Recent papers in Paramilitaries
This article argues that the post-Dayton political organisation of Bosnia represents an exemplary illustration of the difficulties associated with the empirical application of the pluralist model of “consociational democracy”. The... more
Humanitarinių mokslų daktaras Tomas Balkelis istorijos doktorantūros studijas 2004 m. baigė Toronto universitete, keliolika metų dirbo Mančesterio, Notingamo, Dublino ir Vilniaus universitetuose. 2015–2016 m. buvo vizituojantis... more
In this book, Tomas Balkelis explores how the Lithuanian state was created and shaped by the Great War from its onset in 1914 to the last waves of violence in 1923. As the very notion of independent Lithuania was constructed during the... more
From the deserts of Sudan to the jungles of Colombia, and from the streets of Belfast to the mountains of Kurdistan, paramilitaries have appeared in violent conflicts in very different settings. Paramilitaries are generally depicted as... more
Viaggio nella storia del conflitto colombiano, dalle cause scatenanti al processo di pace del governo Santos. Si parte analizzando le teorie sulla contro-insurrezione, applicate poi sugli attori in gioco: guerriglie, paramilitari e governo.
Con el apoyo de [email protected] Línea gratuita nacional 01800 112 101 Bogotá -Colombia Las opiniones y análisis aquí expresados no reflejan necesariamente las opiniones de las instituciones que financiaron y apoyan... more
Entre febrero de 2013 y la primavera de 2015, los grupos de autodefensas de Michoacán lograron desarticular una de las organizaciones criminales más pode-rosas de México, el cártel de Los Caballeros Templarios. Desde su creación, las... more
В книге рассмотрен феномен вооруженного сопротивления части населения против установления послевоенного устройства в странах Балкан. Работу предваряет обширная глава о событиях Второй мировой войны на Балканах, послуживших прологом к... more
Prvá komplexná analýza legislatívy, štruktúr a procesov týkajúcich sa hybridných hrozieb na Slovensku v šiestich tematických oblastiach: 1. Kybernetická bezpečnosť 2. Energetická bezpečnosť 3. Strategická komunikácia 4.... more
During the first two weeks of October, Iraqi authorities were confronted with a wave of mass protests over years of administrative inefficiency, financial mismanagement and endemic corruption. Evidence of a disproportionately violent... more
El año 2013 marca la visibilidad de los grupos de defensa comunitaria en México, mediante una variedad de formas organizativas, como las rondas comunitarias, los grupos de autodefensa y las policías comunitarias, así como grupos... more
This paper will be an analysis of the Freikorps movement and the motivations behind joining it. It analyzes motivations for joining by looking at the situation of the Weimar Republic from the end of the first World War November 1918- to... more
During and after Ukraine’s celebrated Euromaydan (literally: European Square) Revolution of 2013–2014, a whole number of novel Ukrainian political and societal phenomena emerged. One of the most intriguing was the relatively spontaneous... more
This study of the origins of the Heimwehr (Home Guard) movement offers insight into the conditions under which such groups gained their following. As such, its story is a valuable one that shows a society groping with the problem of a... more
Народное ополчение (милиция, милиционные силы от лат. militia) должно стать краеугольным камнем системы национальной безопасности новой, подлинной украинской Республики. Миссия народного ополчения (милиционных сил) состоит в том, чтобы... more
El presente trabajo buscará realizar un análisis comparativo entre dos organismos paraestatales y paramilitares: los escuadrones de la muerte salvadoreños –que actuaron en El Salvador, especialmente durante la década de los ‘80- y la... more
Este texto muestra el desarollo de los paramilitares en el departamento de Córdoba y su vínculos con los poderes locales, así como el papel que tuvieron para refrendar un modelo de desarrollo regional.
Portadown boy Billy Wright is considered to be close to Christ by many in The Province, while most people from The North consider him as the antichrist himself. But who was he really? Who was the man with bible and gun who considered... more
У раду се на основу необјављених историјских извора анализирају личност и деловање Страхиње Јањића током Другог светског рата, као и улога Српског Гестапоа, специјалног обавештајно-диверзантског одреда на чијем се челу Јањић налазио. Циљ... more
This paper is concerned with the long-term impact of media reporting, moral panics and fear of crime on the punishment of drug users in Northern Ireland and the implications for other jurisdictions. Drug use amongst young people, has been... more
This book offers valuable perspectives on the evolution of Colombia’s armed conflict, the war’s changing territoriality, the logic of violence against the civilian population, and the consequences of war and violence for society on a... more
Eight years after the implementation of Colombia’s Democratic Defense and Security Policy, the military balance seems to favor the State military forces, given their recent success over the political, military, and economic structures of... more
aynı yazar, Türk Kaynaklarında Ermeni Soykırımı. Toplu Makaleler 2, çev. Attila Tuygan (İstanbul: Belge, 2005); Edward J. Erickson, Osmanlılar ve Ermeniler. Bir İsyanın ve Karşı Harekâtın Tarihi, çev. İbrahim Türkmen (İstanbul: Timaş... more
En Anatomías del desastre (2017) se ofrece una visión de las violencias que lastiman a México en los últimos años (narcotráfico, delincuencia organizada, militarismo, represión política), sus raíces, sus consecuencias y también un... more
Christina von Braun/Micha Brumlik (Hrsg.): Handbuch Jüdische Studien. Köln/Weimar/Wien 2018 (Monika Richarz) 859 D. Timothy Goering (Hrsg.): Ideengeschichte heute. Traditionen und Perspektiven. Bielefeld 2017 (Sina Steglich) 861
Місія народного ополчення (міліційних сил) полягає в тому, щоб захищати інтереси й права громадян, створених ними громад і, ширше, всього суспільства в надзвичайних ситуаціях, коли структури централізованої держави з якихось причин не в... more
The negotiated peace of 2016 has given hope to many for a new, more inclusive society. The commitment of the elite, which played a crucial role in impeding former peace attempts, is indispensable, as keys are implementation and... more
Loyalist paramilitaries have been carrying out vigilante attacks since the earliest years of the Troubles. In four of the past six years, they have actually carried out more vigilante attacks than republican paramilitaries. Yet despite... more
Geçmişten Günümüze Türkiye’de Paramiliter Bir Yapılanma: Köy Koruculuğu Sistemi başlıklı araştırmada, Türkiye’de devletin, sivil vatandaşları silahlandırarak “devlet yanlısı” ve “devlet düşmanı” olarak kamplaştırma araçlarından biri olan... more
On July 15, 1928 the gendarmerie arrested 16 men in the small town of Paramithia in Epirus northwestern Greece. They were charged with racketeering, murder, kidnap, extortion and electoral fraud. The news was soon hailed by the local and... more
Existing within a relatively short time frame (2013-2015), the Michoacán Autodefensas (selfdefense groups) are a particularly fruitful case study for analyzing vigilantism. What we find here is an armed movement that was devoted to... more
The historiography of the Greek civil war has made significant progress during the past decade, but the origins, role and activities of paramilitaries remain under-researched. Most studies have focused on the period of the 'white terror'... more
The devastating effect on office and public safety of unqualified people in the law enforcement chain-of-command
En este apartado mencionare los rasgos principales del libro "el orangután con sacoleva", para esto, es necesario recapitular la historia colombiana de los últimos tres siglos, puesto que esta, es la fiel testigo del deterioro de la... more
El presente trabajo desarrolla una investigación sobre las inversiones en el sector de la palma de aceite realizadas por la empresa italiana Poligrow en Mapiripán (Meta). Desde el punto de vista teórico, el análisis introduce el giro... more
Bu makale, Türk devletinin paramiliter örgütlerinin zaman içindeki dönüşümüne ve bu örgütlerin muhaliflere, özellikle Kürtlere, karşı "kullanışlı" bir araç olarak nasıl kullanıldığına odaklanmaktadır. Paramiliter gruplar, yaklaşık kırk... more
The article explores the intersection between paramilitary mobilization and nation-building in the area of Thesprotia in northwestern Greece. It does so by examining the activities of the right-wing paramilitaries of EDES (Ethnikos... more