Recent papers in Patristics
The paper has two main aims: first, to offer a general overview about Augustine’s concept of corporeal matter, based on a comprehensive examination of all the occurrences of the Latin lemmas "materia" and "materies" in his works; second,... more
The mystery of union beyond distinction is a key of the eucharistic doctrine for Cyril of Alexandria who compares it to the intra-trinitarian union and the union of Christ with his flesh. These three unions do not imply confusion nor... more
Sidonius C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius, Die Briefe. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Helga Köhler, Stuttgart: Hiersemann 2014, XXXVII + 355 pp., ISBN 978-3-7772-1414-6, € 224 (hb). Die Briefe des Apollinaris Sidonius sind seit... more
Dopo l'edizione di M. Simonetti 1 , gli studi sul De opere et eleemosynis si sono concentrati per la maggior parte sul contenuto dell'opera e sulle circostanze storiche cui essa accenna, lasciando in secondo piano gli aspetti più... more
Corneliu C. Simuț (ed.), Miscellaneous Theological Studies: Biblical, Apologetic, Historical, Patristic, Theodicean, and Systematic. Oradea, Warsaw, and Berlin: Emanuel University Press and Sciendo, 2021.
St. Luke in the Fields "Exploring the Psalms" series, May 2018. Originally delivered to the Institute for Studies of Eastern Christianity Annual Conference, "Creation, Redemption & Environmental Ethics" 8 December 2017
Origen’s exegesis of the Song of Songs, despite the praise it generally raised both in antiquity and in modern times, still awaits for deeper investigation as far as the literary project of the Alexandrian and its output are concerned. In... more
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
In order to shed light on the meaning of John 1, St. Augustine would turn to “that image which the creature is, that is, to the rational soul for a more careful questioning and consideration” of the procession of the Son from the Father.... more
Ionuţ ACRUDOAE, The prosopography of the militares from Pannonia in legio XV Apollinaris / 377 Marija BUZOV, Mljet -Melita in Dalmatia is the island of St. Paul's shipwreck (The Ragusan tradition on St. Paul's shipwerck) / 395 Alessandro... more
In 1899, part of the floor of the church of San Tommaso collapsed, revealing a Medieval mosaic pavement. Arthur K. Porter believed that it was the only surviving part of the ancient Benedictine abbey, but he also asserted that it was «the... more
This book debunks the myth that the cross was never used as a visual symbol in pre-Constantinian Christianity, bringing together the relevant material evidence demonstrating Christian use of the cross prior to Constantine. The artifacts... more
Introduzione 1. La condanna cristiana degli spettacoli come problema storico, 8-2. L'ipotesi (letteraria) di una presenza cristiana nei luoghi di spettacolo, 16-3. La realtà (storica) di un giudizio radicalmente negativo, 23-4.... more
Social changes in the contemporary era have directly influenced human life and existence, especially the meaning of marriage. In light of these contemporary developments, researchers have emphasized the urgent need to deconstruct marriage... more
This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more
A provisional parallel-column translation of the Preface and Chapter 1 of Theodoret's Commentary on the Song of Songs.
Hungarian / Vigilia 78. évfolyam 11. szám
En esta introducción trataremos de presentar muy brevementerazones de espacio-los datos que tenemos acerca de la vida, la y el contexto eclesial de Diádoco, para extendemos algo más res:pe,cto a su doctrina 2 • Allí pretendemos mostrar su... more
Trotz zahlreicher und fundierter Einblicke in die Gattung und den theologischen Inhalt der Nag-Hammadi-Apokalypse des Paulus (NHC V,2) bleibt die genaue Valenz des Textes umstritten: Ist der Text valentinianisch, wie oft behauptet,... more
A Study of Augustine's City of God and the Sources of his Doctrine of the Two Cities By j o h a n n e s v a n o o r t isbn 978-90-04-24628-7
A revised translation & notes for St. Cyril's extended discussion of the Tabernacle in "De adoratione" (Book 9).
This article deals with the theory of the so-called ‘intelligible Triad’ (esse, vivere, intellegere) to show in what way this theory was developed in Neoplatonism (by Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus and Proclus) and transformed in the... more
Studia Patristica. Volume 6: The Classical or Christian Lactantius. Vol. LXXX - Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Editors: Vinzent M., Nicholson O.
Traducere din limba greacă de Ierom. Agapie Corbu, Ed. Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2016 Această carte transcrie rezumativ predarea prin viu grai a vieţii monahale trăite de autor alături de Gheron Iosif Isihastul. Învăţătura orală a acestuia a... more
"Atunci când venim la Spovedanie, venim să ne întâlnim faţă către faţă cu un prieten. Nu venim pentru a fi judecaşi şi condamnati. Nu venim înfricosati de ceea ce urmeaza sa se întâmple. Venim la Cel care, Dumnezeu fiind, dincolo de... more
كتاب "لغة الله في التقليد الآبائي" من إعداد مارك شريدن وترجمة الباحثين بيشوي جرجس وموريس وهيب، يهدف كتاب "لغة الله في التقليد الآبائي" إلى توضيح كيف فهم اللاهوتيون المسيحيون المبكرون المعضلة التي تطرحها النصوص التي تنسب الخصائص والعواطف... more
An overview of Augustine of Hippo's views about freedom. I argue that Augustine the bishop was one of the first theological compatibilists, who believed that responsibility is compatible with at least certain kinds of necessity and that... more
Proponemos una identificación entre la categoría de semina Verbi y la categoría de praeambula fidei, dentro de la categoría de praepatatio Evangelii. Siguiendo los estudios de autores como Antonio Orbe y otros, podemos hablar de semina... more
Criticism of myth in the Bible is not a modern problem. Its roots go back to the earliest Christian theologians, and before them, to ancient Greek and Jewish thinkers. The dilemma posed by texts that ascribe human characteristics and... more
A few preliminary thoughts about a heavy burden and a delightful task
Common knowledge and modern translations assume that by δαιµόνιον the author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles meant demon. More specifically, it is alleged that he had in mind spirit-beings that are innately evil, being... more
Anastasius the Sinaite's homily on the Transfiguration discloses the meaning of Tabor by weaving together several theophanic texts. His exegesis exemplifies a specific type of christological interpretation of biblical theophanies that has... more
and his disciples believed in him." -John 2:1-2, 11.
În învăţătura sa despre rugăciune, Mitropolitul Antonie pune accent deosebit pe tăcere. Nu doar inima şi mintea noastră, ci şi trupul trebuie antrenat într-o tăcere trezvitoare, prin care suntem deschişi faţă de Dumnezeu, dispuşi să... more
In Book 5 of his Against Heresies (Adversus Haereses), Irenaeus envisions an eschaton that coheres with the beginning of creation and serves God’s purpose of perfecting man in His divine dispensation. For this argument, Irenaeus cites... more