Recent papers in Parallelization
In this paper we present a fine-mesh solver aimed at resolving in a coupled manner and at the pin cell level the neutronic and thermal-hydraulic fields. Presently, the tool considers Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) conditions. The methods... more
This paper describes a new parallel architectural system which we have called an MIMD-SIMD hybrid system. As the name implies, MIMD-SIMD hybrid system (also denoted as hybrid system in this paper) is a combination of both SIMD and MIMD... more
In this paper, we propose a new high-speed computation algorithm for solving a large N Â N matrix system using the MIMD-SIMD Hybrid System. The MIMD-SIMD Hybrid System (also denoted as Hybrid System in this paper) is a new parallel... more
An Euler-Lagrange approach is developed for numerical simulations of cavitating flows. Within this approach the Navier-Stokes equations are solved for the Eulerian liquid/vapor-mixture. Supplementary equations for the bubble size and... more
This paper presents a novel evolutionary optimization strategy based on the derandomized evolution strategy with covariance matrix adaptation (CMA-ES). This new approach is intended to reduce the number of generations required for... more
Retinex is an image restoration approach used to restore the original appearance of an image. Among various methods, a center/surround retinex algorithm is favorable for parallelization because it uses the convolution operations with... more
Multiple-Point Simulations (MPS) is a family of geostatistical tools that has received a lot of attention in recent years for the characterization of spatial phenomena in geosciences. It relies on the definition of training images to... more
A fast response technique is developed to investigate the short-term postprogram and post-erase discharge in Flash memory devices. The procedure is based on fast VTH-evaluation methods developed for bias temperature instability and... more
Linkage analysis uses information from family pedigrees to map genes and locate disease genes on particular chromosomes. A recombination fraction denoted as θ is estimated as a measure of crossing over between two loci. Genetic linkage... more
Microreactors can perform chemical reactions in tiny channels using continuous-flow processes. The microreactor team at Lonza has designed and tested a series of microstructured devices in continuousflow plants, and performed lab studies... more
Hierarchical N-body methods, which are based on a fundamental insight into the nature of many physical processes, are increasingly being used to solve large-scale problems in a variety of scientific/engineering domains. Applications that... more
MapReduce is a parallel programming model and an associated implementation introduced by Google. In the programming model, a user specifies the computation by two functions, Map and Reduce. The underlying MapReduce library automatically... more
This paper describes our research on using Genetic Programming to obtain transition rules for Cellular Automata, which are one type of massively parallel computing system. Our purpose is to determine the existence of a limit of chaos for... more
With the increase in frequency and severity of flash flood events in major cities around the world, the infrastructure and people living in those urban areas are exposed continuously to high risk levels of pluvial flooding. The situation... more
Software engineers now face the difficult task of refactoring serial programs for parallel execution on multicore processors. Currently, they are offered little guidance as to how much benefit may come from this task, or how close they... more
The paper describes several efficient parallel implementations of the one-sided hyperbolic Jacobi-type algorithm for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Hermitian matrices. By appropriate blocking of the algorithms an almost ideal... more
Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) is a recent and effective metaheuristic for solving combinatorial and global optimization problems. It is capable of escaping from the local optima by systematic changes of the neighborhood structures... more
This paper introduces a quick, efficient and simple algorithm for drawing straight lines with antialiasing on discrete devices like printers or CRTs. It is based on the DDA algorithm. It uses 32 bits fixed-point arithmetic. This is a... more
With the advent of digitization and growing abundance of graphic and image processing tools, use cases for clipping using circular windows have grown considerably. This paper presents an efficient clipping algorithm for line segments... more
Very large scientific datasets are increasingly becoming available in XML formats. At the same time, multi-core processing is increasingly becoming available on desktop- and laptop-class computing machines. Unfortunately, most XML parsers... more
The size of simulation grids used for numerical models has increased by many orders of magnitude in the past years, and this trend is likely to continue. Efficient pixel-based geostatistical simulation algorithms have been developed, but... more
This paper presents a novel method to construct a dynamic single assignment (DSA) form of array intensive, pointer free C programs. A program in DSA form does not perform any destructive update of scalars and array elements; that is, each... more
In this paper the performance of the Chandy-Misra algorithm in distributed simulation has been studied in the context of a particular simulation application: a cellular network. The logical process structure under the algorithm is... more
Spectral element methods allow for effective implementation of numerical techniques for partial differential equations on parallel architectures. We present two implementations of the parallel algorithm where the communications are... more
With the proliferation of multicore processors, there is an urgent need for tools and methodologies supporting parallelization of existing applications. In this paper, we present a novel tool for aiding programmers in parallelizing... more
In theoretical computer science, researchers usually distinguish between feasible problems (that can be solved in polynomial time) and problems that require more computation time. A natural question is: can we use new physical processes,... more
We present a novel multilevel algorithm which computes N roots of the secular equation in O(CN) computer operations, where C depends on the desired accuracy. Since current methods of solution require O(N 2) operations, this algorithm can... more
Many machine learning tasks are just too hard to be solved with a single processor machine, no matter how efficient algorithms we use and how fast our hardware is. Luckily genetic programming is well suited for parallelization compared to... more
Recently, graphics processors (GPUs) have been increasingly leveraged in a variety of scientific computing applications. However, architectural differences between CPUs and GPUs necessitate the development of algorithms that take... more
The problem of writing software for multicore processors is greatly simplified if we could automatically parallelize sequential programs. Although auto-parallelization has been studied for many decades, it has succeeded only in a few... more
Materials science simulations are among the leading applications for scientific supercomputing. Discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) is a numerical tool used to model the plastic behavior of crystalline materials using the elastic theory... more
Microreactors can perform chemical reactions in tiny channels using continuous-flow processes. The microreactor team at Lonza has designed and tested a series of microstructured devices in continuousflow plants, and performed lab studies... more
Loop parallelization is an important issue in the acceleration of the execution of scientific programs. To exploit parallelism in loops a system of equations representing the dependencies between the loop iterations and a system of... more
Loop tiling is an efficient loop transformation, mainly applied to detect coarse-grained parallelism in loops. It is a difficult task to apply n-dimensional nonrectangular tiles to generate parallel loops. This paper offers an efficient... more
We describe the implementation of some parallelization schemes for a relativistic four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham program (BERTHA). The coulomb matrix construction has been parallelized by block-distributing the two-electron integral... more
The segmentation of tissue regions in highresolution microscopy is a challenging problem due to both the size and appearance of digitized pathology sections. The two point correlation function (TPCF) has proved to be an effective feature... more
This paper proposes a partial parallelization for the Successive Projections Algorithm (SPA), which is a variable selection technique designed for use with Multiple Linear Regression. This implementation is aimed at improving the... more
We show how to use the parallelized kangaroo method for computing invariants in real quadratic function fields. Specifically, we show how to apply the kangaroo method to the infrastructure in these fields. We also show how to speed up the... more