Recent papers in Parasites
This paper deals with the effects of agronomic practices on parasite life cycles, and the design of integrated crop protection strategies. Cropping systems have a large effect on the size of the primary inoculum and its localisation, on... more
173 fecal specimens from captive Capercaillies and 92 fecal specimens from free-living Capercaillies were examined bacteriologically. With all specimens the bacteriological examination was limited to the aerobic bacteria which can be... more
Dog parks represent a recent trend in western countries, enabling owners to spend quality time with their pets in a controlled environment. Despite their growing popularity, few studies have been performed to date on these parks to... more
Numerous studies have indicated that aquatic pollution affects parasite populations and communities. However, the responses of individual taxa and functional groups to specific contaminants, and their effect sizes, have yet to be assessed... more
Multihost parasites can infect different types of hosts or even different host species. Epidemiological models have shown the importance of the diversity of potential hosts for understanding the dynamics of infectious disease (e.g., the... more
Butterflies, bees, parasites
In the present study, a tetraphylleadean larval cestode Scolex pleuronectis Müller, 1788 was determined in the intestine of shore rockling Gaidropsarus mediterraneus, Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus, blotched picarel Spicara... more
Cophylogenetic studies examine the relationship between host and parasite evolution. One aspect of cophylogenetic studies that has had little modern discussion is parasites with multiple definitive hosts. Parasite species with multiple... more
This study was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of an integrated management intervention in the control of endo- and ectoparasites of pigs kept by smallholder farmers in Mbeya Rural and Mbozi districts of southern highlands of... more
This paper, based on a recent comprehensive sampling of insects, is the first report of Laboulbeniales from the New England region since the 1930s. We present 7 new records of laboulbenialean parasites on Staphylinidae (rove beetles) and... more
Parasitic diseases are prevalent in developing countries, especially among poor communities in the tropics. In Côte d'Ivoire, previous studies have recorded high prevalence for intestinal parasite infestations. This paper focuses on... more
Introduction: Intestinal parasitic infection has been a significant problem in HIV patients, worldwide. In this study, we aimed to measure the prevalence and identify the factors associated with intestinal parasitic infection in people... more
Cysteine proteases play numerous indispensable roles in the biology of parasitic organisms. Aside from previously known general catabolic functions and protein processing, cysteine proteases may be key to parasite immunoevasion,... more
The factors that determine parasite assemblages among the clariid fishes of Lake Victoria, Tanzania were studied between August 2003 and February 2005. Six hundred and fifty-six fish belonging to seven species were necropsied and examined... more
Trypanosomes and leishmania, the causative agents of several tropical diseases, possess a unique redox metabolism which is based on trypanothione. The bis(glutathionyl)spermidine is the central thiol that delivers electrons for the... more
Leishmania parasites of several species cause cutaneous and visceral disease to millions of people worldwide, and treatment for this vector-borne protozoan parasite typically involves administration of highly toxic antimonial drugs. Snake... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The objective of this study was to assess the physicochemical parameters and waterborne parasites in selected recreational lakes from Malaysia. Samples were collected from seven stations of Recreational Lake A (RL-A) and six stations of... more
Our understanding of human evolutionary and population history can be advanced by ecological and evolutionary studies of our parasites. Many parasites flourish only in the presence of very specific human behaviors and in specific... more
Trypanosma gambiense is a flagellated protozoan causing a disease African sleeping sickness of trypanosomiasis. The parasite requires a vector for transmission to human and the vector is a insect i.e., Tse-tse fly (Glossina palpalis).
Microscopic examination of stool specimens is the cornerstone of detection of intestinal parasites in parasitology laboratories. In Europe, fresh, nonpreserved stool specimens are generally used for examination. Because intestinal... more
Michel Serres’s Le Parasite is a foundational text not only for the understanding of Serres’s own imposing and timely thought but also for key debates in contemporary posthumanism, object oriented thought, new materialisms, ecology,... more
Paragonimus westermani is commonly known as lung fluke is native to Asia and South America. It was first isolated from two tigers that died in the zoo in Europe in 1878. It was isolated from humans after many years in Formosa. The... more
Also known as the filarial worm as it causes a disease called as filariasis.
The purpose of the African Chiroptera Report is to collate published information on, and collate specimen records of, African bats. The advent of the internet provides an opportunity for large amounts of information to be easily and... more
A re-translation of Michel Serres's “The Parasite” by Randolph Burks, based on Lawrence Schehr's translation. It was high time “The Parasite” saw a revision. Here it is. Schehr's translation has been substantially altered in style and... more
Faecal samples were individually collected from pet (n = 63) and zoo (n = 83) birds representing 14 orders and 63 species. All the samples were examined by faecal flotation technique. In a subgroup of samples (n = 75), molecular assays... more
Parasites play an important role in the structure and function of arctic ecosystems, systems that are currently experiencing an unprecedented rate of change due to various anthropogenic perturbations, including climate change. Ungulates... more
Parasites (ectoparasites or endoparasites) are a major cause of diseases in man, his live‐ stock and crops, leading to poor yield and great economic loss. To overcome some of the major limitations of chemical control methods such as... more
"Michel Serres’ concept of ‘the parasite’ provides for a sustained rethinking of basic categories in social science. As an example of post-Kantian philosophy, Serres critiques the classical logic of identity as based on a ‘third man’... more
Protease function is essential to many biological systems and processes. In parasites, proteases are essential for host tissue degradation, immune evasion, and nutrition acquisition. Helminths (worms) depend on several classes of... more
J. L. Austin's claim that language ‘used not seriously’ is ‘parasitic’ upon ‘normal use’ has proved a puzzle to literary scholars, who have often taken this to mean that they are not allowed to apply the insights of speech-act theory to... more
Eicosanoids are lipid mediators with multiple functions in vertebrate tissues and invertebrate organisms. In this review the roles of eicosanoids--mostly prostaglandins (PGs), thromboxanes and leukotrienes--in parasite physiology and... more
Zoonotic parasites are important causes of endemic and emerging human disease in northern North America and Greenland (the North), where prevalence of some parasites is higher than in the general North American population. The North today... more
Disease is a major cause of natural selection affecting human evolution, whether through a sudden pandemic or persistent morbidity and mortality. Recent contributions in the field of ancient pathogen genomics have advanced our... more
This collection of articles provides an account of six presentations delivered at the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) (held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from... more
Helminthes are known to cause different types of diseases in their hosts.
The hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, has been affected by severe mortality episodes associated with the protistan parasite QPX (Quahog Parasite Unknown) for several years. Despite the commercial importance of hard clams in the United... more