Paternity Leave

115 papers
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Paternity leave refers to the period of time a father is allowed to take off from work following the birth or adoption of a child, to support the mother and bond with the newborn. It is a form of parental leave aimed at promoting family involvement and well-being.
Toplu iş sözleşmelerinde ücretli mazeret izinlerine ilişkin düzenlemeler
We study the impact of an expansion of maternity leave mandates from 6 months to 12 months on the health and development of children. Our advantage relative to previous research lies in a compelling policy episode which improves the... more
This contract relates to the comparative analysis of fertility and its determinants, and in particular that of family policy, in three European countries (Belgium, France and Luxembourg). This analysis specifically places its emphasis on... more
Bugün Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin çoğunluğunun yasal mevzuatında, nafaka borçlusu ebeveynden tahsil edilemeyen iştirak nafakası alacağının devlet tarafından belirli bir süre -en azından çocuğun zorunlu okul dönemi bitene kadarödeneceğine... more
Gestión del conflicto trabajo-cuidados en el ámbito científico-académico: un estudio cualitativo sobre las experiencias de mujeres investigadoras en España
In this article we analyse the motherhood and care experiences of female researchers in Spain in order to understand the way in which they manage the work-care conflict in the scientific-academic field and to characterise its labour and... more 1 , where links are available for access to the data and the questionnaire, and acknowledgement requirements for use of the survey data are outlined. Here we explain the survey in more detail and... more
This report presents key findings from Enhancing Mothers’ Workforce Engagement in the Preschool Years, an Australian Research Council Linkage project in partnership with the Department of Social Services, commonly referred to as the... more
The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of staff of the Department of Family and Community Services and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. They played a crucial role in commissioning the research, shaping... more
Many people contributed to the White Paper Men and Gender Equality in Portugal over the whole course of its preparation: national and international partners, specialists in various fields, stakeholders representatives, political... more
In diesem Kapitel spreche ich bewusst nicht nur von Liquid Workern, sondern von Mitarbeitern allgemein. Denn letztendlich gelten viele der gemachten Aussagen auch für die Mitarbeiter, die keine Möglichkeit haben, ihre Zeit selbst... more
Official Spanish policy seeks greater gender equality by, among other things, encouraging men's use of their legal rights to parental leave and requiring employers to implement equality plans. This article contains a first-ever analysis... more
Sugerencia de cita / Suggested citation: Romero-Balsas, P. (2022). Incremento en la duración del permiso exclusivo para padres y sus consecuencias en el cuidado infantil desde la perspectiva de las madres.
Em 2018 realizaram-se 14928 interrupções voluntárias de gravidez (IVG) em Portugal, 95,8% por opção da mulher. A principal causa invocada foi a toma incorreta e a descontinuidade do método contracetivo. A evidência científica sugere que a... more
Resumo: Estima-se que a nível mundial cerca de metade das gravidezes não são planeadas e estão relacionadas com a não utilização, falha, uso incorreto ou descontinuação de métodos contracetivos. Os enfermeiros são agentes importantes de... more
This is the policy review on work and care synergies of the WORCKARESYNERGIES Dissemination Project, an EU Support Action within the FP 7 Framework Programme (2010-2011). More information on the project and its contents can be found on... more
This review aims to provide evidence of the expected costs and benefits incurred by five reforms envisaged by the European Commission (EC): – The introduction of a carers’ leave, which can be defined as a short period of leave to take... more
Cette enquête qualitative menée dans 18 entreprises de secteurs différents, pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, souligne le caractère contrasté de la négociation collective en matière de parentalité, sujet qui reste globalement secondaire... more
Spanish labour legislation provides that employed working parents have the right to a 1 The author wishes to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation (R+D National Plan, project CSO2010-17811/ SOCI) and The Women's Institute (project... more
Esta tesis doctoral analiza la eficacia del sistema de licencias parentales en Espana para facilitar la conciliacion de la vida laboral y familiar de las personas trabajadoras y promover la igualdad de genero. Para ello, el primer... more
Based on three discussion groups conducted in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville in 2016 and on recent statistical data, this paper explores the barriers and possibilities that involved fathers encounter at their workplaces when they enter... more
Cet article analyse les déterminants du travail autonome au Québec et dans le reste du Canada en se concentrant sur les contraintes de liquidité, l’âge et le chômage agrégé. Nous utilisons les données en panel de l’Enquête sur la... more
This is the policy review on work and care synergies of the WORCKARESYNERGIES Dissemination Project, an EU Support Action within the FP 7 Framework Programme (2010-2011). More information on the project and its contents can be found on... more
In recent years there has been a substantial increase in the number of women police officers, with the same powers and authority as their male colleagues and of the number of women seeking employment within the service. However, despite... more
Este artigo analisa se a licença parental constitui medida capaz de reduzir a discriminação de gênero no ambiente de trabalho. Para isso, o estudo considera a divisão entre trabalho produtivo e reprodutivo no exame de questões referentes... more
l'assurance-emploi 1 , a engagé en 2022 une consultation destinée à la modernisation de celle-ci 2. Ceci n'est pas un hasard. Les mesures successives d'allégement des conditions d'accès aux bénéfices en temps de Covid (mars 2020-septembre... more
With the increasing hierarchy level in working organizations the percentage of female persons in leadership positions is changing in a decreasing manner. Therefore female leaders are still seen as the "exception from the rule"... more
This paper investigates South African domestic worker perceptions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act No. 75 of 1997. A survey questionnaire was disseminated with the purpose of accessing domestic worker knowledge and awareness of... more
Maternity leave is an important benefit to the female employees and it plays important role to increase organizational loyalty, efficiency and job satisfaction, particularly in the Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). The objective of the... more
En période périnatale, 21,7% des mères et 9,9% des pères vivent avec l’anxiété. Cette étude qualitative s’intéresse à l’expérience des parents en réponse à l’anxiété de leur coparent de la grossesse aux deux premières années de vie de... more
It's expected of woman and man to behave appropriately with the gender role. In this context, women are faced with pressure that take their housewife, motherhood, spouse role to foreground and take a backseat to role of working woman. As... more
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
Auf dem Weg zum familienbewussten Unternehmen-ein hindernisreicher Lernprozess. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie Abstracts Die Autorinnen verfolgen die Fragestellung, welche Hindernisse die Implementierung, Weiterentwicklung und... more
In a rapidly changing world, we will continue witnessing the growing momentum and recognition of the importance of men for gender equality, reconciling work-family life and impacting the future of their children" United Nations (2011)
Il saggio si occupa della flessibilità per la conciliazione nel d.lgs. 105/2022.
Despite constitutional and legislative protections against unfair pregnancy and marital discrimination, it is argued that in practice these grounds have not yet developed into fullyfledged grounds of discrimination. Rather, they are often... more
Esta pesquisa busca refletir sobre as possibilidades de construção de (novas) paternidades a partir das narrativas de jovens estudantes negros. Para isso, nos baseamos nas teorizações da performatividade e da interseccionalidade para... more
Engaging with men is an essential effort towards preventing violence in our communities. At the same time, violent behaviours are deeply embedded into our societies and construct what it means to be ‘masculine’ in a way that naturalises... more
The presented empirical data analysis aims to shed light on the persistence of gender inequalities in sharing parenting responsibilities and addresses possible improvements for realising gender equality. In recent decades, family policies... more
Cette étude dresse un portrait du calendrier et de l’intensité de l’entrée ou du retour dans le marché du travail des femmes après la naissance d’un enfant au Canada, et des facteurs associés aux variations du rythme d’entrée ou de... more
The present study explored how an intervention programme for fathers contributed to child and family well-being. Using a qualitative research methodology the authors conducted 20 interviews with 10 mothers and 10 children of fathers who... more
Many people contributed to the White Paper Men and Gender Equality in Portugal over the whole course of its preparation: national and international partners, specialists in various fields, stakeholders representatives, political... more
Introduction. The evidence about the effectiveness of fathers' or partners' involvement in breastfeeding interventions to promote initiation, duration, and exclusiveness rates has increased in recent years. Objectives. To identify the... more
En période périnatale, 21,7% des mères et 9,9% des pères vivent avec l’anxiété. Cette étude qualitative s’intéresse à l’expérience des parents en réponse à l’anxiété de leur coparent de la grossesse aux deux premières années de vie de... more
The early years 30 hours policy, (also known as the ‘extended entitlement’), was introduced for eligible three-and-four-year-olds of qualifying parents or carers in England in September 2017 (for more details on eligibility, see Box 1... more