Papal History
Recent papers in Papal History
The study deals with the issue of papal elections in the 11th century, specifically the significance of the In nomine Domini decree. It analyses contemporary sources, particularly the Monte Cassino Chronicle and post-election... more
O tema deste artigo é a compreensão política propagada entre as décadas de 1060 e 1120 por eminentes eclesiásticos engajados na legitimação e no exercício do poder papal. O exame de epístolas, crônicas e de outros registros escritos do... more
I review the film "Conclave" for VCU News
2 NKFIH NN 109690 "Pápai megbízottak a 11-13. századi Magyarországon -online adattár (Papal delegates in Hungary in the 12-13th centuries -online database)"; NKFIH NN 124763 "Pápai megbízottak Magyarországon a XIV. században (1294-1378)... more
An address to incoming students for the academic year 2025 during the great academic debate addressing the topic "What is Leadership"?
Among the numerous cpnBicting iconographic interpretations of Michelangelo's projects for the tomb of Julius II, there has persisted a stubborn minority opinion that the slaves may have been intended to personify the Liberal Arts, as... more
The rise of Leo X as the first Medici pope was not merely a political triumph; it was the culmination of a meticulously cultivated narrative that fused religious, civic, and dynastic symbolism. Lorenzo de’ Medici’s long-held... more
Relazione tenuta all'interno del panel: "Riletture otto-novecentesche del passato medievale: tre casi di studio", presentato durante il III Convegno della Medievistica Italiana (10-13 giugno 2024)
Relazione tenuta alla Student Conference del Dottorato in Scienze Umanistiche dell'Università degli Studi di Messina: IL CONFLITTO, Prospettive storico-antropologiche, filosofico-sociali, filologico-letterarie e archeologiche (7-8 maggio... more
La storia dell''Accademia Mesico-Chirugica poi Accademia delle Scienze di Ferrara ricostruita dalle testimonianze dell'archivio Storico dell'Istituzione. Il Focus è sui legami dell'Accademia con la Città di Ferrara e il suo ambiente... more
This study traces the enduring symbolism of the lupa (she-wolf) as a defining emblem of Rome's power and identity, from its legendary origins in Livy's and Vergil's accounts of Romulus and Remus through the medieval period and into the... more
linea D.1. prof. Alfredo Lucioni e fondi del Dipartimento di Studi medioevali, umanistici e rinascimentali). Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume dietro pagamento alla... more
Blind Peer Review. -Tutti i contributi inviati a «Studi Gregoriani sono sottoposti a revisione, secondo la formula del doppio anonimato, da parte di due esperti italiani o stranieri, di cui almeno uno esterno alla Direzione e al Comitato... more
The countries of the Hungarian Crown and Romebetween 1628 and 1635 (on the basis of the “Nuntiaturberichte”). The study examines the Hungarian relations of the IVth Abteilung of the Nuntiaturberichte from the extraordinary nunciature... more
This thesis demonstrates that Pope Benedict XVI has benefited considerably from his 1957 study of St. Bonaventure’s pastoral response to thirteenth-century Franciscan “Spiritualists” and their disruptive acceptance of an imminent or... more
Trascrizione delle pagine del diario di Vincenzo Maria Orsini in occasione del Conclave da cui uscirà eletto papa con il nome di Benedetto XIII
Il contributo ricostruisce in sintesi un momento cruciale nella storia di Farfa, che sancì il definitivo tramonto delle aspirazioni autonomistiche del monastero sabino: la "perdita delle Marche", ovvero il graduale dissolvimento della... more
Drawing on its etymological relationship with the Algarve, scholarship has largely identified Gharb alAndalus with the Southernmost Portuguese region (Algarve), something which is not only ambiguous but abusive at the same time. A... more
Tra il 1764 e il 1767 una notevole carestia colpì l’Italia, con effetti particolarmente intensi nelle regioni centro – meridionali. La nota, che si riferisce al territorio urbano e rurale perugino, riassume i risultati di una ricerca... more
Beschreibung zu: Katalog Nr. 50: Breviarium Augustanum Enthalten in: VI. Liturgische Handschriften und Frühdrucke aus dem Bistum Augsburg (Katalog Nr. 50-54
Apresentação 10 PARTE I A organização da diplomacia: práticas e negociações 22 Capítulo I Uma aproximação à diplomacia castelhana da Baixa Idade Média: formas, meios e pessoas ao serviço régio 23 Óscar Villarroel González Capítulo II... more
In the following material, I have set out to reveal several atrocities committed by the Hungarian revolutionaries against the Transylvanians Romanians during the events of the Revolution of 1848-49 in Transylvania. I have discovered in... more
Die programmatischen Bezüge von Westminster Abbey auf französische Bauten in Reims, Paris, Amiens oder Saint-Denis sind oft benannt worden. Für England ungewöhnliche Eigenarten wie der polygonale Chorumgang mit hohen Radialkapellen, die... more
Presentazione del progetto "DB Documentaciò borgiana de l'Arxiu Apostòlic Vaticà"
Kreowanie negatywnego wizerunku papieża Piusa XII stanowiło ważny element propagandy komunistycznej w Polsce po II wojnie światowej. Biskupa Rzymu przedstawiano jako sympatyka faszyzmu i nazizmu, germanofila oraz antypolskiego... more
Apstrakt: U ovom radu su, u povodu petnaestogodišnjice smrti Medžide Selmanović, prezentirani biografski podaci, kao i informacije o njenom tridesetšestogodišnjem radu u Orijentalnom institutu u svojstvu arhiviste u stručnim zvanjima... more
It has long been known to regional historical research that Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg (1441–1503), received a Golden Rose from Pope Innocent VIII (1484–1492). However, it remained unclear exactly when and for what reasons he was... more
The third Sunday of Advent, the Gaudete-Sunday, developed the dimension of joy in several stages, as the article outlines: Under Pope Sergius I, the introit antiphon Gaudete was probably introduced for his election as pope in 687 (1). In... more
This study examines the market strategies employed by the Florentine banking families Alberti, Medici, and Spinelli between 1400 and 1475. It explores how these merchants navigated the challenges and opportunities of the German market,... more
What is the literary genre of the Roman Liber pontificalis? For what purposes was this work written? In what controversy was its author involved? By answering these and other questions, this paper offers a new interpretation of the... more
Il 25 gennaio 1719, oramai cinquantaduenne, vestito con il saio di penitente e con una candela accesa nella mano destra, nella chiesa di S. Maria sopra Minerva, il velletrano Silvestro Legni, a causa delle sue idee atomiste, venne... more
From the ANGELIC POPE to the ANGEL-POPE, in opposition to the pope who has MORE POWER than the ANGELS: «papa maior est angelis» ... In the Summa de ecclesiastica potestate (1322-1326 ca.), Augustine of Ancona dedicates a quaestio to the... more
This article serves as an often-overlooked reference point, containing, for example, rich concepts that are attested in Emmanuel Falque's lesser-known works. However, this article is important because it helps readers grapple with the... more