Patronage (Medieval Studies)
Recent papers in Patronage (Medieval Studies)
The book focuses on the most important examples of eleventh-century sculpture from Dalmatia and Croatia. This study re-evaluates figural sculptures from Zadar and Biskupija in northern Dalmatia, Solin in central Dalmatia, and Koločep in... more
Cited: Martha Easton, “Feminist Art History and Medieval Iconography,” in Colum Hourihane, ed., The Routledge Companion to Medieval Iconography (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), 875n37; “The French of England: Annotated Short... more Despite the considerable quantity of colleges built across Europe in the fifteenth century, no standard typology had been... more
The account-books left by medieval merchants have mostly been studied to analyze their degree of technical development and the activity and volume of the companies that produced them. In order to identify the limit between commercial... more
The Knightly Family of Pannwitz and its Probable Artistic Foundations in the Kłodzko (Glatz) Region in the Middle Ages The Pannwitz family, one of the most important in the Kłodzko land, appeared here around 1300, arriving from Upper... more
Se trata de una novedosa aproximación al mundo del artista medieval, cuya obra se debatía entre la autoría divina y la firma individual. Temas como la formación del artista, su estatus laico o eclesiástico, el recurso a los modelos o la... more
Este libro aborda el estudio de la Arquitectura y Decoración de dos sinagogas medievales: la de Córdoba y la del Tránsito (Toledo), los dos exponentes más destacados del legado artístico hispano-judío que conserva hoy el Patrimonio... more
This article comments on the documents concerning the production of the shrine of the Virgin Mary, commissioned for the cathedral of Tournai in 1352 but completed only a few decades later, with the participation of a large number of... more
"This article explores the politics of owning, or taking ownership, of Bible historiale manuscripts during the Hundred Years’ War. As theft and capture disrupted predictable patterns of patronage and exchange, new owners’ additions,... more
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Blackwell Companions in Art History, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2019) (a collection of thirty-nine original essays from leading and upcoming scholars in the... more
The role of Bishop Salmon in the communal and spiritual development of Norwich Cathedral in the early fourteenth century promoted a new phase in its architecture and design, which brought Norwich into line with the latest developments and... more
Despite his reputation as one of the most successful English monarchs of the middle ages, Edward I has never been seen as a generous king. This article looks afresh at the accepted view of Edward I as a miserly king and, by examining his... more
A publication by the Draiflessen Collection 37
It is very likely that the earliest masters of Catalan panel and mural painting worked under the wing of the great ecclesiastical centres, such as the monastery of Ripoll or the Cathedrals of Vic and Urgell, whose institutions being... more
Resumen: La política religiosa de los primeros reyes Trastámara en Castilla trató de revitalizar la orden franciscana. Sin embargo, durante la regencia de Catalina de Lancaster y el infante Fernando se produjo un cambio devocional en la... more
Count Pere II d’Urgell (ca. 1339/1343-1408) is one of the most outstanding artistic promoters of the gothic centuries. He, along with his wife, Margarida de Monferrato (1364-1420), set in motion an artistic policy that was developed in... more
Se analizan las relaciones mantenidas entre los poderes laicos y los monasterios y conventos de las ciudades de Castilla. Se muestra su contribución a la fundación y traslado de cenobios, desempeñando estos últimos una importante función... more
poco interesada en la promoción artística. En este artículo se pretende matizar esta idea mediante el análisis de algunas de las joyas y objetos suntuarios que poseyó, perdidos en todos los casos, pero de los que se ha conservado memoria... more
Nonostante la cattedrale di Grosseto abbia subìto profondi cambiamenti nel corso dei secoli, ha conservato in situ alcune delle sue opere quattrocentesche. Questo saggio prende in esame la committenza della Madonna delle Grazie di Matteo... more
A pesar de la larga tradición historiográfica de estudios sobre la catedral de Santiago en su período medieval, a día de hoy no resulta tarea fácil reescribir un relato coherente y fehaciente de sus diversos avatares. Si sus orígenes... more
Resumen: La fundación de conventos y monasterios y las políticas desarrolladas en torno a estos espacios de espiritualidad constituyen una interesante herramienta de conocimiento del oficio regio femenino en su concepción y praxis.... more
La pittura a pistoia tra Gotico e tardoGotico e La committenza artistica vescoviLe Nel panorama artistico pistoiese del tardo Medioevo, un aspetto particolarmente rilevante e non ancora abbastanza indagato è costituito dalla committenza... more
L'any 1452 s'inaugurava la capella de l'hort de la Llotja dels mercaders de Barce lona amb gran solemnitat. Per tal que fos una ocasió lluïda, es va llogar el mestre de cant de la catedral i els seus deixebles, i també fra Gregori... more
This paper offers an overview of sculptures produced for the basilica of Aquilieia during the 13th and 14th century, discussing selectively problems of chronology, authorship, iconography, patronage, typology and function.
L’artista senese Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo (attivo tra il 1452 ed il 1495) ha prodotto un vasto numero di opere per vari committenti sia laici che religiosi. Solo due opere di Matteo sopravvivono in Maremma: la Madonna delle Grazie... more
"Bishops became one of the main groups of patrons in the Castilian late medieval artistic scene. The aim of this paper is to show an overall view of the foremost issues concerning the artistic patronage of three important prelates of... more
The Fécamp Psalter is a Norman illuminated manuscript produced around the year 1180. It contains a portrait of its patron kneeling in prayer and turned towards the Beatus page. This person is to be identified with a high-ranking woman of... more
in: Patronage. Power and Agency in Medieval Art, ed. Colum Hourihane, Princeton and University Park 2013, pp. 206-232
Per la realizzazione di questo volume si ringrazia: Mons.
This book offers an analysis of the Syro-Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate's political culture, focusing on the period between 1341 and 1382 CE, when twelve descendants of the regime's most successful sultan al-Nāṣir Muḥammad b. Qalāwūn reigned... more
Avital Heyman "Fulcher's Bestiary at the Door of the Holy Sepulchre" Abstract The southern façade of the Holy Sepulchre was adorned until 1929 with two carved lintels, distinct in their iconographies (exhibited ever since in the... more
The development of armorial display is linked to the desire of individuals to commemorate themselves and their families. The shield is interpreted as a sign of achieved authority which eventually becomes a means of asserting ascribed... more
This article, the third of in a series of articles on patronage, asks whether the Jews were a "Mediterranean" society in the period covered by the Cairo Geniza. I answer yes and no. Seth Schwartz argued in his recent book that by... more
UDK 739.1(497.5Krk)"14" Izvorni znanstveni članak U radu se predstavlja dobro poznata, no dosad nedovoljno pažljivo analizirana srebrna pala krčke katedrale. Riječ je o srebrnoj i pozlaćenoj pali koju je 1477. godine izradio majstor... more