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Health promotion requires partnerships for health and social development between the different stakeholders, all levels of government and society. However before embarking on any partnership working there is need to first understand and... more
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      Health PromotionPartnership WorkingPublic Health
Foundation Transparency - Opacity: It’s Complicated Abstract Private philanthropy has been referred to as one of the least transparent and accountable social institutions in the United States. Accordingly, private foundations are being... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesPartnership WorkingPhilanthropyGrant Writing
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      Partnership WorkingPublic Private Partnerships
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Development organizations need resources to help them continue providing services to the community. Non Govermental Organizations (NGOs) for a long time have relied on the generosity of donors to support their project activities through... more
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      Partnership WorkingChange ManagementCapacity Building
The Life of A Poor Little Rich Girl explores Andy Warhol's 1965 short film Poor Little Rich Girl and its relation to the rest of Warhol's film oeuvre on the topic of shame. In particular, this work examines Warhol's exploration of shame... more
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      Drugs And AddictionPartnership WorkingShort FilmsShame
Discussion on the concept of 'the student experience' and challenges to delivering this; what students value most in terms of their experience, and how institutional departments across the piste can work collaboratively to generate... more
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      Higher EducationPartnership WorkingCollaborationStudent Engagement
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    • Partnership Working
S z é p m ű v é S z e t i m ú z e u m , b u d a p e S t 3 0 o C to b e r 2 0 1 9 -1 6 f e b r ua ry 2 0 2 0 t h e e x h i b i t i o n h a S b e e n r e a L i z e d i n Co o p e r at i o n w i t h : LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections,... more
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      Partnership WorkingHistory of CollectionsPatronage and collectingPeter Paul Rubens
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      Community PsychologyEducationHigher EducationPartnership Working
//English version below// W ramach rozdziału książki "Układ otwarty.Miejskie Partnerstwa międzysektorowe" oprócz czynników kształtujących i różnicujących partnerstwa, uporządkowane zostają ramy formalno-prawne, podstawy naukowe oraz... more
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      Partnership WorkingLocal Government and Local DevelopmentNew Public Management and GovernanceTriple Helix
The research identifies processes taking place to support implementation of the Busan partnership agreement identifying possible benefits/opportunities to development effectiveness. The research recommends continued implementation of... more
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      International DevelopmentPartnership WorkingEconomic Development
This paper describes the resettlement process of a community devastated by annual floods, to newly constructed housing in Pune, India. The relocation from Kamgar Putala slum to a housing society at Hadapsar was organized by a... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignPartnership WorkingConflictEnvironmental Sustainability
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationEngineeringElectrical Engineering
There is a wide range of activity taking place under the banner of 'co-created curriculum' within higher education. Some of this variety is due to the different ways people think about ‘co-creation’, but significant variation is also due... more
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      Higher EducationPartnership WorkingStudent Motivation And EngagementCurriculum Theory
Emerging technology offers the opportunity for music producers and other professionals to collaborate virtually thus breaking down barriers of geography, organisation and culture (Levy 1997). In professional contexts, practitioners can... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMusic EducationMusic TechnologyPopular Music
This article presents an analysis of the policy rhetoric of partnership and the reality of the process of partnership working using data from a qualitative case study of a sub‐regional partnership. The purpose of the partnership is to... more
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      Post-compulsory educationPartnership Working
The mitigation hierarchy is a decision-making framework designed to address impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services through first seeking to avoid impacts wherever possible, then minimizing or restoring impacts , and finally by... more
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      Partnership WorkingBiodiversity offsetsNo Net LossMitigation Hierarchy
North-South partnerships for health aim to link resources, expertise and local knowledge to create synergy. The literature on such partnerships presents an optimistic view of the promise of partnership on one hand, contrasted by... more
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      Social ChangeHealth PromotionSocial epidemiologyOrganizational Change
Prof.Varun Shenoy has completed the short course on knowledge practices that are central to improving collaboration in organizations under Tutorship of Dr.Ed Hoffman. Topics include Communities of Practice Leadership, Lessons Learned... more
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      Partnership WorkingCollaborationAlliances
Cooperation in the area of innovations comes down to active participation of enterprises in innovation processes taken up with other commercial and/or non-commercial entities. The data in this respect – in accordance with the Oslo Manual... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
This short paper makes the case for revitalised partnerships between the Government, communities and local entrepreneurs in South Africa in order to crack the 'tough nuts' of water and sanitation delivery, such as deep rural water supply,... more
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      WaterPartnership WorkingMultidisciplinary CollaborationSouth Africa
There is currently much policy emphasis on both partnership working between health and social services in the UK and on the outcomes delivered by services. This article provides an account of two consecutive projects centred on these two... more
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      SociologyPartnership Working
A qualitative research report investigating experiences and perceptions in respect of drug use and child protection issues. The research involved interviews with: Social workers Health visitors Drug Workers and drug using parents whose... more
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      SociologySociology Of DevianceCriminal JusticeSocial Work
Background-Process evaluation of community-academic partnership function and fidelity to principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR) is essential to achievement of intermediate and long term partnership goals.
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      Program EvaluationHealth PromotionDecision MakingLeadership
This report presents the findings of HEFCE funded research looking at the effectiveness of indirectly funded partnerships between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Further Education Colleges (FECs). The purpose of this report is to... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchPartnership WorkingCollaboration
This paper considers the politics of neo-liberal reform of education and training in the specific context of social partnerships. Social partnerships are hybrid social spaces formed when a range of interests/partners work together for... more
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      EducationSocial NetworksGlobalizationPartnership Working
Abstract Two collaborative writing partners sought to deepen their understanding of transformative learning by conducting several spirals of grounded theory research on their own collaborative relationship. Drawing from adult education,... more
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      Adult EducationTransformative LearningComplexity TheoryPartnership Working
The call for teachers and schools to become more research-engaged is resonating stronger than ever with government efforts to improve research impact and educational quality in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and many other countries. In these... more
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      Social NetworksHigher EducationEducational ResearchPartnership Working
Background Increasingly, health policy-makers and managers all over the world look for alternative forms of organisation and governance in order to add more value and quality to their health systems. In recent years, the central... more
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      Partnership WorkingCollaborationManagement of InnovationHealth Services Research
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consolidate the range of issues relevant to owner occupiers who age in place and to offer an initial overview of how effective partnerships can respond to and meet the changing needs of housing,... more
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      Partnership WorkingEvidence Based PracticeHousingWicked Problems
A study has been conducted on the Partnership, I have conducted this research on four points, 1. Relations of Partners to one another, 2. Suit for Rendition of Accounts, 3. Transfer of Immovable Property and Partnership, and 4.... more
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      Partnership WorkingPartnership
Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) are statutory partnerships established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. They bring together partners within the NHS, public health, adult social care and children's services, as well as elected... more
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    • Partnership Working
This research publication offers a framework for naming and theorising the methods and skills needed to support exchange of learning, development and implementation of new practice across organisational boundaries. It will be of interest... more
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      Organizational ChangePartnership WorkingCollaborative Learning
Nature conservation organisations increasingly turn to new digital technologies to help deliver conservation objectives. This has led to collaborative forms of working with academia to spearhead digital innovation. Through in-depth... more
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      Partnership WorkingImpact EvaluationEnvironment and natural resources conservationSocial Impact Assessment
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report an analysis of arrangements in English mental health trusts to meet the needs of adult service users who are homeless. Homelessness is associated with various forms of mental ill-health, yet... more
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      Mental HealthPartnership WorkingHomelessnessHuman Resources
References to the subjective notion of tranquillity have long been extensively deployed in marketing literature and in planning policy in relation to both its promotion and its protection, particularly in protected areas. Whilst a liberal... more
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      Action ResearchResearch MethodologyTourism Planning and PolicyMixed Methods
This article assesses the contents of the majority of employer-union partnership agreements signed in Britain from 1990 to 2007. Few agreements contain the expected partnership principles and most express modest overall aims and limited... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Partnership WorkingThird WayTrade unions
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      Sociology of Crime and DeviancePartnership WorkingCrime Prevention
This paper sets out to interrogate two key issues in the field of service user or public engagement in research. These relate to privileging personal experience as a way of knowing and the forms of knowledge production that are assumed to... more
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    • Partnership Working
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      Partnership WorkingInstitutional ChangeUrban Regeneration
The principles and practices that build and sustain social partnerships in communities in a range of contexts are considered in this report. Three types of social partnerships are identified in the analysis, along with a discussion of the... more
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      EducationSocial NetworksGlobalizationPartnership Working
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      PsychologyCommunity PsychologyEducationSocial Sciences
Introduction: Joint working between health and social care has long been a policy priority in England, with growing interest by the previous New Labour government in achieving 'joined-up solutions to joined-up problems'. Policy/practice:... more
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      NursingPartnership WorkingPolitical ScienceMedicine
National policies implemented at local level require marginalised community groups to work with public sector agencies and professionals. It can be a significant challenge to work across these boundaries. This article explores how... more
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      PsychologyCommunity PsychologyVisual StudiesSocial Work
How can we meet the growing demand from consumers who want lower cost, quality and tasty food and want to know where it comes from and how it is produced? One solution is to cut out intermediaries and shorten the social and geographical... more
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      Partnership WorkingSustainable agricultureCollaborationPoland
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      Research MethodologyPartnership WorkingRoman Archaeology
Policy and practice documents are increasingly adopting a focus on outcomes. This article seeks to clarify what is meant by the term 'outcome', the outcomes that have been highlighted in key policy documents, and the extent to which they... more
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      Partnership WorkingHealth and Social CarePersonal Outcomes
This article reports on an evaluation methodology development study for K-12 school and university partnerships. The method is based on . Learning by expanding: An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki:... more
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      Program EvaluationInstructional Systems TechnologyInstructional DesignLearning Sciences
A partnership is an arrangement between two or more groups, organizations or individuals to work together to achieve common aims. The term is now widely used, and sometimes it's applied to situations where one powerful organization is... more
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    • Partnership Working