Particle image velocimetry (PIV)
Recent papers in Particle image velocimetry (PIV)
The single dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators (PAs) are known to be effective for flow control process. This study investigated the winglet-type thin and small PAs, which were suspended in the quiescent air flow. We conducted... more
Detailed flow patterns and turbulence parameters, including secondary-flow mean velocity vector, turbulent intensity, Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy, are compared between three different rib orientations (45-deg,-45-deg, and... more
An investigation has been undertaken into the blockage and wake characteristics of various scaled Savonius turbines. The Savonius turbine is a vertical axis turbine which can be utilised in either an aero or hydro environment; however,... more
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) can be used for pressure assessment. This non intrusive measurement method provide a high spatial resolution which is unavailable when using pressure transducers. The velocity vector information was used... more
Schlieren imaging or imaging through inhomogeneous transparent media was previously used for qualitatively visualising fluid flow field . Recent development in the computerised mathematical techniques and image based data extraction has... more
The second log-wake law is a small change of the first log-wake law (or Coles' log-wake law) for turbulent pipe and symmetric channel flows but makes a big difference in modeling wall-bounded turbulent flows. It has been extended to... more
The single dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators (PAs) are known to be effective for flow control process. This study investigated the winglet-type thin and small PAs, which were suspended in the quiescent air flow. We conducted... more
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"This thesis details the development, verification and validation of an unsteady unstructured high order (≥ 3) h/p Discontinuous Galerkin - Fourier solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on static and rotating meshes in two... more
The book begins with a review of three-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). PIV has become a standard technique over recent decades, and is useful for studies in which an optically clear fluid can be seeded with small, neutrally... more
Resuspension of solid particles by a tornado-like vortex from surfaces of different roughness is studied using a three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry (3D-PTV) method. By utilizing the three-dimensional information on particle... more
Particle image velocimetry was used in a low-speed wind tunnel to investigate the vortex structures of a slender reverse delta wing at various angles of attack and roll. This work investigates the characteristics of the vortices generated... more
For more than a century, there has been much debate around the use of telekinesis-psychokinesis (TK ) to explain the rotating movement of light objects on an upright standing needle in the proximity of a hand. Thermally-induced... more
Resuspension of solid particles by a tornado-like vortex from surfaces of different roughness is studied using a three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry (3D-PTV) method. By utilizing the three-dimensional information on particle... more
The measurement and prediction of the aerodynamic performance of airfoils and wings at chord Reynolds numbers below 10 5 are both difficult and increasingly important in the application to small-scale aircraft. Not only are the... more
Flow of liquid over a weir is important in a variety of contexts and has been productively studied for a number of decades. Granular !ow over a blade (or weir) is essential for mixing operations in various industries but has not been... more
Each geomorphic hazard involves a degree of risk which incorporates quantification of the probability that a hazard will be harmful. At present, the categorization of sub-watersheds into erosion risk is considered as the fundamental... more
This paper demonstrates a strategy to integrate research into teaching at a postgraduate level. It involves the use of simple small-scale physical models of a tunnel heading, the introduction of particle image velocimetry, an advanced... more
A model of magma propagation in the crust is presented using a series of analogue experiments, where dyed water is injected at a constant flux into layers of solidified gelatine. The gelatine layers are transparent and, when intruded,... more
A numerical algorithm for the simulation of flow past immersed objects with heat transfer is proposed and validated which conforms with the ideas of the fictitious domain method. A momentum source term is added to account for the presence... more
Supersonic turbulent flows in a rectangular duct are characterized by secondary flows in each of the four corners of the duct. These secondary flows comprise of two counter rotating vortices forcing the fluid towards the corner. The... more
In this work, time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV) measurements have been carried out to study the flow structure and flow dynamics of submerged transverse impinging twin-jet flows discharged into a confined laminar... more
A parallelogram channel has drawn very little or no attention in the open literature although it appears as a cross-sectional configuration of some gas turbine rotor blades. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is presented of local flow... more
A six component force balance was used to obtain the C L for a reverse delta wing and a delta wing for comparison purposes. A simulation of the streamlines, velocity vectors and surface pressure contours was carried out using CFD software... more
The experience gained during the development of a small turbojet engine simulation model is presented in this paper. The calibration of an initial model has been proven inadequate for producing reasonable values for some performance... more
The significance of the acceleration zone is expressed when designing a straight pipeline that follows either thefeeding point or a bend in a pneumatic conveying system. It is an effective and reliable system that takes into ac-count the... more
Quad/tri-copters, and small scale fixed wing aircrafts (as small as 15cm) are currently in use over a wide range of applications. However, the uses of avian based flapping MAVs have not yet been fully exploited. Flapping wing MAVs have... more
KEY POINTS: The velocity fields induced by regular breaking waves past a fixed bar on a 1:10 rigid plane slope were measured and analysed using a volumetric particle-tracking velocimetry system. The linear momentum is generally... more
The three-dimensional vortical structures formed in the wake region downstream of a road vehicle and the change of the structures by the effect of an spoiler were investigated using dye visualization and the particle image velocimetry... more
Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements are carried out in an experimental investigation of laminar opposing mixed convection to assess the thermal effects on the wake of an isothermal circular cylinder placed horizontally and... more
Turbulent flows are often treated as a noisy environment by control algorithms of underwater robots. However, aquatic animals such as fish have learned to take advantage of certain unsteady flow. Periodic complex flow, such as that found... more
Experimental investigation of the effect of initial soil parameters to formation of failure surface geometry behind retaining walls for granular soils is seldom attempted in literature. Only recently there are model studies that attempt... more
Stepped spillways have higher energy dissipation than smoother hydraulic structures used to divert flood discharges. The inception point related to air entrainment is however located further upstream. The air entrainment causes an... more
3D-PIV and 2D-LDA measurements in a fully turbulent boundary with adverse pressure gradient have been performed. Two types of surfaces were investigated: a smooth surface and a surface with riblets aligned in main flow direction. Particle... more
Researchers at the International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC), Florida International University (FIU), are working in stages on the construction of a large state-of-the-art Wall of Wind (WoW) facility to support research in the area... more
The flow characteristics in the inertial Reynolds number regime are investigated in a mono-dispersed random pack porous media. Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to visualize the velocity field in a low aspect ratio... more