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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyDidactics
The “Celto-Germanic” tradition should be added to the discussion of “Western Culture,” which is often presented as being simply the union of the Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman cultural traditions. Using only two neither adequately... more
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      Art HistoryHistoriographyArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Celtic
In this writing, I conceptualize the curricular explorations, experiments, and improvisations in a collaborative high school art and architecture history course as a curatorial riffing that activated a curricular architecture from which... more
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      Museum EducationArts Education and PedagogyPedagogy of Art History
Art history offers a unique opportunity for students to encounter real, historical examples of the creative process in action. By showing examples of the complex process through which artwork is created, art history classes can provide... more
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      Arts and CreativityPedagogy of Art HistoryArt History Pedagogy
Download here: This article describes an approach to teaching ancient Roman art using historical empathy and current world events to foster students’ engagement with, and learning about, both... more
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      Social JusticeAncient Greek and Roman ArtRoman ArtPedagogy of Art History
How do we make Art History more accessible? How do we widen participation in a discipline that is often seen as elitist and Eurocentric? These were some of the problems I was grappling with when I decided to found Open Arts Objects, an... more
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      Art HistoryPedagogy of Art History