Recent papers in Participles
Холодилова М. А. Релятивизация O-участника при пассиве в русском языке. Дипломная работа, СПб.: СПбГУ, 2011.
This paper investigates various aspects of grammaticalization of Polish and Kashubian periphrastic verb forms with mieć\miec and bëc and participles. The involvement of factors, which are due to language contact or to autonomous... more
Russian version and abstract see pdfs below
Грамматическая деривация: Вид, пассив, компаратив, причастие и другие явления между флексиией и словообрзованием
Грамматическая деривация: Вид, пассив, компаратив, причастие и другие явления между флексиией и словообрзованием
This paper aims at describing the characteristics of the present participle structures depending on perception verbs in Latin. The functional development and the diffusion of these structures will be investigated in a corpus of Latin... more
This work was carried out under the supervision of Prof. Steven Fassberg תוכן העניינים )
Este trabajo se interesa por la morfología del participio de pasado en una serie textual de treinta y cinco gramáticas de español en los dos primeros siglos de gramatización (1492-1697). Se tratan tres puntos: la descripción de la... more
One of the oldest concerns in linguistic theory is the characterization of grammatical categories, and the problem of how to capture their similarities and differences. Perhaps one of the most problematic cases identified in previous... more
Unpublished MA thesis (Saint Petersburg State University, 2011) on syntactic functions of participles in Slavic languages
This article discusses two case studies of diachronic "voice flipping" in which the syntax of a participle appears to change from active or "subject-oriented" to passive (Ancient Greek-menos to Modern Greek-menos) and from... more
A draft of a chapter on relative clauses in the Uralic language family. Comments and suggestions are very welcome, especially from language experts and native speakers.
The semantics and the syntactic use of participles as non-finite forms has traditionally been explained in terms of both raising and control constructions. The main objective of the article is to clarify and classify the syntactic use of... more
This paper is concerned with the participial form which is an “outlaw” in the standard Russian language, but has structural means to be produced and is attested in a variety of texts, namely the future active perfective participle. The... more
In the recent typological literature on non-finite verb forms-converbs, infinitives, action nominals and participles-these forms have been defined both in terms of (i) their wordclasses and (ii) their syntactic functions, often without... more
The article provides a semantic interpretation of sentences with the active predicative participle (APP) in Biblical Hebrew (BH) poetry, suggesting a definition of the category in different text-groups, and tracking the diachronic path... more
In this paper, we essentially discuss the problem of the double readings (active / passive) of Romanian participles, a phenomenon which is available in Romanian to a larger extent than in other (Romance) languages.
Diese Untersuchung stellt die Morphologie der Deklination attributiver Adjektive und Partizipien im heutigen Standarddeutsch umfassend dar. Ein Abschnitt betrachtet außerdem die Entwicklung der Deklinationsmorphologie aus diachronischer... more
Кандидатская диссертация. Защищена состоится 8 февраля 2018 года в 12:30 в ИЯз РАН.
Within the literature on event types, there is a well-established distinction between dynamic eventualities, which involve some sort of change, and stative eventualities, which do not. Recent neoconstructionist theories seek to derive... more
This thesis explores the inventory of syntactic features that drive Finnish word order. It focusses on several non-finite constructions that manifest categorially inconsistent morpho-syntactic properties. The central assumption underlying... more
The paper focuses on a particular type of Slovene non-finite verbal forms, i.e. the adverbial participle called deležje and its frequency in original and in translated Slovene literary works. although it has been often stated that the... more
This article offers an analysis of morphosyntactic properties of Lithuanian participles in terms of the criteria of "canonical" finiteness proposed in Nikolaeva (2013). It is shown that in their different uses, i.e. as heads of two types... more
Talk at the workshop "New Approaches to the Baltic Verb", Vilnius University, April 19–21 2018.
This paper aims to identify and describe the main functions of the Latin participial construction known as Accusativus cum Participio. In particular, it will be shown that most of the meanings carried by this structure can be related to... more
This volume of the Syntax of Dutch discusses the internal make-up as well as the distribution of adjective phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of adjective phrases; comparative and superlative... more
No me gustaría comenzar estas páginas sin antes mencionar a aquellas personas que han contribuido a la mejora de este trabajo. En primer lugar, debo reconocer que estoy en deuda con José M. Brucart, quien en su día accedió a embarcarse en... more
Русский язык» Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук Научный руководитель проф. В.М. Живов Москва 2007 Въздвиже диаволъ котору въ братьи; а сии Ярославици бывши междю собою в распрѣ велици: Святославъ со... more
This paper suggests a morphological, syntactic, and semantic analysis of the active participle in Ugaritic. The formally ambiguous cases are interpreted by taking into account the syntactic and semantic properties of explicit cases. The... more
One of the oldest concerns in linguistic theory is the characterization of grammatical categories, and the problem of how to capture their similarities and differences. Perhaps one of the most problematic cases identified in previous... more
Participles present a constitutional ambiguity, very evident on the morpho-syntactic level and even more interesting from a semantic and pragmatic point of view. Various parameters are involved in determining the nominal or verbal... more
The study describes the morphology, syntax and semantics of non-finite verb forms in contemporary literary North Saami. According to the received view, there are about a dozen non-finites in North Saami, but the morphosyntax and semantics... more
This article provides a detailed survey of complement clauses and complementation strategies in Japhug. It shows the bewildering diversity of constructions attested in these languages, which are largely unpredictable and need to be... more
The importance of participles, as illustrated by one of the central figures of the Judeo-Christian heritage.
Talk at the workshop “Participles: Form, use and meaning” at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zürich, 10–13 September 2017.
This paper describes non-standard case-marking patterns attested in the non-finite clauses headed by participles and infinitive in Lithuanian. Lithuanian data is compared with that of the languages of the same geographical area, as well... more