Participant Observation
Recent papers in Participant Observation
Objective: to explore and describe women's experiences of antenatal care.
Background: The organizational context in which healthcare is delivered is thought to play an important role in mediating the use of knowledge in practice. Additionally, a number of potentially modifiable contextual factors have been... more
This is an article about the difficulties of doing ethnography in relatively enclosed and secretive communities, based on my experience of trying to launch an ethnographic study of Hollywood. I consider (separately) the problems of doing... more
This paper presents descriptive use of laptops as a lecturer and students engage in curricula activities over one hour of instruction. Lave and Wenger's (1991) theory of situated learning (SL) is used to contextualise laptop use in... more
Antropologi oom-ringissä. Aistihavainto kenttätyössä – Pöysä, Jyrki, Helmi Järviluoma & Sinikka Vakimo (toim./eds.) 2010: Vaeltavat metodit. Joensuu: Finnish Folklore Society. [On Perception in Participant Observation in Wandering... more
This paper examines the role of accounting in management-labour relations within the context of contemporary moves to re-conceptualise and reorganise manufacturing processes. We explore how new manufacturing and accounting discourses are... more
Trata-se de um estudo de caso único com o objetivo de refletir sobre o trabalho multiprofissional com grupo de diabéticos na implementação do Serviço de Medicina Preventiva-SEMPRE. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de consulta a... more
There are many evidences in the literature that the use self-managing teams has positive impacts on several dimensions of team effectiveness. Agile methods, supported by the Agile Manifesto, defend the use of self-managing teams in... more
Previous research has considered how exploratory market learning processes moderate market and technological uncertainty in radical product development. Scholars argue that new product development (NPD) teams may increase the chances of... more
CSCL environment. The teachers' patterns of online interactions were analyzed through social network analysis and the interaction analysis model (IAM). Findings: Our findings indicate that the teachers formed a socially cohesive... more
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate how business enterprises in Uganda manage their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and projects. Design/methodology/approach – The investigations focused on a limited... more
This paper describes an empirical study, which addresses the aspect of well being amongst members of the software development teams. The question of interest is whether an agile methodology has any distinct effect on the well being of the... more
• This article is about research with young people with learning disabilities who took part in music and drama groups. • The groups were held in a local disused cinema.
To describe how and why attending physicians respond to learner behaviors that indicate negative attitudes toward patients. SETTING: Inpatient general internal medicine service of a university-affiliated public hospital.
Context: Networks are seen as important vehicles for educators' professional development because they provide opportunities for educators to develop their teaching and leadership capacities and establish forums for educator resistance.... more
No Brasil, as organizações do terceiro setor têm intensificado sua atuação buscando ocupar as lacunas existentes na articulação dos esforços dos atores de outros setores no campo da inserção profissional de pessoas com deficiência (PcD).... more
Background Clinical moral case deliberation consists of the systematic reflection on a concrete moral case by health care professionals. This paper presents the study of a 4-year moral deliberation project. Objectives The objectives of... more
The purpose of this paper is threefold: to shed empirical light on the nature and dynamics of the antiabortion movement, to extend or refine the theory of status movements or symbolic crusades, and to thereby contribute to our... more
Objective: To understand and describe the meaning of medications for patients. Methods: A metasynthesis of three different, yet complementary qualitative research studies, was conducted by two researchers. The first study was a... more
This research examines how urban adolescents of color who are placed at risk of academic and social failure interpret and respond to noble and ignoble purposes constructed in media texts. Drawing from New Literacy Studies, which provide... more
In this paper, an ethnobotany curriculum is used as a case example of one approach to incorporating the insights and needs of the local community into the curriculum development process. This curriculum development was carried out in the... more
Yoga is sometimes interpreted as a goal-oriented medical therapy and evidence from biomedical research indicates that it can be useful in a broad range of health conditions. Yoga, however, can also be pursued as an open-ended... more
As meaning is an essential component of occupation, this phenomenological study investigated the meaning behind the activities in a day program for 10 staff members and 10 consumers with moderate to severe developmental disabilities who... more
There appears to be generally a broad consensus that the multidimensional nature and complexity underlying the critical problems of Africa such as poverty, food insecurity and disease urge for integrated and holistic views and approaches... more
The aims of the present paper are to describe the experiences of patients and staff regarding smoking and violence in locked inpatient settings, and to stimulate debate about the role of nicotine withdrawal in contributing to those... more
The importance of the nurse/patient relationship is a central concept for psychiatric nursing. The present research provides a model of the nursing process identifying aspects of the nurse/patient relationship that influence treatment... more
본 연구는 내용중심적인 측면이나 매체중심적인 논의에서 벗어나, 공동체미디어 실천의 존재론적인 조건인 구체적인/물리적인 삶의 공간 속에 공동체미디어 실천을 포지셔닝 하고, 장기간의 참여관찰과 심층인터뷰를 중심으로 한 현장연구를 통해 공동체미디어 실천을 공동체의 형성이라는 관점에서 다각적으로 고찰해 보고자 시도하였다. 연구 결과, 참여자들은 공동체미디어 실천을 계기로 또는 공동체미디어 실천 과정을 경유하면서 공동체적 감수성을... more
Together with the call for a "green" society and the quest for well-being, the development of public action to prevent dependency make for a good context in which to revive an old idea: the therapeutic value of gardening, or gardening as... more
An upper-division methods course taught in Spring 2019 at the University of Toronto. In partnership with the Kensington Market Research Project at the U of T Ethnography Lab, teams of undergraduate students produced 6 ethnographic podcast... more
Focus groups have received little attention from sociologists, although they are a commonly used qualitative technique in market research. The data collected in focus group sessions typically consist of tape-recorded group discussions... more
Die geschichtsdidaktische Auseinandersetzung zur Nutzung digitaler Medien wurde in den letzten Jahren im deutschsprachigen Raum durchaus intensiver betrieben als so manch anderes Thema. Gleichzeitig gilt in der Geschichtsdidaktik mit dem... more
Les approches méthodologiques féministes préconisent les méthodes permettant de rejeter la séparation entre chercheuses et les observé.e.s, de cette façon la recherche ne se fait pas sur, mais bien avec et pour les femmes. Dans le cadre... more
There is broad support worldwide for the concept of sustainable development and the integration of its three pillars: economic development, environmental protection and social development. Nevertheless, previous research shows substantial... more
As a result of cheaper, accessible, and user-friendly technologies, there is an increasing volume of videos created by children, yet these works often lack excellence. Strong pedagogical practice is important to nurture excellence in... more
Engaging undergraduate nursing students in face-to-face tutorials.
demonstrated that stereotypes associated with particular types of car influenced judgements of culpability in a road accident report. This study explores whether stereotypes influence judgements of the speed of different vehicles. In... more
In this study the patients' perspective of 'fitting in' was gained through participant observation and interviews. Eleven patients' stories confirmed that while hospitalisation can alleviate the suffering caused by... more
This paper identifies the building of community during an ethnographic study of an intergenerational art education program in Harlem, New York City. The study examined intergenerational interactions between seniors and teenagers during... more
Partners in Play: how children organise their participation in sociodramatic play. In Ireland, early childhood learning and the role of play in children's lives is receiving unprecedented recognition in national policy documents (