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† PROPOSITIONS 1. Paul Ricoeur and Gilles Deleuze both develop a specific conception of novelty that goes against existing theories of metaphor. Ricoeur's strategy is to criticize these theories from within and to draw a theory of the... more
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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyGilles DeleuzePaul Ricoeur
Il tema della libertà costituisce nel pensiero ricoeuriano un elemento sorgivo della sua riflessione, che progressivamente diventa un fiume carsico: un che di sommerso che tuttavia riemerge di tanto in tanto nella sua scrittura. Alla luce... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEthicsPersonalityEmbodiment
This work is concerned with some basic problems which historical criticism poses to biblical interpretation. The first chapter deals with historical criticism in relation to problems of the text’s historical distance and contemporary... more
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      HermeneuticsLiberation TheologyPaul RicoeurHistory Of The Bible/Biblical Canon
O homem ricoeuriano vive com e para os outros, constitui a sua subjetividade no encontro necessário com a alteridade. Nas obras, nas instituições, nos monumentos da cultura está o plural como fundamento da existência individual,... more
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      Paul RicoeurPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophySubjetividadeLindy Hop
Un comentario sobre la obra de Paul Ricoeur: Freud, una interpretación de la cultura
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      Hermeneutic PhenomenologyPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophyPhenomenology, Hermeneutics, contemporary continental philosophy, axiology (theories and applied research on values), philosophical and cultural anthropology, diversity managment, gender studies, intercultural communication, and translations studiesPhilosophical Hermeneutics
Religion was a constant theme throughout Paul Ricoeur’s long career, and yet he never wrote a full-length treatment of the topic. In this important new book, Brian Gregor draws on the full scope of Ricoeur’s writings to lay out the... more
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      Theological HermeneuticsContinental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)Continental Philosophy of Religion (Theology)Paul Ricoeur
Para salir del bucle de la identidad que idea fronteras personales y políticas, construye un 'otro' extraño, exótico y peligroso, es necesario deconstruir ese fantasma para encontrar la persona que se encuentra detrás con la que poder... more
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      FearIntercultural EducationÉmmanuel LévinasPaul Ricoeur
In this chapter, I will focus on Ricoeur views on the intersection between the implicit poetic discourse in which the living metaphor emerges and the explicit philosophical discourse in which it is conceptually clarified. In this... more
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      PhilosophyContinental PhilosophyContinental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)Paul Ricoeur
Paul RICOEUR: La metaphore vive, Paris: Editions Du Seuil 1975. Cito la traduccion de Agustin Neira: La metafora viva, Madrid: Ediciones Trotta-Cristiandad 2001 (la ed. Madrid, 1980). Tengo en cuenta, como podra notarse, las variaciones... more
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      AristotleMimesisPoeticsPaul Ricoeur
Abstract: One of the key concepts of Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics is the notion of distanciation. In this article we show that Ricoeur introduces this notion as a correction of Heidegger's focus on being-in and Gadamer's emphasis on... more
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      PhilosophyHermeneuticsMartin HeideggerPaul Ricoeur
Ricoeur and the question of time
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      NarrativePaul RicoeurPhilosophy of TimePaul Ricoeur (in ) Philosophy
This paper theorizes that the success of the People Power Revolution of 1986 to end a dictatorship is a concrete exercise of how would a democracy work. In a democracy, the people elect among themselves those who will be charged of... more
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      DemocracyPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophyEthics In Politics
¿Cómo se desarrolló la guitarra académica en Rosario? ¿Son los momentos o etapas históricas la ciudad las mismas que las de Buenos Aires? ¿Quiénes fueron los guitarristas que iniciaron los procesos de profesionalización en la ciudad? ¿En... more
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      MusicologyClassicsPaul RicoeurClassical Guitar
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyPsychoanalysis
This book investigates the importance of Ricoeur's hermeneutics and poetics in rethinking humanities. In particular, Ricoeur's insights on reference as refiguration and his idea of interpretation as a triadic process (which consists of... more
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      HermeneuticsLiterary TheoryPaul Ricoeur (in ) Philosophy
Le référent de la parabole, pourrions-nous dire […], est l'expérience humaine, conçue comme l'expérience de tout l'homme et de tous les hommes, en tant qu'elle est interprétée à la lumière des ressources mimétiques de quelques fictions... more
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyPaul RicoeurMatthew's Gospel
In speech, the function of reference is connected with the role of the discursive situation within, in the exchange of language itself: exchanging speech, the speakers are present, on both sides, and the circumstances of the discourse are... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial SciencesHistoriographyCultural Theory
Les études sept à neuf de Soi-même comme un autre, dans lesquelles Paul Ricœur développe sa "petite éthique" souvent qualifiée d’éthique de la sollicitude, s’achèvent sur une suggestion d’après laquelle la "catégorie de la reconnaissance"... more
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      EthicsPaul RicoeurPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophySelf-Esteem
The present article is a discussion of the philosophical-theological mode in which Christian orthodoxy could critically engage with non-Christian modes of thought in a manner intentionally consistent with native metaphysical and... more
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      PatristicsPhilosophical TheologyHermeneuticsEarly Christianity
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryEpistemology
In this paper I trace Ricoeur’s reflections on ideology and utopia from his Lectures on Ideology and Utopia, first delivered in 1975, to his later writings on selfhood and the just from the 1990s. The thread that I follow begins from the... more
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      Philosophy of ActionRhetoricJudgment and decision makingHermeneutics
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyHegel
The purpose of this study is to propose the structural outline and conceptual framework of a Ricoeurian translation theory. Following a discussion on the ambiguities around situating Ricoeur in translation theory, three major interlinked... more
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      PhilosophyTranslation StudiesGlobalizationPoststructuralism
The authenticity if the modalities of the imagery mediation of reality transferred into fiction -is read through their function in the refigurative process of fiction and in the interweaving of fiction and history or the refiguration of... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial SciencesCultural TheoryCritical Thinking
This paper explores the post-metaphysical theology of Richard Kearney (1954–) from a Jewish theological perspective. It seeks to provide an original analysis of his project “anatheism,” considering the prominence of Jewish texts in the... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasPaul RicoeurJacques DerridaMartin Buber
Il culmine della tradizione patristica greca e latina, rappresentato da Gregorio di Nissa e Agostino, può essere restituito come riflessione divergente sulla metafora, cioè sul potere ana-logico o carismatico di traslazione del desiderio.... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyHistory of ChristianityHermeneutics
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesCritical Discourse StudiesNarrative
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      PhilosophyTheologySystematic TheologyHermeneutics
Since the publication of "Oneself as Another", many sociologists have referred to the work of Paul Ricœur, some of them considering his notion of narrative identity to be a useful means of analyzing some aspects individual identity left... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySelf and IdentitySocial Sciences
In interviews with Charles Reagan, in his book Paul Ricoeur: His Life and His Work (pp. 122 -125), Paul Ricoeur reflects on the unwritten Poetics of the Will, the ambitiously projected third volume of his early Philosophy of the Will. The... more
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      PhilosophyExistential Phenomenological PsychotherapyHermeneutics (Research Methodology)Axiology
Nosso texto propõe uma leitura da Confissões de Agostinho de Hipona com elementos da hermenêutica filosofia de Paul Ricoeur, especialmente a noção da identidade narrativa. O si, a memória e a identidade são pontos de encontro onde as... more
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      Self and IdentityHermeneuticsPaul RicoeurAugustine
Our aim is to see how melancholia is a remarkable disorder of narrative identity: the patient can still tell her or his life story, or even write it, but she or he cannot construct a narrative in the Ricœurian sense, nor can she or he... more
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      Narrative TherapyPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophyLudwig BinswangerNarrative Identity
Ongoing discussion of this paper here: Philosophy – whether traditional or contemporary – has nothing to say about the human metaphysical predicament, and cannot even offer a basic... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionBuddhismHinduism
Paul Ricœur and Jan Patočka are considered among the most important phenomenologists of the 20th century. As with Ricœur, Patočka’s philosophy is shaped by an enduring critical confrontation with Husserl’s phenomenology and Heidegger’s... more
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      Continental PhilosophyPhilosophy of HistoryPaul RicoeurPaul Ricoeur (in ) Philosophy
Rastrear por la abundante obra de Paul Ricoeur todo lo referido a su lectura post-hegeliana de Kant se nos fue convirtiendo en un complejo recorrido. En parte, esto se debe a lo extenso de la obra. Pero también a la diversidad de planos... more
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      HermeneuticsPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophyFilosofíaHermeneutika Paul Ricour
La traduzione, ogni traduzione, nasce quando la comunicazione è possibile ma non è immediata. Nei contesti in cui la comunicazione non è possibile, neppure la traduzione è possibile, mentre se ci fosse perfetta comunicazione, la... more
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      Translation StudiesHuman-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesHermeneutics
This paper reconstructs and presents the efforts of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913–2005) to understand reconciliation. It deals with three central issues in reconciliatory processes, including memory, identity, and forgiveness.... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionHermeneuticsContemporary French Philosophy
Cet article envisage deux postures sociologiques au regard de l’anthropologie de l’homme capable de Paul Ricœur. Une première sociologie travaille en approfondissant la notion de capacité humaine sous le signe de l’herméneutique de... more
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      SociologyArchitecturePaul RicoeurCapability Approach
El artículo se ocupa de dos categorías clave en Ricoeur, poética y atestación, que transforman el dualismo entre objeto y sujeto en una dialéctica fina. El tránsito en su itinerario desde una hermenéutica en torno a los textos a una en... more
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyPaul Ricoeur
Avec le témoignage, on touche au point-­limite de l’herméneutique, à un « ininterprétable » au coeur de l’interprétation.
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Tradução para o português do artigo "La philosophie réflexive", de Jean Nabert
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      Paul RicoeurPaul Ricoeur (in ) PhilosophyJean Nabert
Commenting on Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory of imagination, Paul Ricoeur argues that Sartre fails to address the productive nature of imaginative acts. According to Ricoeur, Sartre’s examples show that he thinks of imagination in mimetic... more
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      LiteratureNarrativePaul RicoeurAlasdair MacIntyre
In contemporary political theory, democracy embodies the ideals of the Aristotelian state, the one that is most able to realize the ideal life of the political community. Nevertheless, fledgling democracies are confronted with economic... more
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      DemocracyPaul Ricoeur (in ) Philosophy
Selon Fabienne Brugère, un point de rencontre existe entre l'éthique spinoziste et les éthiques du care, le care pouvant être envisagé comme une réactualisation du conatusspinoziste. Cet article vise à démontrer que cette convergence peut... more
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      EthicsPaul RicoeurBenedict de SpinozaCare Ethics
Ricœur fait la distinction entre deux conceptions de la métaphore : la théorie de la tension, créatrice de sens, et la théorie de la substitution, où la métaphore n’est qu’un équivalent imaginatif d’un concept et est donc aisément... more
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      PoetryHermeneuticsPhilosophy of ArtIslamic Philosophy
La presente comunicación busca mostrar que el concepto de identidad narrativa de Paul Ricœur articula dimensiones que se entrelazan y condicionan recíprocamente: 1) un trasfondo preestético, por el cual se concede una preeminencia... more
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      AestheticsEthicsPaul RicoeurHermeneutics and Narrative
Interpretazione e analisi del "Conflitto delle interpretazioni" di Ricoeur
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHermeneuticsFriedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger
Tre sono i luoghi di confronto con Ricoeur in questa analisi: il fondamento antropologico del giusto, la sua giustificazione non procedurale e il suo rapporto con il politico.
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      Paul RicoeurPaul Ricoeur (in ) Philosophy
In this article, I try to reconstruct the critical reception of the notion of "flesh" (Leib) in the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, and Jacques Derrida. I argue that this concept plays a key role in the transformation set forth by those two... more
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      DeconstructionHermeneuticsPhenomenologyContinental Philosophy