Recent papers in Paris
Voici le PDF de ma thèse sur la question du Grand Paris, soutenue en 2015.
The literary and visual imagination of underground sites in the industrialized city, and their significance for understanding the relationship between modern urban myths and the everyday experience of big-city life.
Bien que représentant un cas particulier, le Livre d'Echantillons Fol Est 489 constitue un bon exemple de la manière dont un recueil à destination d'un homme de l'art était composé au milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Éléments pratiques et... more
Il cimitero del Père-Lachaise, per la sua conformazione e posizione geografica all'interno di Parigi, ma anche per la sua storia, la sua funzione pratica ed in numerosi input che da esso partono verso differenti gruppi di ricezione, è uno... more
Les expositions universelles, une utopie touristique toujours d’actualité ? World’s Fair, The Renew of Touristic Utopia? ¿Exposiciones universales, una utopía turística siempre de actualidad? À travers les expositions universelles... more
Situated in the heart of Paris, France, Père-Lachaise is a magnificent monumental cemetery with more than two centuries of history. Every year 2.5 million people visit Père-Lachaise as if it was a big open air museum; every day hundreds... more
Artículo publicado en ocasión de la celebración de los 100 años de Arthur Kahn, arquitecto de origen turco y formación francesa que llegó a Venezuela en 1942, y dejó una huella memorable en el país, y especialmente en la ciudad que lo... more
Review of the exhibition "Peupler les cieux. dessins pour les plafonds parisiens au XVIIème siècle" at the Musée du Louvre
Paris is an immortal city. It was described in many tourist guides, visited by millions of tourists, and has been the background for hundreds of wonderful known stories or lost on the picturesque Belle Époque streets. For more... more
Es ist wohl kaum übertrieben zu sagen, dass ganz Europa seit Montagabend unter Schock steht. Die schrecklichen Bilder der brennenden Kathedrale im Herzen der französischen Hauptstadt, welche viele Jahrhunderte das eigentliche Herz der... more
On 10th October 2014 (at Beursschouwburg in Brussels), a political scientist and sociologist Patrick Le Gales gave a talk 'Global Minds, Roots in the City' on his recently finished research project in which Alberta Andreotti, Francisco... more
« Nous voulons que Paris soit un endroit qui existe pour créer des liens entre les gens du monde entier, où un séjour de même une semaine peut transformer toute une vie ». Theodore Zeldin « Paris est fait d'un peu de tout. Ce n'est point... more
Este libro analiza las relaciones entre la ciudad y el arquitecto, la dialéctica entre la ciudad real: el París donde vivía, y la ciudad ideal: el París abstracto que proyectaba, confrontando ambos mundos para entenderlos mejor. París es... more
Acute respiratory distress BAL Bronchoalveolar lavage BO Bronchiolitis obliterans BOOP Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia OLB Open lung biopsy Objectives: To determine the value of open lung biopsy (OLB) in terms of diagnosis,... more
Until recently, knowledge-intensive work activities have predominantly taken place in office buildings as a specialized form of economic infrastructure. New digital technologies together with an economic and organizational transition from... more
Presentation of edited volume. Texts by John Colin, Charles Manby Smith and William Duthie. Translated by Sabine Reungoat and edited by Fabrice Bensimon
L225 a.-"Brunet des Baines y las fuentes bibliográficas de su Tratado". En AAVV. Curso de Arquitectura de Claudio Brunet des Baines (1853) Facsimilar. Universidad de Chile. Santiago. 2008 Arquitecto Ramón Gutiérrez. CONICET -CEDODAL
Approximately 37 thousand Malians currently reside in France as part of the West African diaspora. Primarily Muslim, both women and men confront challenges to their understandings of Islamic prohibitions and expectations, especially those... more
‘Het overlijden van een oorlogsfotograaf is meer dan alleen een persoonlijke tragedie voor familie, vrienden, en collega’s. Het tast ook onze zintuigen aan’, zegt onderzoeker Wilco Versteeg. Hij werkt aan een proefschrift over hedendaagse... more
The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate how Cox´s (1981) conceptualization of structures and historical structure could be driven to change by Campbell’s (1998) notion of constructed narratives of apparent threats behind events such... more
Issues are shipped in May and November. Missed issues must be reported no later than three months after shipping date or we cannot be responsible for replacements. All rights reserved. Indexed in Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA),... more
Met de weerzinwekkende aanslagen op de luchthaven van Zaventem en het metrostation van Maalbeek werd België in een nieuw tijdperk geloodst. Europa reageerde – zeer begrijpelijk – met onbegrip, angst, ongeloof en woede. Indien men zulke... more
"Food knowledge in Paris at the end of the Middle Ages: between culinary practice and food hygiene": How is food knowledge spread in Paris at the end of the Middle Ages? This is the purpose of this article. At that time, Paris was already... more
Certaines configurations de formes architecturales contestent une notion idealiste de l'espace et du temps, et creent une multiplicite de cellules espace-temps. Le rapport au monde qui se definit dans cette exploration par touches,... more
background. Antibiotic prescription is frequently inappropriate in hospitals. Our objective was to evaluate whether the quality of antibiotic prescription could be measured using case vignettes to assess physicians' knowledge. One of the most dramatic images of the French Revolution is of Parisian... more
Ao estilo dos textos de Baudelaire sobre os flâneurs que caminhavam na cidade de Paris, descobrindo os simbolos da modernidade, este artigo narra a chegada de um estrangeiro a capital francesa no inicio do seculo XX e seu passeio pela... more
Immigration for health reasons represents only a small proportion of all immigration reasons. For this population, free clinics like the one investigated here constitute unique, irreplaceable, access points in the French healthcare system.
El escritor español nos dejó muchas obras inspiradas en la capital francesa, además de mencionarla reiteradamente en sus memorias.
Background.-The prevalence of poor reading skills is particularly high among children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, but no longitudinal studies have been conducted so far in France to determine whether poor reading in a... more