Paul Celan
Recent papers in Paul Celan
Heinrich Heine and Paul Celan have often been compared, mainly because of their shared Parisian exile and Jewish identity. Yet we should add another dimension to this comparison, by examining the authors’ relationship to their... more
The final chapter of Philology of the Flesh investigates the work of the German poet Paul Celan. A consideration of his "Meridian" speech is shown to rehearse most of the themes discussed to this point. This thematic overview is then... more
O artigo aborda a reflexão pictórica de Alsem Kiefer, tentando estabelecer uma relação com o pensamento filosófico, literário e imagético, sobre a concepção de catástrofe, a partir da concepção historiográfica proposta por Walter Benjamin... more
Çeviren: Murat Erşen Fransız Felsefesi'nin doruklarından Jacques Derrida'dan bağışlamak, bağışlanamaz olan ve zaman aşımına uğramayan üzerine ufuk açıcı bir seminer. Affetmek, bağışlamak, af dilemek çağında; zaman aşımına uğramayan ve... more
2016, University of Chicago Press
co-winner of MLA Prize for a First Book (2016)
co-winner of MLA Prize for a First Book (2016)
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
Throughout his work, German philosopher, literary theorist, and translator Werner Hamacher was profoundly engaged with the poetry of Paul Celan which he viewed as a way of tapping into the fundamental occurrence of language. Under the... more
Im Unausgesprochenen der Metapher zeigt sich das Wesen des Bezeichnens. Die textuelle Abwesenheit des mit der Metapher Gemeinten, ihr beredtes Schweigen, entspricht dem Verweisen einer Spur, dem Legen einer Fährte. Das Zusammendenken ihre... more
não conheço quase nenhum outro poeta russo da sua geração que, como ele, estivesse no tempo, pensasse com o tempo e a partir dele, pensasse-o até o fim, em cada um de seus momentos, em seus objetos e acontecimentos, nas palavras que se... more
Breyten Breytenbach DIE NA-DOOD (2016): Resensie/ book review for Die Burger & Beeld.
By hierdie herdenking van D.J. Opperman se sterfdag, gee dit stof tot bespiegeling dat 'n hele generasie digters, romansiers en literatore wat by die digter in die leer gegaan het, self nou in hul "laat fases" is. Synde self een van... more
Im Dezember 1967 besuchte der Dichter Paul Celan Berlin, wo einige Gedichte entstanden, darunter das Gedicht 'Du liegst'. Ausgehend von einem Brief und einem Gedichtentwurf, die in diesen Tagen entstanden, versucht der Beitrag der Frage... more
If language is the house of being of a poem, what is the house in which a translated poem comes to reside? Following Paul Ricoeur, I call that metaphoric house the house of remembering and mourning. This is because translation, Ricoeur... more
La ironía presenta un conflicto humano que, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en la comedia, la novela, o incluso en la tragedia, es insatisfactorio, incompleto a no ser que veamos tras él un significado, algo típico de la situación humana... more
In het gedicht Todesfuge speelt het muzikale motief van de fuga een belangrijke rol: het gedicht draagt dan ook de titel ‘fuga van de dood’. Het fuga-motief werkt in het gedicht op een bepaalde manier door; een werking die samenhangt met... more
Abordaremos No amanece el cantor, poemario de Valente, centrándonos en su desarrollo la elegía, desmarcándose de modelos clásicos y románticos, y contribuyendo así a la construcción de su propio cosmos poético, del que sobresale la... more
Rose Ausländer-Lektüren und Überlegungen, u.a. mit Adorno, Lyotard, Szondi und Derrida. Online ist die Einleitung.
This essay is focused on Paul Celan as a reader of Walter Benjamin. It analyzes Celan's poem, “Port Bou – deutsch?”, which consists almost exclusively of quotations from Benjamin's review of a book on German poetry written by a scholar... more
Is it trivial, or perhaps even irresponsible, to explore aesthetic themes at a time when the world is engulfed by war, genocide, terrorism, poverty, climate change and financial turmoil? Why indulge in painting, poetry or music when lives... more
After rethinking about the French interpretations of the relationship between Celan and Heiddegger, I wanted to (re)post this chapter of my 2003 PhD thesis ( I... more
di René Char, queste pagine si propongono di avviare un sondaggio testuale che tenti di attribuire alla raccolta charriana un signifi cato molto più concreto di quello che si è soliti pensare. In Feuillets d'Hypnos non domina... more
La littérature n'a peut-être jamais été plus mal considérée qu'aujourd'hui. Tous les signes montrent cette fragilisation. Mais plutôt que de s'arrêter à la description d'un mal contemporain dont nul ne doute, ce livre propose de retrouver... more
Le livre est composé de trois parties : une préface établissant une typologie des rapports entre auteur et traducteur ; douze études de cas, confiée chacune à un universitaire spécialiste à la fois de traductologie et de l’auteur en... more
Die Frage, ob der Topos des Geheimnisses auch für die Literatur der Gegenwart von Bedeutung ist, lässt sich besonders mit Blick auf die Migrationsliteratur positiv beantworten. Durch das hier verarbeitete Spannungsverhältnis von Aufbruch... more
A través de un recorrido por algunos de los principales ejes de la filosofía de Heidegger y de la poesía de Celan, el presente trabajo se propone mostrar la estrecha relación entre una y otra, y cómo Heidegger cae aquí y allá en cierta... more
The article recasts the pre-history of philosophy as it is understood by G. W. F. Hegel, so as to examine what a “Lyrical Presentation of History” might have been. The essay argues that Hegel’s treatment of history at the end of his... more
Per Guzzi l’attuale cultura post-moderna manifesta una natura vampirisica: non solo è morta ma è anche mortifera, cioè parassitaria e sanguisuga e citando Char ci ricorda che bisogna prendere la decisione di «opporre la lucidità al... more
Der Aufsatz setzt sich mit Jacques Derridas kritischem Dialog (in seinem Text "Der ununterbrochene Dialog", 2004) mit Hans-Georg Gadamers Celan-Deutung auseinander und versucht, das Gespräch anhand Paul Celans Gedicht "Wege im... more
The poetry of Paul Celan, according to Ingeborg Bachmann, is of great personal and poetic importance. The recent research reveals that the emotional relationship of the authors is accompanied by intertextuality of their works. For... more
"From The dissertation is divided into two main parts: (1) "Problems With Metaphor? Prolegomena for Reading Otherwise", and (2) "Crossing the Troposphere: Paul Celan's Poetry and Poetics at the... more
Ma come abbiamo fatto questo? Come potemmo vuotare il mare bevendolo fino all'ultima goccia? Chi ci dette la spugna per strusciar via l'intero orizzonte? Che mai facemmo, a sciogliere questa terra dalla catena del suo sole? Dov'è che si... more
The essay proposes a multi-faceted reading of „Hinausgekrönt“, a poem which functions in many ways as a counterpart to “Psalm” in Paul Celan’s 1963 poetry collection “Die Niemandsrose”. The interpretation follows the layers of the “four... more
Paul Celans Gedicht "ENGFÜHRUNG" nimmt eine Ausnahmestellung in seinem Gesamtwerk ein. Es ist nicht nur das längste seiner Gedichte, sondern es ist neben der "TODESFUGE" auch das einzige, das der Dichter innerhalb einer Sammlung besonders... more
If the yearning for the Absolute — the unconditioned — initiates and to a large extent defines the Romantic gesture, then post-Romantic imagination seems to stretch this yearning towards the Absolute to such a degree that it could readily... more
Santiago Elordi tradotto da Matteo Lefèvre 323 Charles Reznikoff tradotto da Andrea Raos 332 Jacques Roubaud tradotto da Italo Testa 345 Vincent Tholomé tradotto da Michele Zaffarano 348 Nika Turbina tradotta da Federico Federici 352