics can think for themselves. In this... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAmerican History
Objective: Urinary tract (UT) dilation is sonographically identified in 1e2% of fetuses and reflects a spectrum of possible uropathies. There is significant variability in the clinical management of individuals with prenatal UT dilation... more
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      Pediatric UrologyPregnancyConsensusNewborn Infant
Neuromuscular dysfunction of the bladder (NMDB) – multifaceted dis-ease whose main manifestations is a violation of accumulation and/or evacuation bladder function requires careful diagnosis and long-term comprehensive treat-ment, which... more
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      PediatricsPediatric UrologyNeurogenic bladder
Hypospadias is a relatively common genital condition in which the urethral opening forms on the underside of the penis, as opposed to at the tip of the glans. Patients with hypospadias are typically referred for surgery during infancy or... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPathologySociology
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    • Pediatric Urology
• Excellent guide to rare congenital genitourinary anomalies • Offers simplicity on a complex subject • Includes numerous informative illustrations • Will serve as an excellent reference Patients with rare diseases, affecting less than 1... more
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      Pediatric UrologyPediatrics and Child HealthGenitourinary Anomalies
Four members of the Dawoodi Bohra sect of Islam living in Detroit, Michigan have recently been indicted on charges of female genital mutilation (FGM). This is the first time the US government has prosecuted an “FGM” case since a federal... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistorySociology
Penile circumcision is often claimed to be simpler, safer, and more cost-effective when performed in the neonatal period as opposed to later in life, with a greater benefit-to-risk ratio. In the first part of this paper, we critically... more
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Purpose: To evaluate the result of Y-V preputioplasty and to compare this with an earlier technique of prepuce-sparing phimosis treatment. Materials and methods: A total of 65 boys were treated surgically for phimosis without removing the... more
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      SurgeryPediatric UrologySurgical Treatment
In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionClinical Psychology
Aim: To compare urethral and skin complications between consecutive patients undergoing distal TIP (tubularized incised plate) hypospadias repair with prepucioplasty versus circumcision. Methods: Prospective case-cohort study comparing... more
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      Male CircumcisionAdolescentHypospadiasPediatric Urology
Introduction: It has been suggested that penile length is negatively correlated to the degree of hypospadias; however, there are no studies in the literature actually comparing penile length in normal patients and patients with... more
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      HypospadiasPediatric UrologyInfantPediatric
A recent study (Bossio, Pukall, & Steele, 2016) reported that neonatal circumcision is not associated with changes in adult penile sensitivity, leading to viral coverage in both traditional and online media. In this commentary the author... more
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      Medical SciencesUrologyGender and SexualityPediatric Urology
Objective: To determine the number of days taken by the Plastibell to fall off after circumcision and the Plastibell impaction rate in various age groups. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of male babies who underwent... more
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      Male CircumcisionAdolescentPediatric UrologyProspective studies
Summary. In patients with miyelodysplazia urination disorders are 95–98%. Found that 62% of patients with miyelodysplazia discoordination detrusor contraction and sphincter (sphincter-detruzo dyssynerhia) and are likely to use adequate... more
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      Pediatric UrologyPediatric Surgery
2.8 for a non-bell-shaped uroflow. The loglinear model was unable to construct a predictive model for the parameters registered.
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      Pediatric UrologyPediatricLower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Abstract Purpose: There are no reports of systematically-measured penile dimensions in boys with varying extents of hypospadias. To determine reference values, we prospectively measured maximum glans width in patients undergoing distal... more
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      Male CircumcisionHypospadiasPediatric UrologyInfant
Objective: To present an overview of the clinical presentation and pathological anatomy, and the results of surgical correction of 7 cases of epispadias with intact prepuce; a rare condition that has only occasionally been reported in... more
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      Pediatric UrologyRetrospective StudiesPrognosisEpispadias
Introduction The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of managing leech infestation in lower urinary tract from a tropical country.
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      UrologyPediatric UrologyPediatric SurgeryPediatric minimal access surgery
INTRODUCTION: Postnatal management of prenatally detected hydronephrosis remains controversial. It has been suggested that cortical transit time (CTT) could successfully predict deterioration in children with pelvi-ureteric junction (PUJ)... more
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      AdolescentPediatric UrologyChildInfant
Objective: To report our experience in the management of adult classic bladder exstrophy. Patients and methods: During 1977-2006 we treated five adult males presenting with classic exstrophyeepispadias complex. Patient age at presentation... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentPediatric UrologyYoung Adult
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentPediatric UrologyChild
Purpose To describe a modification in Mathieu (perimeatal-based flap urethroplasty) technique that incorporates glans augmentation into the procedure and is applicable for hypospadias patients with small glans and shallow urethral... more
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      Pediatric UrologyPediatric SurgeryPediatric
and sharing with colleagues.
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      Treatment OutcomePediatric UrologyPatient Care TeamAndrogen Insensitivity Syndrome
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      UrologyGenitourinary PathologyPediatric UrologyPediatric Surgery
Objective: Criteria for success following endoscopic vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) surgery vary greatly. We sought to define outcomes based on radiographic and long-term clinical follow up. Methods: We reviewed the charts and interviewed... more
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      Treatment OutcomePediatric UrologyUrodynamicsFollow-up studies
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      InfertilityComorbidityPediatric UrologyTIME
Testicular tumors are rare in children. In addition, prepubertal testicular tumors (PTT) are fundamentally different from their postpubertal counterparts. We reviewed our 20-year experience with 40 cases to suggest an algorithm for the... more
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    • Pediatric Urology
Objective: To report the presentation and treatment outcomes on a series of 12 paediatric bulbar or posterior urethral strictures that were possibly congenital in origin, identified in a 9-year period. Methods: A retrospective case-note... more
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      TreatmentTreatment OutcomeAdolescentPediatric Urology
HPV infection is the main risk factor for cervical carcinoma in 70 out of 100 cases. The aim of our prospective study was to investigate the epidemiology of human papilloma virus (HPV) and its colonization of the male genital tract in... more
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    • Pediatric Urology