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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesPapal HistoryIndependencias América Latina
A brief introduction to four periods of the history of the Jews and popes in Rome
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      Roman HistoryHistory of the JewsPapal History
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      NumismaticsPapal HistoryPapal Coins
This most recent edition of the bibliography contains almost 21,200 titles in English (64%) and French (36%), with an introductory section on historiography. It deals with every aspect of Italian history and culture from the Late... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyHistorical Anthropology17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
This essay explores some of the papal symbols which assumed particular prominence during the pontificate of Pope Innocent III (1198–1216). These symbols belong to different modes of expression: metaphoric speech and writing (vicarius... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church History
"Co' voti concordi di tutti, fu creato quella mattina sommo pontefice; non sapendo quegli medesimi che l'avevano eletto rendere ragione per che causa, in tanti travagli e pericoli dello stato della Chiesa, avessino eletto uno pontefice... more
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      ReligionHistoryComparative PoliticsPhilosophy
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    • Papal History
FROM: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, XXVIII (2001)
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Laudato si es una encíclica escrita por el papa Francisco y dedicada a la protección del medio ambiente. El cambio climático es un problema global con graves dimensiones ambientales, sociales, económicas, distributivas y políticas, y... more
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      Papal HistoryPapa FranciscoCarta Encíclica Laudato Si'Laudato Si
Why did Giordano Bruno let himself be led to the stake by the Holy Office on 17 February 1600? A new, compelling and documented reconstruction that reopens one of the most celebrated court cases in our history. Perché Giordano Bruno si... more
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      Renaissance HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
Magyarország és a római Szentszék (Források és távlatok). Tanulmányok Erdő bíboros tiszteletére (CVH I/8), szerk. TUSOR PÉTER, Budapest–Róma 2012. p. 466
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Papal HistoryPapal DiplomacyCatholic Church History
This short piece, originally written in 2005 during my undergraduate studies of Communications and Mass Media at the University of New York in Prague, attempts a discourse analysis of the 1884 Encyclical "Humanum Genus", penned by Pope... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPapal HistoryPapal EncyclicalsCommunications
La rivista «Chiesa e Storia» segue le procedure internazionali della blind peer review. Il contenuto di «Chiesa e Storia» è indicizzato (completamente o parzialmente) o fatto oggetto di abstracts analitici nel seguente strumento di... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Church HistoryStoria della chiesa
The Festa della Chinea, which roughly translates as ‘Festival of the Wandering Nag’, was a historic festival held in Rome bi-annually until the late 18th century (1788), in which the viceroy of the Kingdom of Naples was required to pay... more
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      Parades and ProcessionsPapal HistoryRoman topographyhistory of festivals
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryRenaissance StudiesBaroque art and architecture
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      Papal HistoryHistory of LiturgyPapal Mass
The Popes in Caserta in the Modern and Contemporary Age
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryItalian (European History)
This exciting series publishes both monographs and edited thematic collections in the broad areas of cultural heritage, digital humanities, collecting and collections, public history and allied areas of applied humanities. In the spirit... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismItalian Renaissance ArtMachiavelli
“Avignon Papacy” Oxford Bibliographies in “Renaissance and Reformation.” Ed. Margaret King. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018-04-26.
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      Medieval HistoryAvignon PapacyPapal History
A obra que contem dois dos manuscritos que vão ser abordados e analisados na realização deste trabalho: as Chronicles of the Crusades, em que contem a Chronicon de rebus gestis Ricardi Primi, de Richard of Devizes, que relata os 3... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Middle AgesPapal HistoryHistory of Gender
The paper takes a critical look at the suggestion by a Finnish historian, Jouko Vahtola, that the Order of the Sword Brothers or Brethren on the initiative of the Finnish bishop Thomas (Tuomas) was present in Finland for a period in the... more
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      Swedish HistoryMilitary OrdersBaltic CrusadeFinnish History
"Failed Ritual? Medieval Papal Funerals and the Death of Clement VI (1352)," " in Histories of Post-Mortem Contagion: Infectious Corpses and Contested Burials, ed. Christos Lynteris, and Nicholas Evans (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017),... more
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Death and Burial (Archaeology)Anthropology of Death
I believe that the best way to approach our topic is to walk the path of history. I don't say it in order to force the present discussion onto a plain that's familiar and comfortable for megiven the fact that my work is as a Church... more
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      AtheismSoviet HistoryMissiologyCommunism
Paper published in: T. Weddigen, S. de Blaauw, B. Kempers & A. Roth (eds.), Functions and Decorations: Art and Ritual at the Vatican Palace in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Capellae Apostolicae Sixtinaeque Collectanea Acta... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtPope Paul IIIPapal HistoryMannerism
Paper deals with the historical story of the advent of Christianity. Examines what Christianity had to offer Rome during its war with the Jews (placation of slaves & the poor, promise of life after death & "reward", making soldiers... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
To a large degree, the Bible and the Church have been lumped together in people’s minds and the frustration that some have felt with the actual “institutions of Christianity” have made them question and throw out the church, the Bible,... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityPapacy (Medieval Church History)
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Doubtlessly, Callistus, Bishop of Rome (217?−222?), was added to the list of honored martyrs of the City of Rome (Depositio martyrum). But whether or not he actually was martyred, as the Acta Callisti suggest, is controversially debated.... more
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      HagiographyPatristicsEarly ChristianityCult of Saints
In Living under the Evil Pope, Martina Mampieri presents the Hebrew Chronicle of Pope Paul IV, written in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Italian Jewish moneylender Benjamin Neḥemiah ben Elnathan (alias Guglielmo di... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesEarly Modern History
Paper demonstrating the origin of Popes (or Bishops of Rome) from the Calpurnius Piso family, giving the actual identities of the first 10 Popes. 18 pages. This paper also makes the case for the mention of Christ in the works of Flavius... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Jewish - Christian Relations
Discusses the uses of the figure of the Virgin Mary in the Chronicon Livoniae by Henry of Livonia (completed c. 1227) and asks how Henry's appropriations of the Virgin may have been received in Rome during the pontificate of Innocent III... more
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      Baltic StudiesMedieval SermonsBaltic CrusadePapal History
Il diplomatico milanese Angelo Maria Durini (1725-1796), cardinale dal 1776, attraversa l’Europa e il secolo dei Lumi con l’imponenza della sua corporatura e un passo da minuetto, senza lasciarsi imbrigliare nelle facili categorie di... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryPolish HistoryEnlightenmentHistory of Sculpture
A Disputed Question, in English, on the Question of whether there be substantial error in Pope  Benedict's Act of Renunciation of office.
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      Canon LawTheologyPapal HistoryScholasticism
die Macht haben, die kollektive Erinnerung von Gemeinschaften zu formen, wie die Erforschung der Lieux de mémoire gezeigt hat, dann haben sakrale Monumente hierzu sicher ein besonderes Potential.1 Dass St. Peter in Rom oder die... more
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      Medieval HistoryCultural HeritageLiturgyEarly Medieval Archaeology
While they often go hand-in-hand and the distinction between the two is frequently blurred, authority and power are distinct concepts and abilities – this was a problem that the Church tussled with throughout the High and Late Middle... more
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      High Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Italian Renaissance ArtRenaissance RomeReception of AntiquityRenaissance/Baroque Art History
Textes réunis par Bruno Laurioux, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani et Eva Pibiri. E. Pibiri, Introduction. J.-Y. Tilliette, La postérité médiévale du genre philosophico-littéraire du Banquet: quelques hypothèses – A. Paravicini Bagliani, Les... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Primo volume della prima traduzione italiana della celebre storia di Roma di F. Gregorovius (dall'inizio del V secolo d.C. alle premesse dell'invasione longobarda).
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)History of RomeMiddle Ages
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)History of Roman CatholicismRoman CatholicismPapal History
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      Modern LanguagesReligionHistoryAncient History
The year 538 A.D. became the turning point in the history of the Roman Empire since so many aspects on political, administrative and economical levels were already switched off that when Justinian declared himself to be a theologian from... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryArt History
Zainteresowanie końcem przybiera różne formy. Bywa życiową pasją i łączy się z potrzebą odpowiedzi na palące pytania egzystencjalne, ale może być też traktowane jako problem teoretyczne, którego rozwiązanie pozwala lepiej rozumieć teksty... more
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      ChristianityEschatologyItalyFrank Kermode
On the basis of new late medieval manuscripts of the 'Tractatus ymaginis Salvatoris' - the legend of the Salvator Icon in the Papal Lateran - the paper revises the genesis of this oldest Roman image legend and its adaption by Nicolaus... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesLiturgy
This chapter presents the first analysis and comparison of the arengae from a wide range of papal crusade calls in order to assess how Pope Gregory IX (1227– 41) used biblical imagery to justify and promote crusading in a variety of... more
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      TheologyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades