Parallel Worlds

32 papers
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Parallel worlds refer to hypothetical universes that exist alongside our own, often posited in theories of cosmology, quantum mechanics, and science fiction. These worlds may have different physical laws, histories, or dimensions, suggesting the possibility of multiple realities coexisting simultaneously.
れを i nd e t a i lにちょっと見ますと,まず 4月に S o l v a y会議の招待状がくる. ヨーロッパで、は連動 していたようで, S o l v a y会議と一緒に, ドイツ物理学会で講演してほしいとか,スウェーデ、ンかの ある町でやるヨーロッパの物理の I n t e r n a t i o n a lC o n f .の招待状を受け取る.その頃は「物理」は 全部一緒です.それが S o l v a... more
This paper explores how individual awareness (soul), brain processing, and environmental influences shape a person's perception of reality. It argues that each person constructs a unique version of reality based on their awareness... more
The discovery of Time Force and Time Energy offers a revolutionary understanding of potential energy accumulation due to time dilation, black hole dynamics, and the interaction between parallel worlds. This paper hypothesizes that black... more
These are consecutive chapters from Stephen King and Philosophy. Both concern his ideas about time. It is a fairly serious examination of whether King's development from dimensionality (his Tower is a dimensional creation) into time... more
In this paper, we propose a novel robotic action/observation planning method for playing Yamakuzushi game which is a Japanese board game selecting one Shogi piece from the randomly stacked pile and sliding it off the board. In our... more
The degree of difficulty is a key element of fun in digital games. Players enjoy games and improve their skills if the difficulty is set in their personal Flow Zones. The existing Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) is a suitable... more
This thesis locates Japanese game research based on the "frame" concept..
Les Voyageurs malgré eux d’Élisabeth Vonarburg fait éclater les repères spatio-temporels selon la poétique de l’uchronie (l’histoire revisitée), sous-genre de la science-fiction (SF). Il s’agit de la présentation d’une histoire... more
In multiplayer games like poker, it is assumed that small changes in the number of the players do not affect characteristics of the strategies so much. This paper proposes a method to apply strategies learned from games with a smaller... more
Este artigo coloca em discussão alguns aspectos dos Location Based Mobile Games, comparando a realidade simultânea que esse tipo de jogo propõe com os conceitos de mundos paralelos e realidades paralelas, vindas da literatura e da física.
Broadly speaking, television is regarded as a mass media array providing information and entertainment. From a scientific perspective it also involves artistic features and counts as a highly influential socio-cultural phenomenon. While... more
This paper proposes a system using a Minecraft mod for early detection of Alzheimer s disease (AD). In recent years, dementia, including AD, has become a social problem worldwide, and early detection, in particular among young population,... more
This paper presents scientific reasoning as well as mapping of the concept of Angels to its derived and illustrated meaning of "Light" or "Noor" which in Arabic and in Hebrew refers to body of light in its original meaning. The author in... more
Existing research have investigated the effects of free will belief on aggressive behaviours. So far, studies have shown that when people's free will belief is denied, their motivation of self-control decreases, thereby increasing... more
The Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics is, inter alia, an interpretation of objective probability: an account of what probability really is. In this respect, it is unlike other realist interpretations of quantum theory or indeed... more
Ce mémoire propose d’étudier la relation qu’entretient la série télévisée Fargo (FX 2014) avec le film éponyme dont elle est inspirée (Coen 1996). Il naît du constat que les études sur ce nouveau phénomène – les adaptations de films en... more
Recently proposed idea of "protective" measurement of a quantum state is critically examined, and generalized. Earlier criticisms of the idea are discussed and their relevance to the proposal assessed. Several constraints on measuring... more
Chiunque abbia letto (e/o visto) The Man in the High Castle è senz'altro rimasto colpito dall'idea, dapprima sfumata e, via via, sempre più forte, di Nebenwelt, cioè, in tedesco, “mondo parallelo” (caratterizzato nello specifico dal... more
This article focuses on presentation of parallel worlds in the early twentieth century Bengali writer Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay’s (1894 - 1950) novel Debjan (1946) [literally, ‘the path of the Gods’]. Bandyopadhyay is known abroad... more
Homo sapiens is a storytelling species. There are probably few people who do not love stories. Most of all children. Even grown-ups do. One of the most frequent pieces of advice given to business presenters is not to present facts (they... more
Years ago, when I was a student of foreign languages and literature I came across a book titled “Literature: The Human Experience”. The title left a deep impression on me because so far I had assumed that my love for reading literature... more
Students' trial for creative writing based on the comprehension of the lecture Anime Study Noein
Lecture notes on 2018 game study, argument on individuality and consciousness in terms of quantum dynamics and depth psychology was pursued
Student Umanohone-Muramasa's study of Muvluv Alternative
Science-fiction comics and graphic novels portray realistic scenarios of how our cities may evolve. These are based on the extrapolation of present trends as well as speculation, “what if” scenarios that can inform us about past, present... more
"We cannot tell that we are constantly splitting into duplicate selves because our consciousness rides smoothly along only one path in the endlessly forking chains." This forthcoming paper will explore some highly speculative - even... more
Text World Theory provides a framework for considering how we conceptualise video game worlds. Text World Theory uses the ‘worlds’ metaphor to describe how we visualise discourse in our minds. This dissertation explores the ways players... more
Abstract| In this paper, we propose a method for understanding others' motion. Others' motions are transfered into primitive self motions, and re-generate for self motion. Primitive self motions should be including a rerationship of time... more
It is argued that the components of the superposed wave function of a measuring device, each of which represents a definite measurement result, do not correspond to many worlds, one of which is our world, because all components of the... more