Recent papers in Pedagogy
I propose a rich theoretical understanding on Afro-Latino student development based on critical race theory, culturally responsive pedagogy and practice. Addressing racial disparities is about engaging students thereby making their lives... more
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
Denne oppgaven er et lite bidrag i pedagogikkens verden med håp om å vekke noen nye tanker i en tid der man på nytt er nødt til å spørre seg: hva vil man med utdanning og oppdragelse? Oppgaven tar fram nye tanker i samtiden, samtidig en... more
This artistic endeavor wanders from the observation that missionaries and philanthropists share a stream of ontological continuity that leads both to use vulnerabilities to draw victims into genocidal relationships that transmit... more
Despite national standards established in 1979, U.S. teacher preparation programs have struggled to incorporate comprehensive, multicultural teacher education into existing curriculum (Sleeter, 2008). The weakness of multicultural... more
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
Higher education is facing a range of major challenges during the twenty-first century. Personalised, flexible and open learning are considered among the driving forces, thus, issues of quality must be urgently addressed.
Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual is a ground-breaking book, which shines a permaculture lens to inspire child-friendly, sustainable education. Full of innovative information, a new... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate primary and secondary mathematics teachers' candidates' effect of the success in geometry education. The sample of the study consists of students first and last class preservice primary... more
Dispensationalism rose to great popularity in evangelical Christianity from the time of C. I. Scofield (early 1900s) through the 1970s. Recent years have seen a noted decline in the popularity of Dispensationalism, along with a concurrent... more
For many scholars in the humanities, the 1987 publication of ED Hirsch's Cultural Literacy and Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind rep-resented an exceptional moment, an opportunity for disciplinary and insti-tutional... more
Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more
In this journal 'CollectivED Issue 6' is a short working paper in which Dr Anna Cox and I describe the design of a structured conversation that we use with teachers in order to enable reflection. It starts on p.91.
This thesis consists of three empirical studies in economics of education on the determinants and consequences of language-in-education (LiE) policies. The “Environmental settings – Inputs – Processes – Immediate outcomes – Long-term... more
The article aims at the training of General Economic Theory teachers in Slovakia. It also deals with the ENTAGLE project which we are trying to analyse. The project is built on the relationship of vocational education students towards... more
According to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic situation, the educational system was one of the sectors that had to move very quickly and adapt the learning process, and millions of young people to complete their education in an online... more
This is the syllabus (Fall 2019) I use for my Introduction to Public History course.
Interiors is an evolving yet slippery discipline. Whilst the interior is everywhere, it is nevertheless ephemeral and difficult to define. The interior domain is itself saturated with the everyday artefacts of consumption; it's a platform... more
"Re-imagining 21st century education is ambitious, an ambition born of a sadness as I reflect on a book written 30 years ago. And I shall of course fall far short of the ambition. Just to reiterate again the question raised in the... more
As numerous public relations research studies and have noted, social media communication by employees and other stakeholders often impact public perceptions of their associated organizations, whether or not that communication is... more
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
Lucrarea de față își propune să evidențieze rolul inteligenței emoționale (I.E.) în pregătirea viitorilor profesori și efectele generate de o inteligență emoțională dezvoltată asupra procesului de predare-învățare și a relației... more
In an essay titled "Decentering Whiteness: Resisting Racism in the Women's Studies Classroom," Patti Duncan (2002) reclaims the classroom as a space where nonwhites and minorities can examine themselves and their struggles independent of... more
Since the turn of the millennium there has been a clear rise in the implementation and research of mindfulness across primary, secondary and postsecondary education. These implementations, however, hardly constitute a uniform phenomenon.... more
Amidst ongoing attempts to think beyond Western frameworks for education, there is a tendency to overlook Japan, perhaps because it appears highly modern. This is striking given that some prominent strands of Japanese philosophy have... more
The use of games as learning activities has likely existed for as long as have formal (or 'serious') approaches to teaching and learning. In the new millennium, it is difficult to avoid what would appear to be hyperbole in regard to... more
The Coalition Government’s ‘Green Paper’ (DfE, 2011) proposes a systemic overhaul of services for pupils with Special Educational Needs in England, with increased parental choice of provision, and “sharper accountability” (p. 67) in... more
O desafio é novo e de grande responsabilidade, porém necessário e importante para avançarmos como uma Universidade voltada para atender aos anseios da sociedade, para oportunizarmos a construção de novos ambientes de aprendizagem que... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
Bu çalışma okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin pedagojik çıkarım kaliteleri ve epistemolojik çıkarım kaliteleri arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyerek öğretmenlerin verilen bilgiyi sorgulama etkisini araştırmaktadır. Problem Durumu: Epistemik inançlar... more
Esta guía está dirigida a docentes del ámbito de la educación tanto formal como no formal que se apunten a un curso de mindfulness para liberar su estrés, ansiedad… y poder llevar así una vida más sana. No obstante, también se puede... more