Paranormal Beliefs
Recent papers in Paranormal Beliefs
This is a collection of 500 contemporary fairy experiences: most from the English-speaking world. The pdf is 400 pages long: about 160,000 words. The experiences date from the 1920s to the 2010s and respondents were aged from three-years... more
October 10, 2023 update. After an effort of many years, I have prepared a comprehensive timeline of UFO history that will be useful to UFO researchers and historians. “UFOs and Intelligence” is an up-to-date retrospective of UFO history... more
The ATransC publishes an occasional update email to a list which you may join using the form in the right column of each page. The focus of the update is current information about transcommunication from the perspective of... more
Recent social psychological research raises the possibility that some attitudes and beliefs may be implicit or inaccessible to articulation. In this study a measure of implicit paranormal beliefs was constructed and administered to a... more
Current events in science imply that a new scientific revolution in physics is unfolding. This new revolution will be as much about mind and consciousness as it is about matter and physics. It will bring a new theory of physical reality... more
Some recent research suggests that psychological processes underlying the formation of paranormal beliefs have much in common with those underlying delusional beliefs. On this ground a survey was conducted to investigate the relationship... more
Can memory and emotion be animated after death, as some perceived hauntings appear to be? If so, then such hauntings involve extended emotions across space and time. In certain circumstances, can the places we once inhabited include this... more
Μια πρώιμη εκτίμηση του ρόλου και του πλαισίου των "παραφυσικών" φαινομένων στη διαμόρφωση της Συναινετικής Πραγματικότητας (από "Αστρικός Κόσμος", Μάρτιος 1983).
In this article I look at Chilean paranormal investigators in the capital-Santiago-and their apparatuses. I argue that these recording devices appear somehow as "vibrant" things, but they work in conjunction with others creating... more
From the end of the 16th century, the areas of the Silesian-Moravian borderland, or northern Moravia itself, were the scene of fierce struggles against the dead rising from their graves. Later, mainly eighteenth-century publications began... more
Bigfoot lurks at the intersection of folklore, myth, natural history, the paranormal, and popular culture. Like other North American "cryptids" -Mothman, the Lizard Man, the Jersey Devil -Bigfoot intrigues precisely because it disrupts... more
The word paranormal comes from the words "para" meaning beyond, and normal. So the term paranormal really means something that is beyond the normal scope of science or being beyond a scientific explanation. Paranormal Investigating can be... more
Both parapsychologists and skeptics have interests in investigating the nature of belief in the paranormal, albeit with somewhat different objectives in mind. Despite substantial variation across studies in the definition of the scope of... more
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
Although belief in paranormal phenomena has long been studied as if it were a psychological trait, many commentators recently have preferred to define beliefs as a psychological state. Somewhat surprisingly, the psychometric decomposition... more
Ramtha Tiranların Son Valsi;
Kıyametle İlgili İkibin Yıllık Vahyin Gerçek Anlamı Ve Açıklaması
Kıyametle İlgili İkibin Yıllık Vahyin Gerçek Anlamı Ve Açıklaması
Le livre aborde des thèmes comme la croyance au paranormal, les expériences exceptionnelles, la survie de l’âme, les maisons hantées et le spiritisme, l’évolution des pratiques alternatives et les capacités paranormales.... more
The legacy of the Enlightenment is increasingly contested in the twenty-first century. It is undeniable that secularisation has gained ground as institutional Christianity retreated from the public sphere, but since the mid-twentieth... more
The first complete edition of the book which gave birth to the 'ghost story contest' at Villa Diodati, June 1816.
This descriptive study was undertaken to discover and describe the psychological experiences associated with the healing attempts of transpersonal healers. These healers are defined as individuals who attempt to influence beneficially the... more
We designed, in French and in English, a single-item scale to measure people's general tendency to believe in conspiracy theories. The validity and reliability of this scale was assessed in 3 studies (total N = 555). In Study 1 (N = 152),... more
Le paranormal est omniprésent dans notre culture. Il suffit d’ouvrir un quotidien pour y trouver un horoscope. Des publicités pour tel voyant ou tel marabout arrivent régulièrement dans nos boîtes aux lettres, nous vant ant les mérites de... more
This is an introductory review of the use of cognitive models in understanding personality traits
As several scholars have noted, the use of superimposition effects in cinema to conjure such apparitions as ghosts, fairies, devils, and other fantastic creatures finds a significant precedent in spirit photography, a spiritualist... more
This study explored the hypothesis that paranormal beliefs stem in part from a need for control over life events. A sample of 174 Australian adults participated in a mail survey of paranormal beliefs, three spheres of locus of control,... more
Charles Hoy Fort (1874-1932) was as fascinating a man as one could hope to find. Author of The Book of the Damned, New Lands, Lo!, and Wild Talents, Fort was a master cataloguer of the weird, the unexplained and the bizarre which the... more
We examined the extent to which anime fans believe in paranormal phenomena and whether these beliefs are associated with preferences for specific genres of anime. Anime fans rated their preference for a variety of different anime genres... more
What is meant by the paranormal? Though it cannot be defined exactly, except as a group of anomalies, it is better known for what it is not. It is not normal. As a group of phenomena it is broken down as either ESP (Extra-Sensory... more
What part does luck play in the success of individuals, enterprises and countries? Think of examples. From politics to careers to finding the love of your life, there has never been more advice available, yet at the end of the game, some... more
This was a reflection on the publication of the Fairy Census . FT 362.
Publicado originalmente en 2008, este trabajo sigue siendo el mayor inventario mundial de informes fotográficos de "ovnis" durante el año de la oleada de 1954. En los años siguientes, el Proyecto FOTOCAT ha editado los siguientes siete... more
15 cartas remitidas por el parapsicólogo español Julio Roca Muntañola a Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos entre 1968 y 1973
The Bedford Springs Resort and Spa is haunted. This haunting takes the form of two materializations. First are the historical documents, objects, and photographs on display there, the things left behind. The second involves those... more
On June 25, 2021, the US Department of Defense released a 9-page “Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” It was a public version of a longer classified report prepared for US Congress, a 17-page report that has been... more
Shamans and artists have been perceived as similar across a variety of dimensions. Nonetheless, these similarities have not been systematically explored and are poorly understood. This study was designed to investigate these... more
Denita Benyshek, a professional visionary artist and cross-disciplinary scholar, explores the relationship between shamanism and artistic creativity through visions, dreams, artwork, and autobiographical stories. Using the definition of... more