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הסיבה שבעטייה החל הטקס המקורי נסתרת מעינינו, כפי שגם האופן שבו הקרבן ללא המזבח התגלגל למקדשים עם מזבחים שעליהם נזבח הפסח אינם ידועים לנו. במקרה זה, המסורת לא רק משמרת את העבר, אלא גם מתעדת את הרפורמות שחלו בה. במקרים אחרים, היא מסתירה את... more
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      Ritual (Anthropology)Biblical LawSacrificeLeviticus
The paper argues against connecting the "second Passover" to Hezekiah as per 2 Chronicles 30 or to Yehud as a merchant community with members ever away on business trips. It delineates the requirement to offer a make-up Passover on a... more
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      PassoverCultic CentralizationPriestly History and LawDeuteronomic Literature and Law
The Children of Israel were instructed to spend the first night of their redemption, the fifteenth of Nissan, confined to their homes. After slaughtering the Paschal lamb, the Children of Israel framed their homes and their very lives... more
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This publication is the original Polish text of my article which was published in the Ukrainian language in 2016 in Studia Catholica Podoliae Annus VIII (2014-2015) Numerus 8-9 Городок – Камянець-Подільський, 57-109. This Ukrainian text... more
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      New TestamentEucharistEucharistic TheologyPassover
Darrell Bock and Mitch Glaser have edited several recent books on the topic of Israel, including To the Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History (2008), The Gospel According to Isaiah 53 (2012), The People, the... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsPassover
The 2019 version of the haggadah that reveals the deep structure of the seder, and how it guides us on a path toward freedom. You'll find signposts and cues indicating where important transformations of the seder's symbols take place,... more
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      Jewish StudiesPassoverJewish HaggadahJewish Holidays
This order of service for Passover is an attempt to be as true as possible to the historic one Jesus had with his disciples. The present-day Passover as celebrated by millions of Jews is in the same order, and contains everything in... more
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      PassoverPassover mealRenewalPassover Haggadah
For contemporary American Jews, it is not an exaggeration to claim the Maxwell House Haggadah, as one of the most commonly used and widely known haggadahs. Even President Obama was aware of this history when he quipped regarding another... more
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      CoffeeJewish HistoryPassoverJewish Haggadah
This is an excerpt from The Polychrome Historical Haggadah for the Passover Seder. The book has a commentary, interpretive translation, introduction, and notes. The Foreword by Tzvee Zahavy describes the Seder as a scribal opera, and the... more
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      JudaismPassoverJewish HaggadahJewish Holidays
Based on the paradigmatic shift in both Liturgical and Ritual Studies, this multidisciplinary volume presents a collection of case studies on rituals in the early Christian world. After a methodological discussion of the new paradigm, it... more
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      Early ChristianityAugustineCognitive Science of ReligionMystery cult
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTheologyMedieval History
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      Jewish StudiesRabbinic LiteratureHebrew ManuscriptsPassover
This article presents some new material on the Greek text of Melito. Nongbri describes the rediscovery of the first leaf of the Greek copy of Melito’s Peri Pascha in the Bodmer collection and discusses its place in the codex of which it... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureJewish StudiesTheology
Passover is a time of joy, celebration, family, warmth and friendship. My first memory of a Seder was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1957. My aunt Shaindel, of blessed memory, hosted it in the storage shed, at the back of her grocery store.... more
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      TalmudJewish HistoryPassoverTosefta
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      ChristianityAncient Egyptian ReligionTheologyBiblical Studies
This very short exposition deals with the meaning and the development of the concept of Passover in the Old Testament and the New Testament
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      PassoverPassover meal
The narratives of the Old Testament are rich with characters full and complex. This is one of the geniuses of the authors of Scripture, that though they relate historical events, places and people, they still take time to colour in the... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryPhilosophy
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      Spiritual FormationCatholic TheologyProphetsJesus Christ
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudRabbinicsMaimonides
A critical review of The Day the Revolution Began by Tom Wright. Key words: N T Wright, The Day the Revolution Began, critical review, atonement theology, OT narrative & allusion, propitiation, divine wrath, Gospels, substitutionary... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentSystematic TheologyBiblical Studies
In this study, I attempt to define the difference between memory, halakaha and midrash in the Mishnah's ritual narratives. I do so through a synchronic and diachronic study of three such narratives: The first-fruits processional (m. Bik.... more
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      TalmudSecond Temple JudaismMidrashRabbinic Literature
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      Jewish StudiesRabbinic LiteratureHebrew ManuscriptsPassover
This paper is a translation of the article: Wojciech Kosek, Dlaczego Ostatnia Wieczerza w Ewangelii św. Jana (13-17) nie zawiera słów konsekracji? It was published in the book published by The Association of the Polish Biblical Scholars... more
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      EucharistBiblical ExegesisRites of PassageGospel of John
This study examines the passages in which the Akedah is tacitly referenced by the Fourth Evangelist to explain who Christ was for his community. It identifies a plethora of thematic and linguistic expressions in John that are parallel to... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentSynoptic GospelsApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
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      Jewish StudiesPassoverPiyyutimJewish Piyyutim
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical ExegesisOld Testament ExegesisPassover
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Jewish History
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesHebrew BibleRare Books and Manuscripts
Tue printing of the publication is ensured thanks to the financial support of UNESCO, within the frameworkofUNESCO Participation Programme20l6-20l7.
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      Art HistoryJewish StudiesJewish Art HistoryPassover
Praca doktorska: Pierwotny ryt Paschy w świetle schematu literackiego Księgi Wyjścia 1-18, Kraków 2008, Wydawnictwo Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej. Praca w języku polskim, streszczenie w języku polskim i angielskim. ISBN:... more
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      Biblical StudiesBiblical TheologyPentateuchal TheoryTorah/Pentateuch
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      Jewish StudiesModern Jewish PhilosophyMedieval illuminated manuscriptsModern Jewish History
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      PassoverJewish Haggadah
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesChristology
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudRabbinicsRabbinic Literature
The present paper shows “the breaking of bread” (cf. 1Cor 11:24) as the central liturgical sign of the Eucharist, typologically foretold by the analogous sign of the First Covenant: the breaking of the Paschal Afikoman in the yearly... more
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      LiturgyCovenant TheologyEucharistJudaism
The Exodus of God's firstborn son YISRA'EL (Shemot 4:22) not only foreshadows the feasts of Passover, Firstfruits, and Pentecost, but also the vicarious work of the Messiah. From His entry into Jerusalem until the outpouring of the... more
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      Ancient HistoryJewish StudiesJudaismTorah/Pentateuch
The events recorded by the gospel writers from the crucifixion to the resurrection, come with their own time frames. The Friday afternoon to a Sunday morning scenario is an impossibility if these events are allowed to remain as they are... more
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      Early Church TheologyFirst century Judaism and ChristianityPassoverHarmony of the Gospels
The problem of the origins of Passover has been a subject of considerable interest in variety of academic disciplines. Biblical scholars, historians of religion, anthropologists and archaeologists all gave their contribution to the... more
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      PassoverBiblical Passover
An analysis of the unique appearance of the two cups in the Lukan institution narrative. This paper explores the literary and cultural/historical details of Luke:22:14-20 in order to provide precedent for Luke's use of Jewish Passover... more
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      New TestamentEucharistLuke-ActsGospel of Luke
English translation of this article: Показ внутрішньої логіки тієї дивовижної літургії, що нею є Пасха, саме такою була мета нинішньої статті. Логіку Пасхи сам Бог вписав – за посередництвом натхнених... more
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      New TestamentLiturgyEucharistLiturgical Theology
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsJudaism
This paper presents the results of research on the Pesaha tradition of Saint Thomas Christians of India (Mar Toma Nasranis or Nasranis) in the context of its socio-cultural aspects. Pesaha is a tradition observed by the Nasranis at home... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsSyriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityKerala
How the introduction of three-field crop rotation changed Ashkenazik food practices on Passover.
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      Jewish HistoryAgricultural HistoryMedieval Jewish HistoryPassover
...a consideration of the historicity and significance of Jesus’ life from a chronological perspective. Jesus is most commonly thought to have ministered either from c. 27 to 30 AD or from 29 to 33 AD. Both suggestions are broadly... more
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      Historical JesusJohn and the SynopticsPublic MinistryChronology
In "The Stories of Appointment Hillel as Nasi in the Talmudic Literature – A Formative Legend of the Jewish Scholar's World", Menachem Katz discusses the story of the appointment of Hillel as Nasi, as it appears in its three principal... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesEducational LeadershipLeadership
In 1 Corinthians, Paul refers or alludes to Passover in three separate places, leading some to label it, "The Passover Epistle." In this book chapter, we will investigate each of these Passover passages and discuss their relevance and... more
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      EucharistApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersSacrament of the Lord's SupperPassover
א. הקדמה ב. הסיפור בתוספתא 1. בין השאלה ההלכתית לבין מעשה חכמים 2. טיעוניו של הלל – מדרש ומסורת 3. החלק השני של הסיפור – סגולותיו של הלל 4. 'רוח הקודש עליהם' ג. הסיפור שבירושלמי 1. שמועה, מסורת 2. שכחת ההלכה כתוצאה מפגם מוסרי 3.... more
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      Jewish LawJewish StudiesEducational LeadershipLeadership