Recent papers in Panentheism
There is a close systematic relationship between panentheism, as a metaphysical theory about the relation between God and the world, and transhumanism, the ethical demand to use the means of the applied sciences to enhance both human... more
This brief essay derives from qualifying examinations in Constructive Natural Theology
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
This chapter questions the reductionist assumption that bits of lifeless matter must have grouped themselves into complex patterns that eventually became living conscious beings. There is no decisive reason to question Peirce’s suggestion... more
Transcendence unity of Religion regarding Panentheism. Similarities between world religions.
Eine Analyse der Unendlichkeit Gottes Obwohl sich die Idee der Unendlichkeit Gottes wie ein Tiefenstrom durch die religionsphilosophische Analyse des Wesens Gottes zieht, ist es nicht klar, was genau es bedeutet, zu behaupten, dass Gott... more
מחקר זה עוסק במשנתו החדשנית של ר' צדוק הכהן מלובלין. לפי רוב החוקרים, ר' צדוק ממשיך את משנת רבו, ר' מרדכי יוסף ליינער מאיזביצה, ומציג פטליזם אקזיסטנציאליסטי: לאדם יש חופש כנגד החוק המקובל, לפי רצון האל הנגלה בליבו, אפילו בתשוקותיו, החורג... more
O]n other planets with the conditions for life to emerge and to evolve for many billions of years, we should expect there to be some with creatures that, no matter how different in physical constitution and appearance, would share some of... more
Focusing on the Western intellectual lineage, this essay traces the human archetypal metaphor for the universe as it shifts three times, from that of a great mind, to a great machine, to the modern-day transition toward an organismic view... more
"Sargon Donabed provides a comprehensive overview of the modern Assyrian story, merging emic and etic perspectives of their struggle to attain sovereignty over the past century and beyond. His work offers both an informative source for... more
The Author proposes to describe the possible foundations of a Trinitarian theism that may be a philosophically adequate translation of the Johannine declaration: " God is love " , introduced by some contemporary thinkers as a key to... more
In certain theological circles today, panentheism is all the rage. One of the most notorious difficulties with panentheism lies in figuring out what panentheism actually is. There have been several attempts in recent literature to... more
REVIEW: YITZHAK Y. MELAMED, "La metafisica di Spinoza. Sostanza e pensiero", a cura di Emanuele Costa, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2020. Un volume di pagine 336. [Forthcoming in "Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica" (Received: 23/12/2020,... more
Including the effects upon the world's poor within the scope of global environmental destruction, the ecofeminist critique identifies the roots of ecological degradation to be patriarchal domination of the natural world and women as... more
This article tries to clarify the various senses of the term “Bahala na” in Filipino usage. It attempts to show that the term has many senses but the primary one is to leave one’s life—or anything—in the care of God. The paper... more
It would probably not be an overstatement to say that with Hinduism, we are in knee-deep, swimming in panentheisms. Indeed, of all the world's major religious traditions, Hinduism, with its fluid multiplicities, offers one of the easiest,... more
Alevilik, belirli bir ilk çekirdeğin farklı etkilenimler doğrultusunda süreğen biçimde başkalaştığı ve en sonu heterodoks İslam yorumları altında verili olanın yeniden yoğurulduğu ve bütünleştirildiği bir inanç ve düşünce sistemidir. Bu... more
Translators introduction to the Second Volume of the Practical Tanya discussing the origins of Chasidic Panentheism and contrasting the author's theory of Divine attributes with the approaches of Maimonides and early Kabbalists.
Two great forms of unity metaphysics enjoy energetic discussion in the current debates of philosophy and theology. Firstly, panpsychism as a naturalistic, non-reductive ontology of mind has gained ground in the analytic philosophy of mind... more
Bulgakov's comprehensive kenotic theory is a largely neglected aspect of his theology. The article situates Bulgakov's kenoticism in the context of nineteenthtwentieth century European and Russian theology. For Bulgakov kenosis was a... more
Jurgen Moltmann stands as one of the most important and influential theologians of the 20th century. After providing a brief biographical sketch and discussion of the philosophical commitment to a distinctly eschatological theology, the... more
ÖZET Felsefe tarihinde Tanrı'nın niteliğine, Tanrı, insan ve evren arasındaki ilişkiye dair birçok görüş ileri sürülmüştür. Varlığın ne olduğunun açıklanması için ortaya konan bu konuyla ilgili görüşlerden hareketle değerler yapısı... more
There is no single Jewish philosophical conception of God, and the array of competing conceptions does not lend itself to easy systemization. Nonetheless, it is the aim of this chapter to provide an overview of this unruly theological... more
This article outlines and defends an 'Integral Advaitic' theodicy that takes its bearings from the thought of three modern Indian mystics: Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo. Their Integral Advaitic theodicy has two key... more
There are some serious problems in the understanding and interpretation of panentheism in what has become a fairly widespread movement that has gathered under this banner.
This chapter examines the Bengali philosopher-mystic Sri Aurobindo’s highly original and sophisticated commentary on the Īśā Upaniṣad—which was first published in 1924—and brings him into dialogue with both traditional and modern... more
The term pneumatophore, originally drawn from the taxonomy of botany, has profound ecological implications. In the plant kingdom, it refers to roots which stick out of swampy waters to reach for pneuma, or the breath of life. For... more
This paper attempts to define panentheism in general and introduces a variety of panentheistic God-World models. It traces some of the historical roots and attempts to explain its appeal. From a thomistic perspective, it gives a... more
This project investigates challenges to the New Testament’s presentation of the Incarnation of the Son of God which derive from the theological and philosophical worldviews of Orthodox Judaism, namely those promoted by Maimonides and... more
Chapter 2: Introduction to Homer. Chapter 3: The Quarrel, the Dream, and the Catalogue of Ships: Iliad, Book One and Book Two.
""Michel Weber, La dialectique de l’intuition chez A. N. Whitehead : sensation pure, pancréativité et contiguïsme [Introduction à la lecture de Process and Reality (1929)]. Préface de Jean Ladrière. Mémoire couronné par la Classe des... more
Pantheism – roughly, the view that all things are in God – seems to be enjoying a genuine renaissance of late. Arguably, pantheism (in its various forms) is attractive to our age not only because it is more amenable to a naturalist... more
Der Panentheismus hat sich in den letzten Jahren augenscheinlich zur beliebten religionsphilosophischen Alternative für diejenigen entwickelt, die dem gängigen theistischen Paradigma nicht länger zutrauen, die es konfrontierenden... more
این کتاب در مورد دین شناسی تطبیقی و وحدت متعالی ادیان است. بنده در این کتاب به تعریف و منشا دین پرداختم که این مسئله ی جدیدی نیست. ولی در ادامه به بحث پلورالیسم دینی و جمع کردن بین اموزه ی تثلیث در مسیحیت و وحدت وجود اسلامی و توحید... more
Panentheism seems to be an attractive alternative to classical theism. It is not clear, though, what exactly panentheism asserts and how it relates to classical theism. By way of clarifying the thesis of panentheism, I argue that... more
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Divine Action and Emergence puts the classical Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition in conversation with current philosophy and theology. As a middle path between classical theism and pantheism, the panentheistic turn in the twentieth... more
The shift to organic modes of thought undergirding Whitehead’s “philosophy of organism” continues to blossom fresh possibilities for rethinking the world of nature, the place of human beings, and our current ecological precarity. This... more