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      Decision MakingMultiple sclerosisDecision Making Under UncertaintyShared decision making
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      Shared decision makingReviewsPatient decision aids
Five electronic databases (to July 2006) and personal contacts (to December 2006). Results. Among 55 randomized controlled trials, 38 (69%) used at least 1 measure that mapped onto an IPDAS effectiveness criterion. Measures of decision... more
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      Shared decision makingApplied EconomicsMedical Decision MakingMeta Analysis
Objective: We aimed to identify factors influencing pregnant women’s use of patient decision aids (PtDA) and decision making on prenatal screening. Materials and methods: This qualitative study was conducted between July 2019 and June... more
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      Decision MakingPrenatal screeningPatient decision aidsFamily Planning and Reproductive Health
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      Shared decision makingReviewsPatient decision aids
Objectives: To describe the development, validation and inter-rater reliability of an instrument to measure the quality of patient decision support technologies (decision aids).
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      Decision MakingShared decision makingMultidisciplinaryScale Development
Objective: A patient decision aid (PtDA), was developed to support breast cancer patients making choices about their aftercare. The aim of this pilot was to test the effects of the PtDA on Shared Decision Making (SDM), Decision Evaluation... more
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      Breast CancerPatient-Centered CareHospital costsAftercare
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      Shared decision makingReviewsPatient ParticipationPatient decision aids
ABSTRACT Decision aids are interventions designed to help people make specific and deliberative choices among options (including status quo) by providing (at a minimum) information on the options and outcomes relevant to a... more
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      Shared decision makingReviewsPatient decision aids
Contact address: Annette M. O'Connor, Professor, School of Nursing, Department of Epidemiology, University of Ottawa, Senior Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute, 1053 Carling Avenue, (ASB... more
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      Shared decision makingPatient ParticipationPatient decision aidsCochrane
Background: Prostate cancer is a leading cause of cancer among men. Because screening for prostate cancer is a controversial issue, many experts in the field have defended the use of shared decision making using validated decision aids,... more
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      Prostate CancerShared decision makingDecision AidingPatient decision aids
Objective: We aimed to identify factors influencing pregnant women's use of patient decision aids (PtDA) and decision making on prenatal screening. Materials and methods: This qualitative study was conducted between July 2019 and June... more
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      Decision-MakingPrenatal screeningPatient decision aidsPregnant woman
Five electronic databases (to July 2006) and personal contacts (to December 2006). Results. Among 55 randomized controlled trials, 38 (69%) used at least 1 measure that mapped onto an IPDAS effectiveness criterion. Measures of decision... more
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    •   12  
      Shared decision makingApplied EconomicsMedical Decision MakingMeta Analysis
Objectives: To describe the development, validation and inter-rater reliability of an instrument to measure the quality of patient decision support technologies (decision aids).
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      Decision MakingShared decision makingMultidisciplinaryScale Development