Parametric Modeling
Recent papers in Parametric Modeling
An ecomimetic method is developed as an innovative and transdisciplinary design approach rooted in the field of biomimetics. This new method emulates the interrelated complexity of the parts of an ecosystem with the intent to design... more
The article addresses the main problems related to the implementation of architectural practice of one of the most active trends in commutative design called parametrism. An analysis of the negative tendencies in the projects of modern... more
The following paper deals with a performance-driven morphogenetic design task to improve the conditions of room acoustics, using as a case study the material laboratory of the School of Architecture at Federico Santa Maria University of... more
The topic of form-finding for minimal surfaces (surfaces with the minimum amount of surface area connecting between fixed boundary conditions and a mean curvature of zero) is not new, nor original. Historically this has been done through... more
Cellular automata are models that deal with both nature and artefacts: they can indeed simulate living beings as well as be employed in the creation of objects. After the introduction of this concept by Stanislaw Ulam and John Von Neumann... more
Biomimetic design performed to develop a solution-shape has been offered as a successful approach for overcoming the limitations of typical design methods. Especially for the nose-shape of high-speed trains, the morphological... more
In this paper we displayed the problematic of modeling, analysis and simulating work process of specific tool used for punching and cutting operations on inner plate of the front car door. Basic principles of treating material with... more
Pengembangan arsitektur etnik Nusantara yang mengkini dalam proses kreatif desain menjadi cukup sulit untuk dilakukan. Perubahan bentuk namun tetap harus mempertahankan karakteristik acuannya adalah kendala yang sering dihadapi seorang... more
When we talk about Mechanical Engineering, CAD(Computer Aided Design) is something we associate with design and creativity and thus do not consider it a process that be automated. This article tries to explain why CAD automation is needed... more
The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industries have long sought techniques to decrease project cost, increase productivity and quality, and reduce project delivery time. Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers the... more
Thesis work that analyzes the history and potentialities of the parametric tool, proposing a use oriented towards both environmental and economic sustainability.
Learning parametric design software can be very daunting for the beginning design student, particularly those with limited software experience. By the same token, the remarkable ease of contemporary visual programming languages such as... more
Este trabajo de investigación propone el estudio, análisis y desarrollo del proceso de diseño arquitectónico y su posible variabilidad determinada por el uso de técnicas y herramientas digitales de diseño. Frente a esto se define como... more
Digital instruments are among the means of production of architecture. This improved productivity and reduced errors and inaccuracies in architectural design; however, in the case of parametric design, there is the risk of mistaking tools... more
Example How to Perform Multiple Regression Analysis Using SPSS Statistics
Building Information Modeling (BIM) has recently attained widespread attention in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. BIM represents the development and use of computer-generated n-dimensional (nD) models to... more
Traditional approaches to the construction site layout problem have been focused mainly on rectilinear facilities where the site facilities are modeled as either a set of discrete cells using an orthogonal grid, equal and unequal... more
A definitive history of parametric design in architecture history, theory, and practice. Provides a clear and articulate understanding of how parametric practices entered the profession and who were the leading figures. Critically... more
This paper explores the advantages and shortcomings of standardized and non-standardized design and construction techniques relating to architectural double-curvature metal frame constructions through a discussion of some examples from... more
La ricerca, di cui questo paper è un tassello, intende scandagliare le relazioni metodologiche che sottendono i progetti basati su approcci parametrici, al fine di comprendere meglio quella che si sta delineando come più che una semplice... more
With the rise of CPU power and massivisation of the computers popularity, the structural design process of modern construction has rapidly evolved from hand calculations, to isolated FEM approach software, up to the nowadays BIM... more
Hindu philosophy views the cosmos to be holonomic and self-similar in nature. The procedures and methods used in the construction of Hindu temples bear a striking resemblance to the procedures of fractal geometry, including... more
At present the kinetics is basic, but there is no doubt that research into the field of responsive building facades will continue, to find more sophisticated design and technical solutions. This research explores the possibilities of... more
Wicked Tactics – UX/XD explores and describes strategies for design in a post-virtual world. Wicked - as in wicked complexity, tactics as actions that cross strategic fields to create stunning solutions and User eXperience / eXperience... more
The deep hot hyper-arid valley between Israel and Jordan presents unique design and construction challenges for energy conservation and thermal comfort. Winters are relatively mild, summers extremely hot during the day, with night air... more
Com Revit e Dynamo
Com Revit e Dynamo
Rigid-foldable systems inspired by Origami enable the development of complex structures only governed by few variables. A method to design deployable structures considering geometrical and structural issues is described. Drawing of the... more
The paper states that most applications of parametric modelling to architecture and urban design fall into one of two strands of either form for form’s sake, or the negotiation of environmental concerns, while approaches which allow... more
Mediante el modelado paramétrico se construye un modelo flexible que permite la exploración de geometrías complejas. A través de herramientas de parametrización avanzada, se logran analizar diversas soluciones agregando la geometría como... more
The conventional Chinese lattice window is a widely-used architectural component in the Chinese classical garden. It provides the functions of illuminance, ventilation, decoration and organising the landscape. Conventional generation and... more
This Studio will investigate methods of generative design by deploying an approach of basic physics and structure making. Using Grasshopper (GH) with third party add-ons, we will aim to develop forms based on basic self-organization and... more