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Multicomponent physical training in patients with Parkinson disease Background: Multicomponent physical training in patients with Parkinson disease may improve their functional independence, especially in terms of gait speed and... more
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      Exercise ScienceParkinson´s DiseaseParkinsons Disease
A bibliografic review about the state of the art of research about the effects of music therapy in parkinson disease in all kinds of symptoms- emotional, motor and cognitive.
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      Music TherapyParkinsons Disease
Nose to brain delivery of neurotherapeutics have been tried by several researchers to explore the virtues of this route viz. circumvention of BBB, avoidance of hepatic metabolism, practicality, safety, ease of administration and... more
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      NanotechnologyNeurodegenerative DisodersNasal Drug DeliveryParkinsons Disease
We investigate the correlation between wrist movement and freezing of the gait in Parkinsons disease. Detecting such freezes allows real-time monitoring to reduce the risk of falls in subjects with Parkinson’s. While most of research... more
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      Wearable ComputingAssistive TechnologyWearable TechnologiesContext-Aware Computing
The Parkinson´s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which affects the control of motor skills including: tremors, rigidity, imbalance and Freezing of Gait (FOG). FOG events begin suddenly and consist of a brief... more
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      Parkinson's DiseaseFreezing of GaitEnfermedad de ParkinsonParkinsons Disease
There are twelve major acupuncture meridians. Each one is associated with a color, an element and so much more. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each acupuncture / acupressure meridian is associated with sensations and other aspects of... more
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      Traumatic Brain InjuryParkinson's DiseaseStrokeBrain
IN PRESS Every seventy-two seconds someone in America develops Alzheimer’s disease (AD). And it has been said that almost everyone living long enough will eventually show evidence of Alzheimer’s disease. Thus far its cause has remained... more
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      NeuroscienceAlzheimer's DiseaseNeurodegenerative DiseasesCerebral Cortex
Book chapter: Why the journey to a word takes you no closer
B. Schwartz & A.S. Brown (Eds.), Tip-of-the-tongue states and related phenomena (pp. 95-115). Cambridge:  Cambridge Univer-sity press.
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)SemanticsSpeech ProductionMetacognition
La camptocormia e la sindrome di Pisa sono alterazioni posturali estremamente invalidanti che possono manifestarsi all'interno del corteo sintomatologico della malattia di Parkinson. L'eziologia di queste condizioni è sconosciuta e le... more
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Within this dissertation the community dance practices aimed at the Progressive Neurological Disorders of Parkinson’s disease and Dementia: the English National Ballet’s Dance for Parkinson’s outreach and Circle Dance in Dementia, will be... more
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      Dance/Movement TherapyDementiaParkinson's DiseaseDementia Care
The Parkinson´s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which affects the control of motor skills including: tremors, rigidity, imbalance and Freezing of Gait (FOG). FOG events begin suddenly and consist of a brief... more
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      Parkinson's DiseaseEnfermedad de ParkinsonParkinsonParkinson´s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is characterized as the commonest neurodegenerative illness that gradually degenerates the central nervous system. The goal of this review is to come out with a summary of the recent progress of numerous forms of... more
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      Sensors and SensingWearable sensorsSensorsParkinsons Disease
Despite being the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, Parkinson’s disease (PD) has received little attention in the phenomenological literature. This study aims to contribute to this limited body of research by exploring the... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyQualitative methodologyParkinson's Disease
—Today, wearable internet-of-things (wIoT) devices continuously flood the cloud data centers at an enormous rate. This increases a demand to deploy an edge infrastructure for computing, intelligence, and storage close to the users. The... more
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      Wearable ComputingThe Internet of ThingsCloud ComputingHealthcare
Glyphosate, a synthetic amino acid and analogue of glycine, is the most widely used biocide on the planet. Its presence in food for human consumption and animal feed is ubiquitous. Epidemiological studies have revealed a strong... more
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      ObesityAutism Spectrum DisordersDiabetesBioaccumulation
Esta investigación cualitativa con abordaje etnográfico, tuvo como objetivo describir, analizar y comprender el rol del familiar cuidador principal de la persona con la enfermedad de Parkinson. Existe un incremento significativo de... more
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      Cultural StudiesParkinson's DiseaseFamily MedicineFamily
Narrative therapy (story telling) and expressive poetry (sensory words) can be used to engage the mirror neurons and motor neurons in the brain and decrease the symptoms in Parkinson's disease. The kind of stories we listen to and whether... more
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      VisualizationMirror NeuronsNarrative Inquiry, Narrative Therapy, Memory LossEmotion-Focused Therapy, Narrative, Psychotherapy
In 1972, world leaders realized that dumping millions of tons of sewage sludge into the oceans killed entire underwater ecosystems. Some nations stopped the dumping immediately, while others did not. The U.S., for example, finally passed... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceSoil ScienceFood Science
Aim was to analyze predictors of burden among primary caregivers (CGs) of Indian Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. 150 PD patients were administered using Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), Hoehn and Yahr Scale (H&Y),... more
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    • Parkinsons Disease
Background: The ability to recognize and interpret emotions in others is a crucial prerequisite of adequate social behavior. Impairments in emotion processing have been reported from the early stages of Parkinson’s disease (PD). This... more
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      ProsodyParkinsons Disease
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    • Parkinsons Disease
Troede jeg aldrig skulle sige ordene, men de tvinger sig ud mellem taenderne, hvisler, mens raseriets tårer blaender mit ellers så klare syn. Jeg hader, jeg hader, jeg HADER ikke at have styr på mig selv ikke at have styr på mit liv at,... more
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      User Experience (UX)Interaction DesignUser Centred DesignMobile application development
These days, a basic appraisal effort in clinical affiliations biometrics is finding careful biomarkers that permit settling on clinical choice assistance instruments. Parkinson ’s disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive illness that... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyE-learningMachine LearningMass Transfer
In May, 2017, a Norwegian study done by Berstad and Berstad threw its support behind revitalizing of the hypothesis that with regard to Parkinson's disease (PD), the preponderance of convincing evidence points to a chronic infectious... more
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      NeuroscienceParkinson's DiseaseCognitive NeuropsychologyOxidative Stress
Parkinson's disease is just a progressive disorder of the neural system that affects individual's movement. It develops slowly, sometimes beginning with barely obvious vibration in just one hand. But while a tremor could be the most... more
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      PolymorphismGenetic PolymorphismsParkinsons Disease
Una certa dose fissa di Vitamina B1 aggiunta alle vecchie terapie da un ulteriore miglioramento importante ai pazienti ammalati di Parkinson. Questo il risultato di ulteriori esperienze condotte da ricercatori italiani che da tempo stanno... more
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      Parkinson's DiseaseParkinsons Disease
Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is an evolutionary conserved degradation pathway that targets cytoplasmic substrates, including long-lived proteins, protein aggregates and damaged organelles, and leads to their... more
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      AutophagyNeurodegenerative DiseasesmiRNACell Death
Dopamine (DA) is one of the most important catecholamine neurotransmitters of the human central nervous system, and is involved in many behavioral responses and brain functions. Below normal DA levels in biological fluids can lead to... more
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      Quantum DotsBiosensingParkinsons Disease
Objective: We aimed to evaluate the extent of the clinical efficacy of intermittent subcutaneous apomorphine in addition to oral treatment in patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease experiencing serious, refractory tremor despite the... more
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      TremorApomorphineParkinsons Disease
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a relatively common disorder of the Central Nervous System (CNS), whose etiology is characterized by a selective and progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, and the presence of Lewy bodies in the pars... more
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    • Parkinsons Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative affliction to which researchers have long striven to find a cure. The human embryo is a source of vital cells used in regenerative medicine, as well as a powerful symbol of life. Using foetal... more
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      Human Embryonic Stem CellsEmbryonic Stem CellsCell TransplantationParkinsons Disease
37 patients diagnosed with PD, and 37 healthy matched controls were recruited.
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      Self-Conscious EmotionsSkin conductance responseParkinsons Disease
Background: While walking difficulties are common in people with Parkinson's disease (PD), little is known about factors that independently contribute to their perceived walking difficulties. Objective: To identify factors that... more
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      Gait and BalanceParkinsons Disease
Herbs may possess an advantage in longer term management of Parkinson’s disease over the common drugs, Levodopa and Carbidopa, and more economic (Kavitha & Thangamani, 2014). As the disease progresses, higher prescriptions of Levodopa are... more
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      Ayurvedic MedicineParkinson's DiseaseAyurvedaHerbal Medicine
About 90 percent of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience decreased functional communication due to the presence of voice and speech disorders associated with dysarthria that can be characterized by monotony of pitch (or... more
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      Wearable ComputingDysarthriaParkinsons Disease
Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) may develop various non-motor symptoms (NMS) during the course of the illness and psychosis is one of the common NMS of PD. Visual hallucinations (VH) are the most common manifestation of psychosis... more
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      NeurologyNeuroimagingClinical NeuroscienceMovement disorders
Numerous studies have highlighted the potential of aluminium as an aetiological factor for some neurodegenerative disorders, particularly Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Our previous studies... more
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryNeuroscienceCognitive Science
Resumo: A Doença de Parkinson é uma doença neurodegenerativa que usualmente acarreta incapacidade severa após 10 a 15 anos e representa impactos social e financeiro elevados, particularmente na população mais idosa. Poucos estudos... more
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      Parkinson's DiseaseEnfermedad de ParkinsonParkinsonParkinson´s Disease
Repeated haloperidol treatment administered to nonhuman primates (NHPs) over several months or even years leads to the gradual appearance of drug-induced dystonic reactions in the orofacial region (mouth opening, tongue protrusion or... more
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      SchizophreniaAntipsychotic drugsNeurological Movement Disorder (Dystonia)Non-human primates
Syncope is usually addressed in the Emergency Department (ED) by the doctor in charge of the clinical picture, i.e. the patient's risk is stratified, a diagnostic work-up is done and a prognosis is set. Patients are ultimately admitted to... more
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      Autonomic Nervous SystemOccupational health and safetySpectrum analysisSyncope in the Elderly
Numerous studies have highlighted the potential of aluminium as an aetiological factor for some neurodegenerative disorders, particularly Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Our previous studies have shown that aluminium can... more
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      NeuroscienceParkinson's DiseaseOxidative StressMitochondria
There is increasing evidence of the benefits of music, in particular singing, for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current research has primarily focused on vocal or motor symptoms. Our aim was to examine the immediate emotional... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyClinical PsychologyEmotion
There is an increasing demand for smart fogcomputing gateways as the size of cloud data is growing. This paper presents a Fog computing interface (FIT) for processing clinical speech data. FIT builds upon our previous work on EchoWear, a... more
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      The Internet of ThingsWearable TechnologiesDysarthriaMobile Cloud Computing
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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is the most used animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS) for the development of new therapies. Dopamine receptors can modulate EAE and MS development, thus highlighting the potential use of... more
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      Animal BehaviorCell CultureNeurodegenerative DiseasesProtocols
Tomakeanoptimaldecisionweneedtoweighalltheavailableoptions,comparethemwiththecurrentgoal,andchoosethemostrewardingone.Dependingonthesituationanoptimaldecisioncouldbetoeither“explore”or“exploit”or“nottotakeanyaction”forwhichtheBasalGanglia(B... more
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      SynchronyBasal gangliaParkinsons Disease
Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is commonly based on medical observations and assessment of clinical signs, including the characterization of a variety of motor symptoms. However, traditional diagnostic approaches may suffer from... more
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      Machine LearningDisease PredictionParkinsons Disease
We studied group-I metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors in Pah (ENU2) mice, which mimic the genetics and neurobiology of human phenylketonuria (PKU), a metabolic disorder characterized, if untreated, by autism, and intellectual... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceIntellectual DisabilityMedicine
The prevalence of neurodegenerative disease has increased significantly in recent years, and with a rapidly aging global population, this trend is expected to continue. These diseases are characterised by a progressive neuronal loss in... more
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      Neurodegenerative DiseasesReactive Oxygen SpeciesAlzheimers DiseaseParkinsons Disease
Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and affects more than 7 million people globally. In this work, we classify subjects with Parkinson’s disease using data from finger-tapping on a keyboard. We use a... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningClassificationParkinson´s Disease