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SNMPE: "Es gibt keine Strategie, um illegalen Bergbau zu formalisieren oder auszurotten" - Der IWF schlägt eine Erhöhung der Bergbausteuer vor. - Der Botschafter der physisch lebendigen Erde weiss um eine andere Lösung. 04.12.2021... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacekeepingPeace & Conflict Studies
Book Review
Gregory Allen Barnes. A Centennial History of the American Friends Service Committee.

Paul R. Dekar. Dangerous People: The Fellowship of Reconciliation Building a Nonviolent World of Freedom, Justice, and Peace.
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      Faith Based OrganizationsNonviolencePeace MovementsCivil Rights Movement
Na tle krajobrazu polskiej opozycji demokratycznej, Ruch Wolność i Pokój jest zjawiskiem nieco zapomnianym. Na pewno pisze się o nim nieproporcjonalnie mało w stosunku do jego historycznego znaczenia. Co jednak ciekawe, pisze się o nim... more
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      Social MovementsEastern European StudiesPolish HistoryCentral European history
Peace and Conflict Studies presents itself as a solution-oriented field, often calling for a "paradigm shift" and the transformation of current violent systems. Peace Studies literature, however, tends not to outline with the requisite... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCritical Race TheoryPeace MovementsPeace
The historical novel From the Nile to the Jordan is an enthralling story about the "Second Exodus" of Jews from Egypt to Israel. This so far little-noticed aspect of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, could spread new light on the events of 1948,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsEgyptPeacekeeping
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      Critical TheoryPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismInternational Terrorism
The work operates in two sections, analyzing first the variety of peace movements since the eighteenth century, and secondly, the varieties of emphases present in these peace movements. Section 1 begins with a short discourse on what is... more
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      Social MovementsLawPeace and Conflict StudiesPeace Movements
Yog or Yoga is a way of life, developed by Indian saints thousands of years ago. It has been practiced by billions of people since then and is still being practiced by millions around the world. In 2014, the United Nations has proclaimed... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCriminal JusticeBehavioral SciencesPeace and Conflict Studies
In a world likely to remain hostage to thousands of nuclear warheads over the long term, in which ancient realism---or as some wrongly refer to it as Cold-War thinking---appears to be an unbreakable psychological barrier even for those... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Nuclear WeaponsLiberalismRealism (Political Science)
Invitation to Peace Studies is the first textbook in the field to emphasize 21st-century research and controversies and to encourage the more frequent use of a gender perspective in analyzing peace, war and violence. Recent empirical... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPeace MovementsPeace & Conflict Studies
This article explores the ways in which feminist and women’s agency is articulated in the Cypriot context through the paradigms of nationalism, peace, and conflict. It does so to broaden our understanding of gendered and peace agency in... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesNationalism
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      Cultural HistoryJapanese StudiesCensorshipUrban History
Do social cohesion activities change the attitudes of the participants? This paper uses intergroup contact theory to explore attitude change resulting from contact with out-group(s) in social cohesion activities. Results from a... more
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      Social PsychologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Psychology
This chapter looks at street art and its relationship to peace efforts. Specifically, it examines how street art is used as a medium to express the concerns, needs and wants of societal groups whose everyday lives are affected by... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEveryday AestheticsPeace MovementsAesthetics and Politics
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      Social MovementsPolitical CulturePeace MovementsGerman Politics
Veteran scholar and peace activist David Cortright offers a definitive history of the human striving for peace and an analysis of its religious and intellectual roots. This authoritative, balanced, and highly readable volume traces the... more
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      Social MovementsLawPeace and Conflict StudiesPeace Movements
In this chapter, I examine two social movements as they involved young women seeking to create new paths in Wellington, New Zealand in the 1990s: the Young Women’s Division of Soka Gakkai International New Zealand (SGINZ), a lay Buddhist... more
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      BuddhismHistory of ReligionAutoethnographyPeace Movements
When I was growing up, DC Comics and comic heroes like “Batman”, and “Superman”, and “Wonder Woman”, were ubiquitous at local convenient store stands. I remember eagerly reading about the so-called comic book, “Justice League” and how... more
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      SociologyPsychologySocial PsychologyAnthropology
Survey of the role that the ideas of peace and concord played in medieval society and intellectual life.
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      Peace MovementsMedieval Canon & Roman LawMedieval Canon LawDecretum Gratiani
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesAldous HuxleyPeace MovementsPacifism
Charles Alphonse Witz-Oberlin war einer der wenigen österreichischen Theologen, die schon lange vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg pazifistisch ausgerichtet und sogar in der Friedensbewegung aktiv waren. Er verstand dies allerdings nicht im... more
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      Habsburg StudiesKulturgeschichtePeace MovementsWorld War I
This paper discusses the transformation of restricted space for civil society in Colombia over the last 10 years. It shows that the openness of restricted space fluctuates due to the relationship between long-term processes, current... more
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      Social MovementsPeace and Conflict StudiesTransitional JusticePeace Movements
The manual attempts to Impart knowledge, skills and other means for advocacy, lobbying as well as campaigning to promote peace and equality in a society....By the end of the proposed training sessions, participants are advised and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacebuildingManual
Stille Diplomatie Grundsätze, Arbeitsfelder und Handlungsweisen von Stillen Diplomaten. Ein Bericht aus der Alltagspraxis. Andreu Ginestet, Dezember 2021 Inhaltsverzeichnis Abstract Einführung: die „W“ Fragen. Was? Warum? Wo... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacekeepingPeace & Conflict Studies
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDefence and Peace EconomicsPeace MovementsPeacekeeping
This paper analyses the emergence, spread and demise of a coherent program of radical geopolitical revision developed in East European dissident circles in the 1980s. Its foundation was the insistence on the need to completely overthrow... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsEastern European StudiesInternational RelationsForeign Policy Analysis
This study aims to investigate the role of different levels of relationships (interpersonal, intergroup and international) to promote world peace in accordance with the vision of the participants of the organization / movement Servas... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesPeace MovementsPeace Studies
While both feminism and pacifism may appear to have stagnated in the 1950s with the rise of Cold War domesticity and McCarthyism, the Korean War galvanized women through the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) to promote... more
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      Cold WarPeace MovementsFeminismKorean War
an annotated bibliography for
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      Human GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsSocial GeographyPeace and Conflict Studies
From restorative justice literature in general. two conceptions of restorative justice processing can be discerned. The one is a modest conception based on individual (dispositional) theories of crime and the other is an expansive view... more
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      Social PsychologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticePeace and Conflict Studies
Советские хиппи, которые сегодня не очень любят, когда их называют советскими, тем не менее, разделяли со своими соотечественниками некоторые общие черты, среди которых было и отвращение к политике. «Политика -грязное дело», -повторяли... more
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      Peace MovementsPacifismThe Hippie Movement
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPacifismEcclesiology
An exploration of how pacifists and conscientious objectors in Britain during the second world war tried to find a constructive role for themselves.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeace Education
0 1 D 0 This paper aims at reviewing Mòz doctrine by contextualizing some parts of the Mòbiān, or 0 1 D 0 Mòz´s dialectical chapters, attributed to the later Mohist School or Neo-Mohism. Before going into those texts, we will briefly... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyCosmopolitanismPeace MovementsHumanity
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      HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesMedieval HistoryViolence
Yasin Sunca is an independent researcher and political analyst based in Brussels. He works closely with the European institutions, Members of the European Parliament in particular, on various issues related to Turkey and its neighbouring... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesKurdish StudiesPeace MovementsKurdish Question in Turkey
What factors drive people to choose nonviolent civil resistance to achieve human rights, peace, and justice? This Special Report offers ground-breaking knowledge about the link of colonialism, the Cold War, and the War on Terror with... more
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      Peace MovementsNew social movementsPolitical and security situation in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Middle EastWest Asian Studies
Patron: Dr. Peter van den Dungen, Peace Historian, International Network of Museums for Peace
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesErasmusNonviolencePeace Movements
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      Social MovementsEnvironmental HistoryGender TheoryPeace Movements
Exposition gegenüber Handystrahlung auf das Blut aus? Wirkt sich eine kurzfristige Exposition gegenüber Handystrahlung auf das Blut aus? Blut ist die Essenz des Lebens. Es ist nützlich, das Blut unter einem Mikroskop zu untersuchen, um... more
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      AntennasPeace and Conflict StudiesMobile LearningAntennas & Radio Wave Propagation
The Caspian Project is a weekly digital magazine organized by the online analytical resource, Modern Diplomacy. Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Senior Editor of the project, which aims to acquaint people with this critically undervalued... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
De Charles de Gaulle à Nelson Mandela, d’Indira Gandhi à Simone Veil, de Louis Aragon à Pablo Neruda, nombreux sont les hommes et les femmes qui se sont exprimés à la tribune de l’Unesco. Leurs messages expriment l’aspiration à la paix et... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthicsEducationHuman Rights
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPeace and Conflict StudiesForeign Policy Analysis
La massoneria tra fratellanza universale e «guerre giuste» « Libertà dei riti, unità di governo » Gli anni Settanta si aprirono per la massoneria italiana all'insegna di un'importante novità: il Grande Oriente d'Italia (GOI), costituito a... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
Peace education is aimed at teaching individuals the information, attitudes, values, and behavioural competencies needed to resolve conflicts without violence and to build and maintain mutually beneficial, harmonious relationships. There... more
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    • Peace Movements
The sociological study of peace and conflict uses sociological theory and methods to analyze peace, peace processes, peace building and models, peace policies, conflict and its causes, war as a social problem, media and violence, scope of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPeace MovementsPeacekeepingConflict Resolution
Masculinities, militarisation and the End Conscription Campaign explores the gendered dynamics of apartheid-era South Africa’s militarisation, analysing the defiance of compulsory military service by individual white men and the... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesMasculinity StudiesGender and Sexuality
Die Arbeit beschreibt die Entstehung des Friedensbundes Deutscher Katholiken (FDK) während des Ersten Weltkriegs und stellt dabei wichtige Akteure vor. Sie zeigt den ambivalenten Umgang dieser mit der kirchlichen Hierarchie. Die... more
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      Peace MovementsCatholic TheologyChurch HistoryPeace History
""This is the first analysis of Gandhi’s dressing style in terms of communication theory and an exploration of the subliminal messages that were subtly communicated to large audience. Peter Gonsalves chooses three famous theorists from... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychoanalysis