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—ABSTRACT— Since the publication of Truth, Paul Horwich's 'Minimalism' has become the paradigm of what goes under the label 'the deflationary conception of truth'. Despite the many theoretical virtues of Horwich's minimalism, it is... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyTruthDeflationism
There are many variants of deflationism about truth, but one of them, Paul Horwich's minimalism, stands out because it accepts as axiomatic practical variants of the equivalence schema: ⟨p⟩ is true if and only if p. The equivalence schema... more
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      Experimental philosophyTruthDeflationismTheories Of Truth
ABSTRACT: Minimalists about truth contend that traditional inflationary theories systematically fail to explain certain facts about truth, and that this failure licenses a 'reversal of explanatory direction'. Once reversed, they purport... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageTruthPhilosophical Logic
This paper argues that Wittgenstein opposed theories of meaning, and did so for good reasons. Theories of meaning, in the sense discussed here, are attempts to explain what makes it the case that certain sounds, shapes, or movements are... more
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      Theories of MeaningDisjunctivismWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
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      SemanticsNatural KindsInternalism/ExternalismPaul Horwich
The "use" theory of meaning arose from the later work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. On this approach, language and meaning are public affairs and learnable from public sources. Wittgenstein's teaching to "look for the use" of language was... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophy Of LanguageTheories of MeaningLater Wittgenstein
This book is an introduction in a double sense. It is intended to introduce beginners in philosophy to the idea of philosophical nonsense and the problems it raises. But it is also addressed to professional philosophers, most of whom seem... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtificial IntelligenceMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
I suggest that, although the nonsensicalist challenge (obviously) matters, it has, at least in its Wittgensteinian form, been widely ignored.  On the other hand, those who still adhere to nonsensicalism (mainly Wittgensteinians) have been... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyKant
Alethic functionalism, as propounded by Michael Lynch, is the view that there are different ways to be true, but that these differences nevertheless contain enough unity to forestall outright pluralism. This view has many virtues. Yet,... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Mind
Philosophers know a great deal about how reasoning can go wrong but very little about what can go wrong with the conclusions that philosophers try to establish by their reasonings. It is Stove’s great merit that he tackles the latter... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMetaphilosophyEmpiricismHistory of Analytic Philosophy
In his influential book Truth, Paul Horwich deploys a philosophical method focused on linguistic usage, that is, on the function(s) the concept of truth serves in actual discourse. In doing so Horwich eschews abstract metaphysics, arguing... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsSemanticsPeirce
Les pragmatistes soupçonnent la distinction entre vérité et justification d'être une de ces distinctions qui ne font pas de différence. L'objet de ce texte est d'établir que ce soupçon n'est pas fondé et de montrer combien au contraire... more
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      TruthPhysicalismDeflationismPragmatism (Philosophy)
Wittgenstein's notion of passing from 'disguised' to 'patent' nonsense is problematic once one realises that nonsense can have no logical properties. I ask whether anything has yet been demonstrated to to be disguised nonsense. No... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphilosophyCritical Discourse Studies
Minimalists, such as Paul Horwich, claim that the notions of truth, reference, and satisfaction are exhausted by some very simple schemes. Unfortunately, there are subtle difficulties with treating these as schemes, in the ordinary sense.... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageTruth
Обзор книги Пола Хорвича «Истина-Значение-Реальность» (Horwich P. Truth-Meaning-Reality. Oxford, 2010)
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    • Paul Horwich
It's often said that according to deflationary theories of truth, truth is not a 'substantial' property. While this is a fine slogan, it is far from transparent what deflationists mean (or ought to mean) in saying that truth is... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphysics of propertiesTruth
In this paper I introduce Horwich's deflationary theory of truth, called 'Minimalism', and I present his proposal of how to cope with the Liar Paradox. The proposal proceeds by restricting the T-schema and, as a consequence of that, it... more
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      DeflationismMinimalismParadoxesTheories Of Truth
Integrative complexity (IC) refers to a psychological construct, a measurement, and an experience. As a construct IC refers to our less than conscious thinking style in the face of difference or disagreement, how we process information,... more
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      TruthLater WittgensteinFictionIntegrative Complexity
Minimalism about truth is one of the main contenders for our best theory of truth, but minimalists face the charge of being unable to properly state their theory. Donald Davidson incisively pointed out that minimalists must generalize... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTruthDeflationismPhilosophy of Logic
Abstract Paul Horwich: The goal here is to demystify the relation of aboutness that associates thoughts and their linguistic expression with particular features of the world. It is argued that the main obstacle to providing a... more
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Paul Horwich has advocated and attributed to the later Wittgenstein a “use-theory of meaning” that aims to demystify meaning by reducing it to pure regularities of use. This chapter challenges Horwich’s appropriation of Wittgenstein and... more
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      Theories of MeaningDeflationismNormativityLater Wittgenstein
Хорвич дает прекрасный анализ Витгенштейна (W) и является ведущим ученым W, но, на мойвзгляд, все они не дотягивают до полной оценки, как я подробно объяснить в этом обзоре и многие другие. Если одно не понимает W (и предпочтительно... more
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      HistoryPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
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      TruthPhilosophy of LogicExplanationParadoxes
I consider the dispute, not with a view to reaching a final verdict, but for the light it sheds on the notion of philosophical nonsense.  How does it look to a sceptic about philosophical nonsense?  It is generally agreed that the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphilosophy
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    • Paul Horwich
The paper presents discusses the metaphysical status of hinges,by considering what kind of truth applies to them (if any). It argues that it is neither correspondentist nor evidence-dependent. It then suggests that it is minimalist.
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyScepticismPhilosophical Scepticism
The question cannot be more simple. Like in a Czech comic book : "Who do you vote for?" Should we vote for Kripke with his essential normativity constraint presumably eliminating all factual account of meaning or should we vote for... more
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      NormativitySaul KripkeKripke-Wittgenstein paradoxSceptical Solution
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      MetaphilosophyWittgensteinPaul Horwich
This is a talk recorded in 2014 at the Aristotelian Society. A paper version of the talk is available in the "Papers" section, above. Minimalists, such as Paul Horwich, claim that the notions of truth, reference, and satisfaction are... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageTruth
Possible and narrative worlds are traditionally the most influential tools for explaining our understanding of fiction. One obvious implication of this is considering fiction as a matter of pretence. The theory I offer claims that it is a... more
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      PhilosophyTheories of MeaningTruthLater Wittgenstein
Horwich daje grzywny analizy Wittgenstein (W) i jest wiodącym W uczony, ale moim zdaniem, wszystkie one nie są w pełni docenić, jak wyjaśniam na długo w tej recenzji i wiele innych. Jeśli ktoś nie rozumie W (a najlepiej Searle również),... more
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      WittgensteinIslamJohn R. SearleHistoria
Horwichはウィトゲンシュタイン(W)の細かい分析を行い、Wの第一人者ですが、私の見解では、このレビューや他の多くの人が長々と説明しているように、それらはすべて完全な感謝に満ち不足しています。W(そして好ましくはサールも)を理解していないならば、私は哲学と高次思考、したがってすべての複雑な行動(心理学、社会学、人類学、歴史、文学、社会)の表面的な理解以上のものを持つことができる方法を見ません。一言で言えば、Wは、あなたが興味のある文脈で文がどのように使用されているかを示し... more
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
ABSTRACT: The theme of this special issue is minimalism about truth, featuring original new work---both critical and constructive---from Keith Simmons, Cezary Cieśliński, Teresa Marques, Anil Gupta, Shawn Standefer, Andrew Howat, Filippo... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTruthPhilosophical LogicStates of Affairs, Facts, Propositions
2. Truth-bearers 1 3. Classical Correspondence Theory 2 4. Coherence Theory of Truth 2 5. Pragmatist Theories of Truth 3 6. Epistemic Theories of... more
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      TruthPragmatist Theory Of TruthTheories Of TruthTheories of truth (Philosophy)
霍维奇对维特根斯坦(W)进行了精妙的分析,是一位顶尖的W学者,但在我看来,他们都没有达到完全的欣赏,正如我在评论和许多其他评论中详细解释的那样。如果一个人不理解W(最好也是西尔),那么我看不出一个人怎么会对哲学和更高层次的思想,从而对所有复杂的行为(心理学,社会学,人类学,历史,文学,社会)。简而言之,W 演示了当您演示了句子在感兴趣的上下文中的使用方式时,就没有什么可说的了。我将从几个值得注意的引言开始,然后给出我认为是理解维特根斯坦、哲学和人类行为所需的最低考虑因素。... more
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      HistorySociologyPsychologyCognitive Psychology
Although in my book Logical Forms I raise several objections to the basic ideas of the minimalist conception of truth, as formulated by Frege and by Tarski, I did not discuss more recent formulations. Since I think the main problem for... more
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      Theories Of TruthPaul Horwich
In his recent book "Wittgenstein’s Metaphilosophy", Paul Horwich has advanced a view of later Wittgenstein centering on the claim that Wittgenstein’s discussion of meaning should be regarded as far less central than it usually is by... more
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      WittgensteinLater WittgensteinPaul Horwich
In this book, Allan Gibbard develops a 'normativist' and expressivist account of meaning, according to which meaning ascriptions concern how we ought to use language, and are explained as complex plans for using language in certain ways.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageReferenceTheories of MeaningTruth
Horwich dà una bella analisi di Wittgenstein (W) ed è uno studioso W leader, ma a mio parere, tutti non sono al di sotto di un pieno apprezzamento, come spiego a lungo in questa recensione e molti altri. Se non si capisce W (e... more
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      John R. SearleFilosofia De La MenteFilosofía PolíticaEconomia
Horwich gibt eine feine Analyse von Wittgenstein (W) und ist ein führender W-Stipendiat, aber meinerMeinung nach sind sie alle hinter einer vollen Wertschätzung zurück, wie ich in dieser Rezension und vielen anderen ausführlich erkläre.... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
Horwich donne une belle analyse de Wittgenstein (W) et est un érudit W de premier plan, mais à mon avis, ils sont tous en deçà d’une pleine appréciation, comme je l’explique longuement dans cet examen et beaucoup d’autres. Si l’on ne... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
My discussion will have three parts. I’ll begin with a thesis:– roughly, that a sentence’s meaning what it does is simply its property of having a certain structure and having words with certain meanings. Then I’ll mention some of the... more
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      SemanticsTheories of MeaningSyntaxModality
Wittgenstein argues that philosophy dissolves problems. Horwich embraces Wittgenstein’s view and, mainly implicitly, relocates some of its point in a minimalistic framework, working especially on the first part of the Philosophical... more
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      MetaphilosophyTheories of MeaningMeaningMinimalism