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We aim to provide agency for citizen engagement in the negotiation, simulation and evaluation of alternative social structures privileging horizontal decision-making and collaboration, through a notion of game praxis. We sketch the... more
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      Participative DemocracyParticipative arts
Depuis plus d'un siècle, les artistes modernes et contemporains, par le biais des technologies qui surgissent avec le progrès scientifique, cherchent de nouvelles manières de transmettre un « regard » original sur le monde. L'une d'entre... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationParticipationTransmedial StorytellingMedia Convergence
This paper analyses several approaches that contribute to configure and understand the relationships between art and politics. Three categories of analysis are used for this purpose (the encounter, the combat, and the healing) to allow... more
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      Contemporary ArtArt Theory and PoliticsArt and PoliticsCommunity Art
Pojava alternativnog umetničkog izraza u kulturi i umetnosti, šezdesetih godina XX stoleća, predstavlja svakako jedan od najznačajnijih, ali i najmanje proučavanih fenomena. Alternativni umetnički izraz nastaje iz nezadovoljstva... more
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      Cultural PolicyArt Theory and PoliticsArt and ActivismArt in the former Yugoslavia
Partendo dal libro Materia sacra (2014), l'autore si propone di continuare a dialogare con il pensiero di Ugo Fabietti portando le questioni del sacro e del profano, del materiale e dell'immateriale sul terreno dell'arte contem-poranea... more
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      Anthropology of MediaParticipative artsAnthropology of ReligionAnthropology of Arts
Contemporary methodology of museum interpretation
Pages 37-55.
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      Contemporary ArtMuseum evaluationMuseum PedagogyParticipative arts
This book is a collection of papers/talks presented on international symposium/workshop "Shadowing the City" in 2009 in Zagreb. This symposium is part of the international urban research and art project "Recollecting Cities/Recollecting... more
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      Community Action Projects (Art)Oral History and MemoryHypertextUrban Design
Teniendo en cuenta referencias teóricas sobre la relación entre arte, violencia y memoria, por un lado y, sobre el arte participativo, por el otro, en el ensayo se hace una reflexión sobre la exposición “¿Dónde están los desaparecidos?... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryArt Theory and PoliticsMemoria HistóricaCommunity Art
This paper explores a groundbreaking public art project Hotel Yeoville, which keys into a diversity of immigrant and South African experiences through the medium of customised digital interfaces. It begins with an analysis of a series of... more
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      Contemporary ArtInteractive ArtsAbsurdismXenophobia
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between leadership styles and organizational performance. It also examined the impact of different leadership styles on the performance of an organization. This study focused on... more
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      LeadershipDemocratic DeficitEmployee PerformanceParticipative arts
Global health research typically relies on the translation of knowledge (from health professionals to the community) and the dissemination of knowledge (from research results to the wider public). However, Greenhalgh and Wieringa (2011)... more
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      EthicsParticipatory ResearchResearch EthicsChildren and Families
In: Valóságszimuláció gyerekekkel és fiatalokkal. A fórum19' színházi nevelési szakmai találkozón elhangzott előadások és workshopok kibővített jegyzéke. Budapest: Káva Kulturális Műhely Egyesület 2019 (K+önyvek sorozat 2.)
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      Theatre StudiesDramapädagogik - TheaterpädagogikDrama/Theatre in EducationParticipative arts
The historic neighbourhood of Raval, in Barcelona presents a multicultural urban landscape. It contains a sense of both tangible and intangible identities influenced by a high level of social mobility arising from migration, tourism and... more
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      SociologyMulticulturalismDance StudiesAnthropology of the Body
L'actionnisme du quotidien, revue L'art décoratif, décembre 2020.
«Повседневный акционизм». Журнал «Декоративное искусство», #424, декабрь 2020.
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      Art InterventionMoskow actionism (community of the 90th and political street art)Participative artsMoscow Actionism
The historic neighbourhood of Raval, in Barcelona presents a multicultural urban landscape. It contains a sense of both tangible and intangible identities influenced by a high level of social mobility arising from migration, tourism and... more
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      MulticulturalismDance StudiesAnthropology of the BodyAnthropology Of Dance
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      Participative artsSoviet Underground CultureArt and ProtestPostsoviet Russia
The historic neighbourhood of Raval, in Barcelona presents a multicultural urban landscape. It contains a sense of both tangible and intangible identities influenced by a high level of social mobility arising from migration, tourism and... more
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      SociologyMulticulturalismDance StudiesAnthropology of the Body
Αrt catalogue with the recent artworks -2021 (acts and handicrafts) based on John Heartfield's satirical ironic photomontage ‘’German Natural History. Metamorphoses’’ (1934), a detail in the ¨the death’s-head moth¨, patterns with... more
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      RoboticsPublic ArtUrban GraffitiMail Art
Duas pessoas se concentram e voltam-­-se em direção ao solo. Uma delas começa a fazer uma pequena cova enquanto a outra aciona um gravador. Plantio e herbário se iniciam. Estas pessoas não tem o plantio como sua atividade principal, como... more
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      Contemporary ArtSoundParticipative arts
The text (in Czech) deals with the use of choreography in participative performances in contemporary art on the examples of the works of Christian Falsnaes and Tino Sehgal. At the same time, there is the question how are these works... more
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      Contemporary ArtPerformance ArtChoreographyParticipative arts
Claire Bishop's new book, Artificial Hells, considers the history of participation as an organising principle of avant-garde art, but also of liberal democracy. Review by Josephine Berry Slater
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    • Participative arts
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      Performance StudiesPerformance ArtVideo ArtDocumentary Film
[English below] Cette journée d’étude poursuit une réflexion autour de l’usage transdisciplinaire des outils audio-visuels en sciences sociales. Les méthodes participatives de l’image, ensemble hétérogène tant du point de vue théorique... more
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      Visual SociologyVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologySocial Sciences
Este artigo procurará, em primeiro lugar, traçar brevemente as linhas gerais da política de habitação do Estado Novo, que criou zonas diferenciadas destinadas a diferentes classes sociais e diferentes funções, empurrando as fábricas e as... more
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      AnthropologyUrban HistoryOral historyVoluntary Associations
Gli Ateliers Video, condotti dall’associazione Parcours a Parigi, formano da due anni e mezzo i residenti dei foyers dei lavoratori migranti d’Ile-de-France alla creazione audiovisiva. L’articolo, che si presenta come un resoconto... more
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      Film StudiesExileMigration StudiesAutobiographical Self-Representation
The historic neighbourhood of Raval, in Barcelona presents a multicultural urban landscape. It contains a sense of both tangible and intangible identities influenced by a high level of social mobility arising from migration, tourism and... more
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      SociologyMulticulturalismDance StudiesAnthropology of the Body
Der Artikel untersucht mögliche Folgerungen des Diskurses um Postdigitalität für den Begriff der Teilhabe und befragt Machtstrukturen sowie Handlungsräume in post-partizipativen Kontexten. Anhand des Kunstprojekts #HotPhones von Nadja... more
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      Media StudiesMedia ArtsParticipationSelf Care
Gli Ateliers Video, condotti dall’associazione Parcours a Parigi, formano da due anni e mezzo i residenti dei foyers dei lavoratori migranti d’Ile-de-France alla creazione audiovisiva. L’articolo, che si presenta come un resoconto... more
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      Film StudiesExileMigration StudiesAutobiographical Self-Representation
Статья рассказывает о зрительских рисках в партисипативных спектаклях, этических и эстетических следствиях приглашения публики к участию.
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      Contemporary TheatreParticipative artsтеатр
The interpretation of the urban mural as a tool of participation and fruition in public spaces responds to the intrinsic need of human beings to establish symbolic relationships with the city. Focusing on the way that this typology of... more
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      Art TheoryPublic ArtCommunity Engagement & ParticipationVisual Arts
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      ArchitectureParticipative arts
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtCommunity Engagement & ParticipationLatin American Art
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      African StudiesAfrican FilmAfrican cinemaDemocratic Republic of Congo
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      Cultural StudiesCultural PolicyCollaborative DesignFLE
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      Contemporary ArtTextile and Fiber ArtParticipative arts
Partendo dal libro Materia sacra (2014), l’autore si propone di continuare a dialogare con il pensiero di Ugo Fabietti portando le questioni del sacro e del profano, del materiale e dell’immateriale sul terreno dell’arte contemporanea per... more
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      ArtAnthropology of MediaParticipative artsAnthropology of Religion
in: Estelle Zhong Mengual, Xavier Douroux (Hg.), Reclaiming Art / Reshaping Democracy – The New Patrons & Participatory Art, Les presses du réel, Dijon, 2017
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      Public ArtSite-Specific ArtArt in public spaceParticipative arts
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      Film StudiesMuseum StudiesPostcolonial StudiesMemory Studies
Depuis la fin des années 1990, des artistes et des collectifs développent de nouvelles formes de collaboration avec différents publics et communautés, fondées sur un échange de paroles.
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      Participative artsDialogical Art
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      History of SculptureHistoriography (in Art History)Art in public spaceHistory of Exhibitions