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Is it trivial, or perhaps even irresponsible, to explore aesthetic themes at a time when the world is engulfed by war, genocide, terrorism, poverty, climate change and financial turmoil? Why indulge in painting, poetry or music when lives... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
Santiago Elordi tradotto da Matteo Lefèvre 323 Charles Reznikoff tradotto da Andrea Raos 332 Jacques Roubaud tradotto da Italo Testa 345 Vincent Tholomé tradotto da Michele Zaffarano 348 Nika Turbina tradotta da Federico Federici 352
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      Paul CelanContemporary Italian PoetryAndrea ZanzottoMacrotext
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      Jacques DerridaGeorges BataillePaul Celan
This paper analyzes the exchange between Ricoeur and Derrida concerning metaphor. I argue that the exchange is not a "missed encounter," as Pirovolakis has suggested, but exemplifies a hermeneutic situation in which theoretical divergence... more
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      DeconstructionHermeneuticsPaul RicoeurMetaphor
This investigation examines the notion of psychic trauma as it has worked through professional discourses in psychoanalysis, psychology and psychiatry and entered broader public discourses in contemporary cultures to become the emblematic... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyPhilosophyFeminist Theory
Paul Celans Gedicht "ENGFÜHRUNG" nimmt eine Ausnahmestellung in seinem Gesamtwerk ein. Es ist nicht nur das längste seiner Gedichte, sondern es ist neben der "TODESFUGE" auch das einzige, das der Dichter innerhalb einer Sammlung besonders... more
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      Documentary FilmPaul CelanHolocaustPoems Analysis
In prima battuta mi pare necessario operare una delimitazione che restringa il largo campo referenziale del titolo di questo intervento: lingue "petrarchesche". Non sembra innanzitutto utile realizzare una mappa lessicologica delle... more
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      Literary StylisticsPetrarchItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
"From The dissertation is divided into two main parts: (1) "Problems With Metaphor? Prolegomena for Reading Otherwise", and (2) "Crossing the Troposphere: Paul Celan's Poetry and Poetics at the... more
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      MetaphysicsAristotleEmily DickinsonPoetry
The essay proposes a multi-faceted reading of „Hinausgekrönt“, a poem which functions in many ways as a counterpart to “Psalm” in Paul Celan’s 1963 poetry collection “Die Niemandsrose”. The interpretation follows the layers of the “four... more
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      Literary CriticismPaul Celan
In this paper I analyse the current trends in educational philosophy which utilise Emmanuel Levinas's thought. An ever‐growing number of scholars have articulated many different aspects of his thought for educational purposes. I propose... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationJewish StudiesTeacher Education
In het gedicht Todesfuge speelt het muzikale motief van de fuga een belangrijke rol: het gedicht draagt dan ook de titel ‘fuga van de dood’. Het fuga-motief werkt in het gedicht op een bepaalde manier door; een werking die samenhangt met... more
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      Holocaust StudiesPaul CelanFugue
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      PoetryContinental PhilosophyPaul CelanOsip Mandelstam
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureGerman Literature
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      DeconstructionÉmmanuel LévinasMartin HeideggerModern Poetry
La question ici posée peut s’entendre de multiples manières, à la mesure de l’ambiguïté de chaque terme employé. La possibilité évoquée dans l’énoncé est-elle physique, intellectuelle ou morale? La fin marque-t-elle le terme ou le but ?... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFuture StudiesComparative Literature
La littérature n'a peut-être jamais été plus mal considérée qu'aujourd'hui. Tous les signes montrent cette fragilisation. Mais plutôt que de s'arrêter à la description d'un mal contemporain dont nul ne doute, ce livre propose de retrouver... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureTheodor AdornoJorge Luis Borges
This is a German translation of my essay on Paul Celan: "In The Image of Silence. The Outline of The Unfallen Speech in Post-War Poetry of Paul Celan," in which I analyze Celan's poetry in philosophico-theological terms, with strong... more
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      Literary TheoryJewish MessianismPaul Celan
Der Aufsatz setzt sich mit Jacques Derridas kritischem Dialog (in seinem Text "Der ununterbrochene Dialog", 2004) mit Hans-Georg Gadamers Celan-Deutung auseinander und versucht, das Gespräch anhand Paul Celans Gedicht "Wege im... more
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      Comparative LiteratureHans-Georg GadamerModern PoetryLiterature and Philosophy
Introduzione di Camilla Miglio: Spazi nella materia (maceria) di parola e immagine* Per Celan non esiste il Linguaggio con L maiuscola, né il Poetare, né la Parola, né l’Affiorare della Poesia. Non c’è Ur-Sprache (Celan non è hei-... more
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    • Paul Celan
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      Martin HeideggerHolocaust StudiesHolocaust LiteraturePaul Celan
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      German Literature and CulturePaul CelanFaustAnselm Kiefer
"Brower provides a vivid demonstration of the vitality of the psychoanalytic tradition in France and its theories of the incarnate word. Taking off in large part from Derrida's reading of Freud's essay on the mystic writing pad, Brower... more
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureFrench Literature
One of the challenges of contemporary music composition is to speculate upon "possible worlds" as a counterpoint to our contemporary understanding of place, where the lyrical impulse in music is sensitive to relations between human impact... more
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      Composition (Music)J.H. PrynneArtistic Research of MusicPaul Celan
The essay discusses German Jewish cultural renewal in the aftermath of the World War II and the Holocaust. In order to do so, it offers a comparative study of three prize-reception speeches, given in West Germany after the Holocaust by... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJewish StudiesCulture Studies
Stuttgart: Metzler 2018. Hymnische Dichtung gehört zu den ältesten Formen poetischen Ausdrucks. Götter werden angefleht, Helden besungen, die Schönheit gepriesen. Die Texte gestalten zu diesem Zweck ein Sprechen an den Grenzen des... more
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      German LiteraturePoetryFriedrich NietzscheJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Che Vittorio Sereni vivesse profondi contrasti intellettuali è ipotesi facilmente formulabile, per ciò che emerge tanto dalla biografia quanto dalla riflessione sul fare e leggere poesia quanto, infine, dall'opera stessa, in versi e in... more
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      PublishingArchivesContemporary LiteratureMichel Butor
The variety of human activities and needs gives rise to a plurality of language functions, among them communication. However, communication is so highly rated that for many this is not merely a function, but the key factor that defines... more
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      Translation StudiesAfrican LiteratureLiterary TheoryFunctionalism
Literary writing has operated as a space of inquiry unsettling the literal and figurative ground on which thinking takes place. From Hölderlin’s invocations to the ether, to Walter Benjamin’s characterization of Baudelaire’s poetry as... more
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      Literary GeographyPaul Celan
After rethinking about the French interpretations of the relationship between Celan and Heiddegger, I wanted to (re)post this chapter of my 2003 PhD thesis ( I... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslation and Ideology
This paper suggests that anxiety is constitutive of Paul Celan's poetics, and his wounded search for reality in the wake of the Shoah. What is at stake for Celan's poetry, I argue, is the dreadful, awful and abysmal, the potential... more
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      PoetryMartin HeideggerHolocaust StudiesKierkegaard
This paper aims to investigate the sense of Paul Celan’s statement about the arrogance of poetry that refers to Auschwitz “under the perspective of the nightingale or the thrush” in connection with Todesfuge, whose original title was... more
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      Cultural StudiesGerman StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman Literature
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      Fernando PessoaPaul Celan
This essay is focused on Paul Celan as a reader of Walter Benjamin. It analyzes Celan's poem, “Port Bou – deutsch?”, which consists almost exclusively of quotations from Benjamin's review of a book on German poetry written by a scholar... more
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      20th Century German LiteratureWalter BenjaminPaul CelanStefan George
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Martin HeideggerFriedrich HölderlinGerman PoetryPaul Celan
This contribution examines Derridas interpretation of Celan in Schibboleth. In it, Derrida construes a ‚quasi-metaphysics‘ of time and date, oriented at the descriptions of time in Heidegger’s Being and Time. Also, in anticipation of... more
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      PoetryMartin HeideggerHans-Georg GadamerJacques Derrida
Nesse trabalho discutimos a tensão estabelecida, pela crítica, entre o dictumadorniano de que "escrever um poema após Auschwitz é um ato bárbaro", do texto 'Crítica cultural e sociedade' , e o famoso poema da juventude de Paul Celan,... more
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      Paul CelanLiteraturaHolocaust ShoahMemoria
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      German LiteraturePhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageLiterature
Due to recent events (that is, the publication of Heidegger's "Schwarze Hefte" and the revival of discussions about his Nazism and anti-Semitism) I post this 2003 PhD chapter on the Celan- Heidegger reception in France. Résumé français... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureCultural Transfer StudiesMartin Heidegger
In queste pagine Federica Santini interpreta una caratteristica centrale della poesia dei Novissimi, la riduzione dell'io, entro la particolare prospettiva della poesia di Amelia Rosselli, dando letture di alcuni testi alla luce dei... more
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      PoeticsPaul CelanAmelia Rosselli
 Anhang 21 4 umschreiben. Warum Celans (frühe) Werke nicht als surrealistisch klassifiziert werden (sollten), ist aber ungeklärt geblieben. Ziel dieser Studie ist, eine Antwort auf diese Frage zu finden. § 3. Theoretische Grundlagen §... more
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      German LiteraturePoetrySurrealismPaul Celan
En mi trabajo las citas son salteadores de caminos que irrumpen armados para arrebatar la convicción que alberga el ocioso paseante." Walter Benjamín "No es seguro ni mucho menos que exista algo como "los alemanes" o "lo alemán", o cosa... more
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      AestheticsTheodor AdornoPoeticsGilles Deleuze
Im Dezember 1967 besuchte der Dichter Paul Celan Berlin, wo einige Gedichte entstanden, darunter das Gedicht 'Du liegst'. Ausgehend von einem Brief und einem Gedichtentwurf, die in diesen Tagen entstanden, versucht der Beitrag der Frage... more
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      Paul CelanPoems AnalysisPeter Szondi
POETIC ADDRESS AND INTIMATE READING: THE OFFERED HAND by William Waters. Originally in _Literary Imagination_ 2.2 (2000); reprinted in abridged form (approximately this version) in _Poetry and Dialogism: Hearing Over_, ed. Mara Scanlon &... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek LiteratureEmily DickinsonPoetry
This essay draws out some largely unremarked aesthetic convergences between Samuel Beckett and two Romanian-Jewish, German-language contemporaries of his: the poet Paul Celan and the painter Avigdor Arikha. Résumé Cet essai met en... more
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      Jean-Luc NancySamuel BeckettPaul CelanAvigdor Arikha
Apresentação da antologia de Paul Celan: não sabemos mesmo o que importa Página 1 de 9 "O poema, sendo como é uma forma de aparição da linguagem, é por isso de essência dialógica, o poema pode ser uma garrafa lançada ao mar, abandonada à... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPoetryPaul Celan
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      IntertextualityPaul Celan
What does it mean for poetry and music to turn to each other, in the shadow of the Holocaust, as a means of aesthetic self-reflection? How can their mutual mirroring, of such paramount importance to German Romanticism, be reconfigured to... more
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureMusicology
The word “mother” appears seven times in the Song of Songs. The text analysis shows that this is not a coincidence. The keyword is part of an elaborate and complex macrostructure. The linguistic watermark is likely to be the stamp of the... more
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      Theological exegesisBook of Song of SongsBiblical ExegesisPaul Celan
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      PhilosophyTheodor AdornoPoetryLiterary Theory