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Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience unique challenges in performing their care-giving roles, often experiencing greater levels of parental stress than other parents. A systematic review of the literature on... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersParental Stress
Background: Research has shown varied outcomes for typically-developing (TD) siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), suggesting that some emotional and behavioral difficulties may occur only under specific conditions.... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersSiblings RelationshipsParental StressMarital Status
The purpose of this study was to verify a theoretical model of parents' responses to difficulties they experienced with their child. The model presents relationships between seven variables: (a) discrepancy between parental goal and the... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingParental StressParental mistakes
High soil salinity negatively influences plant growth and yield. Some taxa have evolved mechanisms for avoiding or tolerating elevated soil salinity, which can be modulated by the environment experienced by parents or offspring. We tested... more
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      Soil SalinityParental Stress
PROBLEM: Parental stress in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has been reported, however identifying modifiable stress factors and looking for demographic parent factors related to stress has not been well researched. AIM: This... more
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      Maternal, neonatal and child healthcareParental Stress
Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities associated with deficits in communication skills. The distinct behavioral and physical characteristics of ASD can make these individuals more vulnerable to obesity. This study... more
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      NutritionChildren and FamiliesAutism Spectrum DisordersChildhood Obesity
This article reports on the feasibility of implementing an existing empirically based program, The Incredible Years, tailored to parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder. Parents raising preschool-aged children (aged 3–6... more
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      Early InterventionAutism Spectrum DisordersBehavioral InterventionsFamily Support
Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a life-long developmental disorder, responded to an online survey considering their stress experience, affective symptoms and marital satisfaction. As these parents sourced... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersApplied Behaviour AnalysisParental Involvement and Depression of AdolescentsParental Stress
Backgorund: Parents after Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) hospitalization of preterm infant may develop psychopathological symptoms. The aim of the study was to determine how parental stress and psychophysical wellbeing affect... more
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      Anxiety DisordersDepressionLongitudinal ResearchPTSD
The present study examines whether parenting stress relates to parenting practices that mothers and fathers adopt, taking into consideration the parental sociodemographic characteristics and the number of children in the household. 245... more
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      SocializationParental Stress
The present study aims to examine the influence of father's and mother's demographic characteristics in positive and negative parenting practices. Research sample consisted of 480 married parents who had children in the public primary... more
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      ParentingParent InvolvementParental BehaviorParent Child Relationships
Stressors experienced by parents can influence the behavioral development of their offspring. Here, we review recent studies in threespined sticklebacks (a species in which males are the sole providers of parental care) showing that when... more
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      EpigeneticsParental StressTransgenerational Plasticity
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of parental stress and psychological wellbeing among parents with autistic children and their associations with dimensions of support system. Methods: This is a preliminary cross sectional study... more
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      Clinical PsychologyAutismSocial SupportPsychological Wellbeing