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PROBLEM: Parental stress in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has been reported, however identifying modifiable stress factors and looking for demographic parent factors related to stress has not been well researched. AIM: This... more
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      Maternal, neonatal and child healthcareParental Stress
Backgorund: Parents after Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) hospitalization of preterm infant may develop psychopathological symptoms. The aim of the study was to determine how parental stress and psychophysical wellbeing affect... more
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      Anxiety DisordersDepressionLongitudinal ResearchPTSD
Considering the fact that last two centuries on Balkan,especially on the ground of Bosnia, are marked by repeated political aggression and conflicts, in the course of every fifty years, attention of this paper is directed to... more
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      PsychologyTraumatic StressPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma Studies
est l'état dans lequel se trouve la femme pendant la période de grossesse, durant l'accouchement et les suites. Cet état concerne de fait le lien de parenté. La maternité est la reconnaissance sociale et légale du lien de parenté entre... more
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      ParentingParental BehaviorFatherhoodMotherhood
Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience unique challenges in performing their care-giving roles, often experiencing greater levels of parental stress than other parents. A systematic review of the literature on... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersParental Stress
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of parental stress and psychological wellbeing among parents with autistic children and their associations with dimensions of support system. Methods: This is a preliminary cross sectional study... more
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      Clinical PsychologyAutismSocial SupportPsychological Wellbeing
Background: Research has shown varied outcomes for typically-developing (TD) siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), suggesting that some emotional and behavioral difficulties may occur only under specific conditions.... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersSiblings RelationshipsParental StressMarital Status
Präsentationsunterlagen zur Disputation
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySelf and Identity
The transition to adulthood and adulthood itself have been identified as times of stress for parents of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Longitudinal studies, however, show improvements in the well-being of mothers of... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersParental Stress
Single mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are rarely studied, yet they may experience unique stressors. Researchers asked 122 single mothers to complete questionnaires concerning respite care, daily hassles/uplifts,... more
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      AutismDepressionAutism Spectrum DisordersParenting
Introduction: Developmental disorders consist of a broad spectrum of chronic and lifelong disorders resulted from mental or physical deficits; therefore, they may affect daily experiences. The current study aimed at evaluating parental... more
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      Parental StressAutism Spectrum Disorder (asd)
Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities associated with deficits in communication skills. The distinct behavioral and physical characteristics of ASD can make these individuals more vulnerable to obesity. This study... more
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      NutritionChildren and FamiliesAutism Spectrum DisordersChildhood Obesity
Die Geschichte eines Drahtseilaktes Im englischen Sprachraum erörtert man soziale Beziehungen seit über dreihundert Jahren als "Machtbalancen". Von dort hat sich der Begriff verbreitet und dient heute immer häufiger zur Untersuchung von... more
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      Personality PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyParentingParent Involvement
The aim of this study was toinvestigatetheeffectiveness of behavioral training for parents in reducing parental stress and improving mental health of mothers of children with hearing impairment.This study employed a quasi-experimental... more
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      ParentingDeafness and Hearing LossParental Stress
What an animal needs to learn to survive is altered dramatically as they change from dependence on the parent for protection to independence and reliance on self-defense. This transition occurs in most altricial animals, but our... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyPsychoanalysisDevelopmental Psychology
The present study aims to examine the influence of father’s and mother’s demographic characteristics in positive and negative parenting practices. Research sample consisted of 480 married parents who had children in the public primary... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyParentingParent Involvement
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      Mental HealthFamilyFamily ResilienceChronic disease self-management education
The present study examines whether parenting stress relates to parenting practices that mothers and fathers adopt, taking into consideration the parental sociodemographic characteristics and the number of children in the household. 245... more
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      SocializationParental Stress
PLAY, FUN AND LEARNING: An explorative study on the impact of attachment and play based parent training in relation to parenting stress levels and parent-child interactions Dalia Guzaitiene, Supervisors: Dr Justine Howard, Dr Eimir... more
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      Play TherapyChildren's PlayParent Training ProgramsParental Stress
Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a life-long developmental disorder, responded to an online survey considering their stress experience, affective symptoms and marital satisfaction. As these parents sourced... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersApplied Behaviour AnalysisParental Involvement and Depression of AdolescentsParental Stress
High soil salinity negatively influences plant growth and yield. Some taxa have evolved mechanisms for avoiding or tolerating elevated soil salinity, which can be modulated by the environment experienced by parents or offspring. We tested... more
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      Soil SalinityMultidisciplinarySalinitySoil and Water Salinity
Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a life-long developmental disorder, responded to an online survey considering their stress experience, affective symptoms and marital satisfaction. As these parents sourced... more
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      PsychologyAutism Spectrum DisordersApplied Behaviour AnalysisParental Involvement and Depression of Adolescents
A FI PĂRINTE este o ARTĂ de a răspunde PROVOCĂRILOR copiilor nostri, cu înțelegere și maturitate, în calitate de adulți ! Diferența reală dintre noi - părinții și ei - copiii este creeată de faptul că ei nu-și pot explica motivele... more
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      Parent InvolvementParental BehaviorParent Child RelationshipsParental Stress
Child abuse in the family courts in the U.S., child sex trafficking and other sex crimes by high level officials, royalty and those in authority will be exposed.
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      Child and adolescent mental healthParental BehaviorParent Child RelationshipsChild Sexual Abuse
This article reports on the feasibility of implementing an existing empirically based program, The Incredible Years, tailored to parents of young children with autism spectrum disorder. Parents raising preschool-aged children (aged 3–6... more
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      Early InterventionAutism Spectrum DisordersBehavioral InterventionsFamily Support
Single mothers of children with autism spectrum disorders are rarely studied, yet they may experience unique stressors. Researchers asked 122 single mothers to complete questionnaires concerning respite care, daily hassles/uplifts,... more
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      EducationAutismDepressionAutism Spectrum Disorders
The purpose of this study was to verify a theoretical model of parents' responses to difficulties they experienced with their child. The model presents relationships between seven variables: (a) discrepancy between parental goal and the... more
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      Structural Equation ModelingParental StressParental mistakes
After the “discovery of childhood“ 200 years ago, the discovery of parenthood is badly needed today. In the present-day figuration of child-centered families and child-decentered societies the position of parents has come under enormous... more
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      ParentingParent InvolvementParental BehaviorParent Child Relationships
Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a life-long developmental disorder, responded to an online survey considering their stress experience, affective symptoms and marital satisfaction. As these parents sourced... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyAutism Spectrum DisordersApplied Behaviour Analysis
The aim of this study was toinvestigatetheeffectiveness of behavioral training for parents in reducing parental stress and improving mental health of mothers of children with hearing impairment.This study employed a quasi-experimental... more
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      Mental HealthParentingDeafness and Hearing LossMothers
The present study aims to examine the influence of father's and mother's demographic characteristics in positive and negative parenting practices. Research sample consisted of 480 married parents who had children in the public primary... more
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      ParentingParent InvolvementParental BehaviorParent Child Relationships
Is being a parent prudentially good for one – that is to say, does it enhance one’s well-being? The social-scientific literature is curiously divided when it comes to this question. While some studies suggest that being a parent... more
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      Happiness and Well BeingParental involvementParental StressParental Practices
Backgorund Parents after Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) hospitalization of preterm infant may develop psychopathological symptoms. The aim of the study was to determine how parental stress and psychophysical wellbeing affect... more
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      Anxiety DisordersDepressionLongitudinal ResearchMedicine
Current study aims to Investigating the mediating role of quality of family life in relationship between parenting stress and children’s behavioral problems. Statistical population of this study were all parents of female elementary... more
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      FamilyQuality of lifeParental Stress
High soil salinity negatively influences plant growth and yield. Some taxa have evolved mechanisms for avoiding or tolerating elevated soil salinity, which can be modulated by the environment experienced by parents or offspring. We tested... more
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      Soil SalinityParental Stress
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      ParentingParent InvolvementParental BehaviorParent Child Relationships
Rationale: Emerging evidence indicates that psychosocial stress enhances the effect of traffic exposure on the development of asthma. Objectives: We hypothesized that psychosocial stress would also modify the effect of traffic exposure on... more
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      Public HealthLung FunctionChildrenParental Stress