Pauline Anthropology

22 papers
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Pauline Anthropology is the study of human nature, identity, and social relationships as articulated in the writings of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament. It examines how Paul's theological perspectives inform understandings of humanity, community, and the divine, emphasizing the interplay between faith, culture, and ethical behavior.
The article focuses on the core of the Pauline discourse on the resurrection, which I have identified to be around verses 44-45 of chapter XV of I Corinthians. I have analyzed the key terms of verse 44, and then I looked more in depth on... more
The article addresses a very important topic from the second epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul. The Neptic experience that the Apostle Paul reffers to, at the beginning of the twelfth chapter, is a cornerstone for the... more
Vollständiger Titel: Jan DOchhorn: Persönlichkeit, Auktorialität und Wissenschaftsfreiheit. Über die Neugründung eines Persön-lichkeitsideals als Voraussetzung für eine Kultur der Wissenschaftsfreiheit, in: Klaus Buchenau / Matthias... more
What does life after death look like? Or, to say it with Shakespeare’s words, how are we to be, or not to be in the afterlife? Historically, answers to this question have been legion, and the conceptual models undergirding those answers... more
Lo studio di Roberto Schiavolin, che ricostruisce la genealogia e l'evoluzione semantica del lemma spirito dalla cultura greca a quella ebraica, ai sincretismi tardo-antichi, per concludere nel mondo cristiano della Patristica greca e... more
I testi pubblicati in questa rivista sono sottoposti a double-blind peer review
Indicizzazioni /Indexing Ebsco Publishing Bibliographic Information Base in Patristics (BIBP) European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) Index to the Study of Religions Online (Brill Publisher) Old Testament Abstracts Online (OTA)... more
This addition to the well-known series of theological monographs deals with the use of the Greek word traditionally translated "body" but recently as "person," especially in certain parts of the writings of Paul. Theologians have argued... more
[„Portemus et imaginem caelestis” (1Cor 15:49 Vg). Some Features of the Anthropology of St. Paul – an Apostle, Theologian and Mystic] The aim of the article is not to establish the original text of 1Cor. 15:49, but based on two existing... more
Introduced by Aldo Magris, full professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Trieste, the book is divided into three sections. It aims to illustrate the development and semantic links of terms related to the phenomenology of... more
A holistic approach to anthropology in Paul. The body is the reality of humanity in this life: limited, weak, and mortal. The soul is the ability of humanity to rise above the rest of creation with its superior qualities and faculties.... more
The current paper aims to contribute to our understanding of Paul’s anthropology and consequently his attitude towards his cultural context. Therefore, George H. van Kooten’s thesis that Paul’s anthropology incorporates a so-called... more
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