Pauline Literature
Recent papers in Pauline Literature
Scholars have commonly located the source of Paul’s analogy for the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:39–49 in the enumerated creatures of Genesis 1. Some interpreters have suggested Sir 43:1–10 lies behind the reference to the variegated... more
A wide-ranging, academically oriented list of over sixty forthcoming publications on the Pastoral Epistles (as of April 2022) including essays, monographs, and commentaries. This list helps students of the Pastorals to see current trends... more
From a close analysis of the idea of baptism in Pauline literature, one can identify the following conclusions: Paul nowhere identifies baptism in water as a work of merit that cannot save. Paul abundantly describes burial in water as... more
The so-called 'Christ hymn' of Phil. 2.5-11 has maintained great scholarly interest for over a century, with monographs and articles continuing to appear that seek to address important critical issues. Questions including the... more
Ephesians 3:16-19 is filled with syntactical oddities. My survey of the scholarly literature indicated that 3:17 has received less attention than the other verses. It is also enigmatic on the issue of the portrayal of Christ’s habitation... more
Reece’s new book Paul’s Large Letters: Paul Autographic Subscriptions in the Light of Ancient Epistolary Conventions addresses questions arising from Paul’s mention of “writing with my own hand” in, among the undisputed letters, 1... more
The Legacy of the Apostle Paul in Historical Critical and Orthodox Theological Contexts.
This is the first revised commentary I have used in the Word Biblical Commentary since Zondervan took over the series a few years ago. Martin’s original 2 Corinthians commentary was among the best commentaries on this difficult letter of... more
A response to selected texts by Frank Thielman, David Wenham, and Gordon Fee on the subject of Paul, the Pauline Epistles, and Paul's relationships with the Law, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean to “read Romans with Eastern eyes”? Combining research from Asian scholars with his many years of experience living and working in East Asia, Jackson directs our attention to Paul's letter to the Romans. He argues that... more
Со времен Реформации, учение об оправдании по вере, являясь её содержательным учением, считается основной темой послания к Галатам. Однако, поводом, побудившим Павла к написанию этого письма, была проблема христианской жизни. Средоточие... more
Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of double-voicedness and James Scott’s theory of public and hidden transcripts, this essay investigates the colonial context of Romans 13:1–7 with particular attention to the Roman imperial cult. It is... more
This article offers a critique of Stanley Porter’s note, published in ETL of 1991, on the translation of κολλώμενος in 1 Cor 6,12-20. Porter proposes to translate the verb as “to obligate oneself” instead of the more conventional “to... more
The way in which Paul exercises his authority in the Letter to Philemon has been studied from various angles, but as far as could be determined, the reception of this aspect of his letter by its interpreters in the fourth and 5th... more
Addressing the internal conflict between the “weak” and the “strong” affecting the church of Rome, Paul attempts to provide a solution to the problem that is consistent with “his gospel.” Central to Paul’s argument is his quotation, in... more
This article investigates Paul’s use of the term οἱ δοκοῦντες in the letter to the Galatians. Firstly, the term is considered from the standpoint of lexical semantics. Secondly, select relevant parallels from Ancient Greek literature are... more
Gordon Fee is one of the greatest New Testament scholars of the twentieth century. Fee was the general editor of the NICNT series from 1990 to 2012, when he was replaced by Joel Green. Under Fee’s guidance this venerable series has become... more
This new collection of essays from Michael Bird includes three chapters previously published and two lengthy chapters written for this volume. A lengthy thirty-page introduction explains what Bird means by “an anomalous Jew” (aside from... more
Work out your salvation as God works in.
If racism is America’s original sin, it is also one of America’s most pressing contemporary problems. Indeed, Edwards’ recent research suggests that even intentionally multi-racial congregations often reproduce and reinforce white... more
The German thinker Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), hailed as the “father of modern hermeneutics,” advocated a hermeneutical method which calls readers “to understand the text at first as well as and then even better than its... more
Onesimus has so far remained a colonized or marginalized other in the text and history of reception across historical and cultural constraints. In contrast to this colonizing strategy of reading, the thesis of this paper is that Onesimus,... more
This is a book review of Michael Gorman's 2015 work, 'Becoming the Gospel: Paul, Participation and Mission'. Working at the intersection of Biblical Studies and Missiology, Gorman shows how participation in the life of God is designed to... more
Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2010
This essay is slated to appear in the festschrift for Alan Culpepper in Brill's Biblical Interpretation Series (2018), Anatomies of the Gospels and Beyond, edited by Mikeal Parsons, Elizabeth Stuthers Malbon, and myself. This essay... more
Colección: Spal Monografías Arqueología Núm.: XLIII Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación... more
Gregory E. Lamb, review of Paul and the Language of Faith, by Nijay K. Gupta, RBL 24 (2022).
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español).
This article discusses the experiential dimension of early Christian spirituality. Is it adequate to speak about Paul’s churches as experiencing the Spirit? In order to approach this debated question, the first part of the essay... more