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      Environmental HistoryEnvironmental SustainabilityPeak OilLimits to Growth
A high and sustainable quality of life is a central goal for humanity. Our current socio-ecological regime and its set of interconnected worldviews, institutions, and technologies all support the goal of unlimited growth of material... more
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      Quality of lifeEcologyPeak OilMultidisciplinary
The article reflects in a personal/biographical fashion on the issues addressed in the Nida Art Colony Conference on Artistic Tourism and the Post Romantic Condition. It was published in Tourists like us Critical Tourism and... more
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      RomanticismSpace and PlaceActor Network TheoryHeritage Tourism
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyClimate change policyEnergy Policy
German edition of Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era. See Wenn Worte nicht ausreichen, um auszudrücken, was ausgedrückt werden muss, ist es Zeit... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsEnvironmental ScienceEconomics
A growing number of commentators are forecasting a near-term peak and subsequent terminal decline in the global production of conventional oil as a result of the physical depletion of the resource. These forecasts frequently rely on the... more
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      Natural ResourcesPeak OilInterpretationResources
This study considers the relationship between a global systemic banking, monetary and solvency crisis and its implications for the real-time flow of goods and services in the globalised economy. It outlines how contagion in the financial... more
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      FinanceEconomicsMacroeconomicsCivilizational Collapses as Non-Linear System Avalanche Events
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      Social MovementsEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental SustainabilityPeak Oil
In its present form, tourism is dependent on the availability of oil and is comparatively oil-intensive. While forecasts for future tourism growth are optimistic, there is also increasing evidence about the imminence of a peak in oil... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementTravel BehaviourPeak Oil
Geopolitics of energy is currently strained by three factors: the acceleration of global warming to which fossil combustion contributes, the growing dispute over these resources and their progressive depletion. Despite the climate crisis,... more
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      Economic SociologyEnvironment and natural resources conservationArgentinaOil and gas
This paper considers current concerns about resource depletion (" energy descent ") and the unsustainability of current economic structures, which may indicate we are entering a new era signaled by the end of growth. Using the systems... more
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      Integral TheoryEdgar MorinComplexityJean Gebser
Current road safety programs and thinking in Australia are constructed within a paradigm that tends to accept existing cultural arrangements. Such programs therefore, favour symptomatic solutions and technical and/or physical solutions as... more
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangeRoad safetyTransport Geography
Table of Contents Introduction ......................................................................... 2 Peak Oil ............................................................................. 3 History... more
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      Renewable EnergyPopulation DynamicsTechnology and SocietyPeak Oil
The emergence of intelligence is likely a relatively recent phenomena throughout the cosmos. The total number of habitable extraterrestrial planets within the Milky Way capable of supporting advanced, intelligent life within the next 500... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyApplied MathematicsGeologyEnergy Economics
DEWZROST Słownik nowej ery Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria, Giorgos Kallis (red.) Tłumaczenie: Łucja Lange Wstęp do polskiego wydania Jakub Kronenberg Przedmowa do polskiego wydania Anna Kacperczyk Redakcja tekstów: Michał Augustyn,... more
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      Development EconomicsCommonsSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Sustainability
Lejos de cuestionar la transformación digital de las organizaciones, este trabajo pretende concienciar del alto grado de dependencia energética y de recursos que esta supone. Ante la incertidumbre del devenir futuro de las tecnologías de... more
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      Records ManagementBusiness Process ManagementArchivesChange Management
Les rationalités de l'électronucléaire [Kairos, juin/juillet 2019, pp. 15-17] Le développement de l'utilisation de l'énergie nucléaire constitue le tournant de l'histoire de l'humanité. La majorité des citoyens pressent qu'on a « mal... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceEcologyDemocracy
Since the 2008 financial crash, the world has witnessed an unprecedented outbreak of social unrest in every major continent. Beginning with the birth of the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring, the eruption of civil disorder continues to... more
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      Energy EconomicsInternational RelationsComplex Systems ScienceClimate Change
This work asks how light harvesting in photosynthetic systems can be optimised for economically scalable, sustainable energy production. Hierarchy theory is introduced as a system-analysis and optimisation tool better able to handle... more
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      Climate ChangeStructural BiologyRenewable EnergyClimate change policy
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      Saudi ArabiaPeak OilQatarUnited Arab Emirates
The food regime concept is a key to unlock not only structured moments and transitions in the history of capitalist food relations, but also the history of capitalism itself. It is not about food per se, but about the relations within... more
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      SociologyPeak OilApplied EconomicsFossil Fuels
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      Climate ChangeSystem Dynamics ModelingPeak Oil
Oggi il capitale, sempre più autonomo rispetto agli uomini, nel tentativo incessante di ingigantirsi ha trasformato il mondo intero in una rete inestricabile nella quale gli individui sono obbligati a vendersi ad una forza che li domina,... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyEcologyEnergy and Environment
a terminé ses travaux au terme de cette deuxième législature.
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      EnergyOil and gasPeak OilWallonia
For illustrating the introduced changes and for the purpose of comparison, the 5 scenarios simulated in Capellán-Pérez et al (2014a) with WoLiM 1.0 are re-run. Finally, the main limitations and further developments of the model are... more
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      Climate ChangeResource DepletionRenewable EnergyEnergy
Late Cretaceous sandstones from the Subu-1 and -2 wells (Aure Scarp, Papua New Guinea) contain patchily distributed solid bitumens. The solid bitumens vary in reflectance and geochemistry, indicating that they formed by the biodegradation... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryPeak OilPapua New Guinea
The ‘solutions’ offered to ‘correct’ the current financial ‘crisis’ are entirely consistent with the economic world view (Lawson 1997; Mäki [ed.] 2001), insofar as they are grounded in thinking that is fundamentally disconnected from the... more
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      Social TheoryThermodynamicsSocial SciencesCivilizational Collapses as Non-Linear System Avalanche Events
This research examines historical energy transformations, the changing contemporary energy environment, and threats to energy supply. It concludes by highlighting some of the implications for countries and military forces.
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      Energy SecurityPeak OilInternational Energy SecurityOil Natural Gas Energy Geopolitics
Un componente fundamental de la dinámica del petróleo en la vida venezolana se manifiesta claramente ante nuestros ojos desde hace más de medio siglo: la caída tendencial de su capacidad generadora de excedentes.
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      Renewable EnergyEnergyOil and gasPeak Oil
« La pensée bourgeoise dit toujours au Peuple : "Croyez-moi sur parole ; ce que je vous annonce est vrai. Tous les penseurs que je nourris ont travaillé pour vous. Vous nʼêtes pas en état de repenser toutes leurs difficultés, de repasser... more
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      SociologySocial PsychologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Energy and Economy are tightly bound to each other, primarily due to physical reasons. Indeed, energy is the unit measuring the quantity of transformation in a system, and the economic activities transform resources into useful goods and... more
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      Climate ChangeHeterodox EconomicsPeak OilLimits to Growth
It is becoming increasingly clear that the twenty-fi rst century marks a turning point in human history (Berry 1999(Berry , 1988 Korten 2006 ; Lazlo 2006 ), the outcome of which will be determined by our collective response to two... more
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      ArchitectureClimate ChangeRenewable EnergySpace and Place
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      ThermodynamicsEconomicsGreen EconomicsPolitical Economy
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      AviationPeak OilMultidisciplinaryBiofuels
Growing scientific evidence shows that world energy resources are entering a period shaped by the depletion of high-quality fuels, whilst the decline of the easy-to-extract oil is a widely recognized ongoing phenomenon. The end of the era... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingPeak OilGlobal WarmingScenarios
Degrowth is identified as a prospective turning point in human development as significant as the domestication of fire or the process of agrarianisation. The Transition movement is identified as the most important attempt to develop a... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationAnarchismEnvironmental Politics
In recent years a number of writers have argued that the impending " peaking " of world oil production heralds a new era of resource wars, environmental destruction, terminal economic decline, and even a massive " die off " of the human... more
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      MarxismEcological EconomicsHistorical MaterialismPeak Oil
The Masila Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in Yemen, but the origin of hydrocarbons and their generation history are not fully understood. In this regard, 10 crude oils from different petroleum reservoir sections in the Masila... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeophysicsSedimentology
This study explores global energy demand, and hydrogen's role, over the 21st century. It considers four illustrative cases: a high (1000EJ) and a low (300EJ) energy future, and for each of these conditions, a high (80%) and low (20%)... more
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      EngineeringClimate ChangePeak OilEnergy demand
The article seeks to both give a brief overview and analysis of the Transition Towns movement which has spread to many towns across the United Kingdom and Ireland in the last 18 months. However, the main aim of the article is to outline... more
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      ResiliencePeak OilDeGrowthTransition Towns
A series of isothermal hydrous pyrolysis experiments was performed on immature sedimentary rocks and peats of different lithology and organic source input to explore the generation of diamondoids during the thermal maturation of... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryBiomarkersStress
During secondary migration, there is an opportunity for oil to be trapped as fluid inclusions (FIs) within framework grains such as quartz and within diagenetic cements that have a crystalline structure. Oil saturation on migration... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryPeak OilEnvironmental Sciences
Part I of this paper examines the historic shift in control of the world’s oil reserves since the rise of the National Oil Companies in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Part II will look at the evidence which suggests that we are already... more
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      Political EconomyRenewable EnergyOil and gasPeak Oil
The emergence of intelligence is a relatively recent phenomena throughout the cosmos. The total number of habitable extraterrestrial planets within the Milky Way capable of supporting advanced, intelligent life within the next 500 Myr is... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyApplied MathematicsGeologyEnergy Economics
Continuous economic growth is the key assumption that underpins global financial, economic and increasingly social systems, including those related to tourism. Nowhere does this mantra of growth, opportunity and prosperity become more... more
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      Sustainable TourismPeak OilPeak Oil, Capitalism, DegrowthDegrowth Sustainable Lifestyles
Twenty five crude oil samples from Velebit oil–gas field (SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia) were investigated in order to define the depositional environment, lithology, thermal maturity and depth of burial of the corresponding source rocks.... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryPrincipal Component AnalysisMass Spectrometry
In der politikwissenschaftlichen Bachelorarbeit wird die Verkehrspolitik der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart analysiert. Dabei beschreibt ein großer Teil der Ausarbeitung, wie sich die Verkehrsplanung von einer Anpassungs- zu einer... more
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      Public TransportFuel CellsAir Pollution and Health EffectsPeak Oil
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      Human EcologyClimate ChangeEcologyDeep Ecology