Recent papers in Patristics
A book review by Benjamin H. Dunning published in The Journal of Religion, Vol. 105, No. 1, January 2025. Original is found at
This volume of essays overturns the customary historiography which has supposed that in the Reformation and post-Reformation period, orthodox Reformed Anglican theology and ministry ran exclusively in Puritan channels (whether conforming... more
This paper (originally presented at the Oxford Patristics Conference, August, 2024) examines how in his recently rediscovered and edited series of nine homilies on Psalm 77(78) (editio princeps ed. Lorenzo Perrone, et al. in GCS 2015)... more
This paper explores why the Anglican Church in Jane Furse used the Manche Masemola narrative to construct martyrdom. Like most hagiographies, Manche’s narrative is told to inspire admiration and reverence. It uses Manche as a model worthy... more
Dialogue, vol. 8 (17), 2024 [Journal of Theology and Religious Studies,
Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University], pp. 133-154.
Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University], pp. 133-154.
Abstract: Interpretative Theory and Practice of St. Thomas Aquinas This paper examines the interpretative theory and exegetical practice of St. Thomas Aquinas, focusing on his approach to Scripture within the broader framework of... more
Sumario 1. Introducción a los tipos de evangelización europea 2. El modelo evangelizador desde el poder 3. La crisis de ese modelo en el s. XVI 4. Atisbos de una nueva evangelización desde la alteridad 5. Preguntas de cara el futuro... more
Among the approximately 180 homilies of St. Peter Chrysologus, a group of 12 sermons [LXXIII-LXXXIV] is dedicated to the Lord’s Resurrection, representing one of the most important collections on this subject of a Christian author of the... more
O objetivo de nosso estudo e fazer uma analise interpretativa da obra O Conceito de Angustia (Begrebet Angest, 1844) de Kierkegaard, particularmente dos fenomenos da liberdade e da nao-liberdade. Principiamos a pesquisa com uma tentativa... more
Auteur méconnu et difficile à situer, Nonius Marcellus est notre seule source pour un nombre important de fragments poétiques, des Satires Ménippées en particulier. Sa Compendiosa doctrina, vingt livres formant un abrégé de ce qu'il faut... more
These are my notes for the third of four lessons on the Historicity and Inerrency of the christian scriptures
The text states that Abraham died on April 18 406. It is not known when he was born or when he left home in Constantinople and took up the monastic life in Syria on the High Mountain, Mt Izla (also known as Tur Abdin), now in SE Turkey.... more
Autor: Henri Crouzel
Traducido de la edición original francesa ("L’Église primitive face au divorce. Du premier au cinquième siècle") por Ricardo Lázaro Barceló y María Adela Codoñer Nácher.
Traducido de la edición original francesa ("L’Église primitive face au divorce. Du premier au cinquième siècle") por Ricardo Lázaro Barceló y María Adela Codoñer Nácher.
my own translation of Augustine, Confessions Book 1, completed 27.2.25.
in Cristologia patristica e cristologia filosofica, a cura di V. Limone, C. Moreschini e V. Cicero, 2025, Nerbini, Firenze, pp. 129-152.
The debate around Theopaschism marked the Christological controversies that arose between the fifth and sixth centuries in the East, sometimes involving the West through Rome. However, the Latin Christology that developed in Gaul during... more
This paper articulates Augustine's understanding of the value of Eucharist as sign and as means of sanctification, namely, as both sacrament and "true presence;" Augustine holds closely the notions of Christ's incarnate body, his... more
quale filologo delle Scritture sono stati più volte messi in luce 1 , così come taluni limiti del suo approccio ai testi 2 ; quel che invece resta inesplorato, a dispetto della ricorsività di osservazioni di carattere... more
The article deals with the concept of ἐλευθερία in the work of Clement of Alexandria: in the Protrepticus he suggests the image of it as liberation from pagan idolatry, in other writings proposes the idea of freedom as the inner... more
This study focuses on the contribution of Spyridon II Voulgaris, Grand Protopapas of Corfu, to the homiletic tradition of the Orthodox Church during the Venetian rule. Through unpublished sources and archival documents, it highlights his... more
The ancient Gnostic synthesis of Platonism with the Jewish scriptures is evaluated in contrast to that of emerging Catholic orthodoxy. Plotinus' critique of Sethian Gnosticism provides the philosophical context for this analysis. A hurdle... more
Înțelegerea cuvântului „Logos” este esențială deoarece acest concept stă la baza articulării modului în care creștinismul își explică relația dintre Dumnezeu, creație și revelație, funcționând ca punte între tradițiile iudaice,... more
This article proposes a reassessment of the mythological information collected by the abjuration formula known as Capita VII contra Manichaeos. This formula is the first anti-Manichaean work written in Greek that mentions some Manichaean... more
Fr. Gorges Florovsky (1893-1979) used the term "neopatristic synthesis', by which he meant not only a "return" to the Fathers, but also a "going forward with" the Fathers. Another term used by him was "theology of facts", which means that... more
Charles Kannengiesser, the editor of De Incarnatione in Sources Chrétiennes, considers omissions of and substitutions for the term organon in the Codex Vaticanus syriacus (Σ) to be intentional alternations. I would like to propose, based... more
ZOZUĽAK, Ján. Monastic identity of Constantine the Philosopher and Methodius and the First Slavic Translations of Ascetic Texts. Before their arrival in Great Moravia, the Thessalonian brothers from Thessaloniki Constantine and Methodius... more
ZOZUĽAK, Ján. Monastic identity of Constantine the Philosopher and Methodius and the First Slavic Translations of Ascetic Texts. Before their arrival in Great Moravia, the Thessalonian brothers from Thessaloniki Constantine and Methodius... more
Lucrarea depășește granițele unor simple note de curs (fie ele destinate chiar și studenților masteranzi) nu doar prin amploarea ei (s-ar fi putut cu ușurință încadra ca temă de cercetare doctorală!), ci și prin bogatul aparat critic.... more
Across cultures, weddings have historically represented some of the most important and extravagant celebrations. This is the first comprehensive study of marriage rituals in the Eastern Mediterranean world of Byzantine Christianity.... more
A comparative analysis of the chapter titles and text of the first book of the late antique mili- tary treatise Strategikon allows to put forward the hypothesis that its text was constituted in several stages. Of particular importance... more
Osobitnú zložku skúmania jazykovo-kultúrneho povedomia spoločenstva veriacich byzantského obradu na Slovensku a vo Vojvodine predstavuje adaptácia ich jazykového povedomia v liturgickej cirkevnej slovančine. Na adaptáciu... more
In this paper, the authors explore the significance of pseudepigraphic literature attributed to Clement of Rome, a prominent Christian figure of the late first and early second centuries. The study highlights how, despite only one... more
Rivelazione e storia nel pensiero di Origene
Entry about Erasmus's reception of Augustine, written together with Hilmar Pabel, for the Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine.
In his celebrated lecture on the Confessions of St. Augustine the late Professor Adolf von Harnack decl "Between St. Paul the Apostle and Luther the Reformer Christian Church has possessed no one who could measure self with Augustine; and... more
The aim of this chapter is to introduce, contextualize, and evaluate the key results of the Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine in the field of Renaissance Humanism.
A brief introduction to the theological value of images, in the light of an innovative re-reading of the Second Council of Nicaea. Until 14 March, the PDF can be downloaded in full from this link: .
Book presentation: Evagrio Pontico, Gli otto spiriti della malvagità. Edizione e traduzione di due antiche versioni latine. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e note di commento a c. di Diego MARCHINI (Nuovi testi patristici, 7),... more
Lucrarea cu titlul: Sfântul Niceta de Remesiana. Viaţa şi activitatea este teza de doctorat în Teologie a d-lui Vasile Rojneac, alcătuită sub competenta îndrumare a Pr. prof. univ. dr. Alexandru Moraru şi îşi propune să exploreze... more