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This study employs network analysis and microhistory to challenge the standard narrative about architecture and patronage in Baroque Rome, that of celebrity patron-artist relationships. It inves- tigates the artists and artisans below... more
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      Digital HumanitiesArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtBaroque art and architecture
The objective of this article is to analyse Mexican national pilgrimages to Rome that took place during the pontificate of Leo XIII (1878–1903). These pilgrimages occurred in the context of a global Catholic mobilisation in support of the... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryHistory of Roman Catholicism19th Century Mexican HistoryMexican History
This article examines textual descriptions of smiling, laughing and joking with the pope in thirteenth-century Rome. It focuses on two Anglo-Norman accounts of conducting litigation at the papal curia: Thomas of Marlborough's (d.1236)... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Sacrum imperium is a phrase that first appears in the imperial chancery in a document of Frederick Barbarossa in 1157. It later developed into the title Holy Roman Empire (of the German nation), the name of Europe's largest polity for... more
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      German HistoryHistoriographyRoman LawByzantine History
A vinculação do papado à história medieval sofreu profunda alteração após 1850. Até então habituais, as referências intelectuais sobre as características medievais do poder temporal dos papas tornaram-se genéricas e insuficientes. Um novo... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryLegitimacy and Authority
This article discusses the financial policies of the Papal States from the late 18th to the mid-19th century in relation to the rest of Europe, and especially Italy. Its crucial beginning point is the Napoleonic economic reforms which had... more
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      European HistoryFinancial History (History)19th Century (History)Napoleonic Europe
During the sixteenth century the disputes between Catholics and Protestants became the battleground to determine and shape authentic Christianity and the Church. Humanism played a key role in this process conditioned by cultural and... more
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      PhilologyTranslation StudiesLexicologyHistorical Linguistics
Neste trabalho, procuramos fundamentar uma resposta para um antigo problema: quando e como Hildebrando de Soana (1020?-1085) se tornou o protagonista do poder papal? Um persistente consenso tem levado os historiadores a mirarem a mesma... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryLegitimacy and Authority
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
The eighth-century papacy as cultural broker, in: The Resources of the Past in Early Medieval Europe, ed. Clemens Gantner/Rosamond McKitterick/Sven Meeder (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015) 245-261. This article addresses the... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval ItalyCulture ContactPapal History
By emphasizing the ways in which the rhetoric of Petrine privilege was employed, extended, transformed, or resisted between the reigns of Leo the Great and Gregory the Great, "The Invention of Peter" offers an alternative account of papal... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Several significant papal letter collections survive from late antiquity: the largest and best known are those of popes Leo I and Gregory I, but other sizable collections have survived from three fifth-and sixth-century bishops of Rome:... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLettersPapal History
Huge amounts of handwritten historical documents are being published by digital libraries world wide. However, for these raw digital images to be really useful, they need to be annotated with informative content. State-of-the-art... more
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      Latin PaleographyDiplomatics (Medieval)Papal HistoryPapal Documents
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      Early Modern HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtItalian Baroque artPapal History
Eastern scholars have long accused John VIII Palaiologos of sacrificing the faith for temporal gain when he oversaw the Union of Florence. Westerners have blamed him for the union's ultimate failure. These competing narratives both err by... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryConciliarismGreat Schism
isbn 978-3-205-78956-7, issn 0323-4142 © 2013 by böhlau Verlag ges.M.b.h. &, wien köln weiMar ZRG KA 99 (2013 Die Zeitschrift der savigny-stiftung für rechtsgeschichte erscheint jährlich in drei selbständigen, auch einzeln... more
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      Canon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of Democracy
Demacopoulos, Director and Co-Founder of the Orthodox Christian Studies at Fordham University, has written in a series Rereading Late Antique Religion a fascinating study with a provocative title (the word ‘invention’ is used within... more
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      Discourse AnalysisChristianityHistoryCultural History
This thesis examines the interaction between the conflicting ideologies of crusade and commerce, during the period when the Turkish maritime emirates of Anatolia became the primary target of western crusading endeavour. Through the close... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryMedieval HistoryAnatolian Studies
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      Papal HistoryHistory of the Papal State (early modern age)History of Justice
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      Medieval Church HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman LawMedieval Canon LawEcclesiastical History
Co-authored with Gerd Althoff and Iben Fonnesberg-Schmidt This essay examines the production and consumption of papal communication in the central Middle Ages. It outlines the development of the papacy, which formed the historical... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCommunicationArt History
This study discusses the gap between the arrangements that two prominent persons made for their own tombs, ordering them already while alive, and the changes wrought to them by others after their deaths, (re)shaping their memory for... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomeChristianity and Rome
Should we see Charlemagne’s crowning as emperor in Rome at St. Peter’s on Christmas Day 800 by Pope Leo III as the culmination of Frankish royal political pretensions during the eighth century? Did the great Frankish king and his... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryPapal HistoryCarolingian History
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      History of the Roman CuriaHistory of Vatican DiplomacyVatican DiplomacyPope Pius XI
Los episcopologios legionenses registran reiteradamente el pontificado de don Gonzalo Osorio Villalobos entre 1301 y 1313, sin embargo, el análisis de la documentación y los testimonios artísticos reflejan ciertas inconsistencias que... more
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryPapal HistoryMedieval Bishops
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of Science17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRenaissance History
La figura di Benedetto XVI è stata più volte oggetto di approvazioni e di critiche da parte di ampi settori del mondo cattolico e più in generale dell’opinione pubblica, sia durante il pontificato sia in seguito alla rinuncia... more
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      Catholic StudiesCatholic Social TeachingCatholic TheologyHistory of Roman Catholicism
Il volume prende in considerazione la variegata e cospicua produzione di medaglie papali, condotta a Roma durante il regno di Urbano VIII, per indagare il ruolo che rivestì (tanto nella sua portata comunicativa, quanto nella sua valenza... more
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      InquisitionHistory of SculptureHistory of CollectionsBaroque art and architecture
M oti fs e t s tru cture s de di vis ions e cclé si ales .
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      Church HistoryConstantinoplePapal HistoryAcacian Schism
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      HistoryTheologyGenealogyRenaissance Studies
Kein anderes Papstgrabmal des Barock bedient sich einer ähnlich triumphalen Sprache wie dasjenige für Gregor XV. Ludovisi (L621-1,623) und seinen Neffen Ludovico Ludovisi (1595-1,632),das in denJahren zwischen 1709 und 1,71,4 von Pierre... more
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      Human MemoryHistory and MemoryHistorical memoryPortraiture
The paper deals with the relationship of patronage between the Roman pontiff and his musical chapel in 1500-1700 not from the usual standpoint of how the former’s personality could influence the latter’s musical... more
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      Church MusicSacred MusicHistorical MusicologyPapal History
Critical theory was always characterised by a particular attempt to develop a general theory of society on the basis of an integrative approach characterised by a combination of philosophy and sociology and of normative and descriptive... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryPapal Legates
""En 1307-1308, le pape Clément V fit mener une enquête sur les crimes imputés à l’évêque d’Albi Bernard de Castanet par deux chanoines de la cathédrale, qui avaient présenté contre ce dernier, à la Curie romaine, une liste d’accusations.... more
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      Criminal ProcedureCanon LawTestimonyMedieval History
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      Early Modern HistoryPapal HistoryPapacy (Early Modern and Modern Church History)
À partir de l’étude de deux documents conservés aux Archives du Vatican, cet article reconstitue le déroulement d’une enquête judiciaire lancée en 1338 par le pape Benoît XII au sujet de malversations financières imputées à l'évêque de... more
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      HistoryCriminal JusticeMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX se articuló un programa utópico en torno a la idea de un mundo bajo la influencia y la autoridad moral del pontífice. Tras la pérdida del poder temporal del papa, los católicos imaginaron nuevas formas de... more
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      UtopiaPapal HistoryPapal DiplomacyNineteenth-Century Catholic Studies
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      HistoryAnthropologyArt HistoryArchitecture
The article analyses the Thomistic understanding of Tradition in the context of the contemporary theological discussion on the extent of changes proposed by recent papal texts, which for one group of theologians is a change of Tradition,... more
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      Catholic TheologyThomismModernismEcumenism
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      Late Antiquitylate antique RomePapal HistoryHistory of Canon Law
Achilles Ratti and his mission in the Upper Silesia when was the Apostolic Commissar in this area before of the plebiscite (1920)
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      Contemporary HistoryStoria della chiesaPapal History
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      Legal HistoryMedieval Church HistoryPapsturkundenDiplomatics
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      Canon LawMedieval PhilosophyTheologyMedieval History
This paper presents the results of a case study on a phenomenon hitherto neglected by historiography: curial business management companies. The analysis considers the structure and operations, in Early Modern Spain, of professional... more
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      History of the ClergyHistory of the Roman CuriaEarly modern SpainPapal History
Offers a reexamination of the church union negotiations of 1234, calling into question the 'doomed to fail' narrative of ecclesiastical dialogue and highlighting the complex relationship between political and religious concerns in such... more
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      ReligionDiplomatic HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval Ecclesiastical History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Storia medievale