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This paper analyses the determinants of transport costs for intra-Latin American trade over a period of six years (1999-2004). The data refer to yearly disaggregated (SITC 5 digit level) maritime trade flows on 277 trade routes. With this... more
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      Civil EngineeringTime SeriesEconomic policyUrban And Regional Planning
This paper aims to explore the relationship between the economic growth and the pressure on nature from the environmental sustainability perspective. We measure pressure on nature as the sum of energy, mineral, net forest depletions and... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthEnvironmental SustainabilityPanel Data
This paper uses a new set of industry data for the US and the UK non-agricultural market economy, to provide new evidence on the impact of ICT on TFP. We compare the results from standard panel data techniques with newly developed dynamic... more
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      ProductivityPanel DataMarket economyPanel Data Analysis
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can benefit innovation activity in the host country via spillover channels such as reverse engineering, skilled labor turnovers, demonstration effects, and suppliercustomer relationships. Using provincial... more
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      EconomicsTime SeriesForeign Direct InvestmentReverse Engineering
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      Public investment in R&DPanel Data AnalysisChemical Industry
In spite of popularity and theoretical simplicity of the one-factor Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) used in the valuation of financial assets, researchers are more concerned with the important extension proposed by , that is, the... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataCapital Asset Pricing ModelPanel Data Analysis
In recent years, Hispanic immigration to the United States has become a politically charged public issue, with significant consequences for immigration policies, communities, individual immigrants, and the U.S. residents who resemble them... more
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      CriminologyLawUnited StatesDemographic change
We analyze the consumption of life and non-life insurance across 103 Italian provinces in 1996-2002. We assess the determinants of insurance consumption, in the light of the empirical literature and the distinctive fea- tures of our... more
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      Economic DevelopmentRule of LawMaximum LikelihoodLife Insurance
The present paper attempts to explore the pattern of industrial growth in India since 1980. Both the descriptive and panel regression analysis are done for estimating the results. To ascertain the impact of the 1991 economic reforms in... more
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      EconomicsTime SeriesPanel Data AnalysisEconomic Reform
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      Panel Data AnalysisBeşeri Sermaye
This paper analyzes the relationship between economic growth and energy consumption for a sample of 21 Latin American and Caribbean countries during the 1970-2007 period. The investigation is made on the bases of the Energy Environmental... more
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryEconomic GrowthEnergy PolicyDeveloping Countries
The aim of the study is the relationship between foreign direct investments, exports and economic growth. The analysis of this study included E7 (Emerging 7) the so-called developing countries are Turkey, Mexico, China, India, Brazil,... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconometricsEconomic GrowthForeign Direct Investment
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      Organizational ChangePolicyEnvironmental ManagementPanel Data
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      EconomicsTime SeriesPanel Data AnalysisEconomic Reform
In the present study, the effects of economic globalization on unemployment were examined for 16 emerging market economies by taking the period of 1991-2014. Within the scope of research, KOF economic globalization index as the economic... more
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      UnemploymentEmerging market economiesPanel Data AnalysisEconomic Globalization
George Akerlof's asymmetric information theory explains why lemons are rarely, if at all, transacted. We extend his theory to explain liquidity in the second-hand real estate market. The idea is to decompose real estate asset into two... more
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      Real EstateApplied EconomicsLoss AversionPanel Data Analysis
The 2007/2008 global financial crisis has given a significant impact on the performance of banking industry worldwide. The objective of this study is to see the impact of global financial crisis towards the financial performance of... more
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009BahrainPanel Data Analysis
The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  determine  the  financial  factors  that  affect  the  capital  structure  of the firms in Borsa Istanbul (formerly IMKB) food industry (XGIDA). In this context,  information obtained from the balance... more
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      BusinessCapital StructurePanel Data AnalysisFood Industry
This study examined the relationship between insurance and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa over the period 1986-2011. Pooled OLS, Fixed Effect Model and Generalized Method of Moment Panel Model were employed in the estimation. The... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthPanel Data AnalysisInsurance Sector
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between income and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions in the context of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), which posits the existence of an inverted U-shape relationship between... more
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      CO2 emissionsPanel Data AnalysisEnvironmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)
This study investigates the determinants of carbon dioxide emissions (CO 2 ) for a global panel consisting of 69 countries using a dynamic panel data model. To make the panel data analysis more homogenous, we also investigate the... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsCarbon DioxideEnergy Consumption
This paper measures the effect of low-cost carriers (LCCs) on British regional airports' commercial revenue using panel data analysis. The evidence shows that although LCCs have significant impact on airports' commercial revenue, their... more
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      Transportation EconomicsLow cost carriersPanel Data Analysis
We explain the proliferation of panel data studies in terms of (i) data availability, (ii) the more heightened capacity for modeling the complexity of human behavior than a single cross-section or time series data can possibly allow, and... more
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      StatisticsTestPanel DataHuman behavior
While previous studies have demonstrated that organizational pride (OP) enhances frontline employees’ customer-oriented behavior (COB), they have neglected to address the dynamics of the relationship. This research helps close this gap by... more
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      EmotionOrganizational TheoryEmployee MotivationCustomer Orientation
Corruption has been one of the most debated issues in the social science literature for decades. It has negative outcomes in economics such as: reducing private sector investments, tax revenue, economic growth and development; deterring... more
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      EconomicsSocial SciencesCorruptionPanel Data Analysis
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      BiasPanel DataMeasurement ErrorsSimultaneity
Described in this paper is a comparison of results obtained in¯avour pro®ling with two different approaches: classical sensory analysis and a novel instrumental technique. The mozzarella cheese¯avour pro®le of seven different brands has... more
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      EngineeringMass SpectrometryProton TransferPanel Data Analysis
Working capital management is a part in firm's financial decision. Inefficient in managing it consequently affect firm value. Managers should consider all factors that affect working capital management. Therefore, this study investigates... more
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      Economic GrowthPanel Data AnalysisFirm SizeFirm Value
Her işletmede olduğu gibi ticari banka işletmelerinin de temel amacı kârlılıklarını artırarak sürdürülebilir büyüme amacını gerçekleştirmek ve nihayetinde piyasa değerini artırmaktır. Bankacılık sektörünün kârlılık performansının sürekli... more
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      Panel Data AnalysisPanel Data CointegrationCommercial BankingReturn on Assets
This study examines the relation between accounting and capital market risk measures for a sample of 46 listed Asian banks during the period 1998-2003. By applying a panel data analysis that includes a control for country-specific... more
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      Applied MathematicsBankingStandard DeviationPanel Data Analysis
This research aims to reveal whether independent auditor’s (as the real person and the legal entity) qualifications (audit firm size, audit opinion, audit gender, audit firm specialization, audit firm rotation, geographical difference)... more
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      Earnings ManagementPanel Data AnalysisDiscretionary AccrualsIndependent Auditing
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the effects of public expenditure, government stability and corruption on economic growth with other control variables namely openness and population growth. The empirical analyses are utilized by... more
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      Economic GrowthPublic expenditureCorruptionPublic Expenditures
Azerbaijan proclaimed its independence after the USSR collapse on August, 1991 and on October with the adoption of The Declaration of Independence it has become independent. The USSR had kept the economy dependent and prevented from fair... more
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      EconomicsHistory of the USSROil and gasOil Industry
The debate of environmental issues and their analysis is of vital interest for economic policies. Institutions are engaged in identifying and estimating the extent of environmental impact of determinants controllable via policy measures.... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsStatisticsMultivariate Statistics
Water is one of the most important natural resources that is necessary for the rise and development of any biological and human activity. The paper sets out a logical scheme for the analysis of productive uses of water, with the purpose... more
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      Economic GrowthPublic GoodEconomic SystemPanel Data Analysis
Data panel adalah gabungan antara data runtut waktu (time series) dan data silang (cross section).  Buku ini berisi bagaimana membuat model ekonomi dengan menggunakan data panel dan program Eviews.
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      Research Methods and MethodologyApplied EconometricsPanel Data Analysis
Abstract This paper presents the first systematic, empirical examination of the impact of constitutional structures on income inequality among eighteen OECD countries. Our pooled time series/cross–sectional panel analysis (n = 18, t = 2)... more
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      Political ScienceIncome inequalityPanel Data AnalysisPolitical Institution
perencanaan panel hubung bagi gedung south quarter
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    • Panel Data Analysis
This study sought to investigate the way in which offenders moved through the stages of change. The University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA) was administered to a group of general offenders (N = 371) who participated in... more
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      PsychologyPanel Data Analysis
In 2001, the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG) became an integral part of the Bursa Malaysia Listing Rules, which requires all listed firms to disclose the extent of compliance with the MCCG. Our panel analysis of 440 firms... more
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      Corporate GovernanceApplied EconomicsFirm PerformanceInstitutional Investors
The present study examines the impact of taxation on income inequality in India. The study finds that top marginal tax rate reduces income inequality significantly in India. A 1% increase in top marginal tax rate reduces income inequality... more
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      Development EconomicsPublic EconomicsPanel Data AnalysisTime Series Analysis and Forecasting
This study’s ambition is to investigate the effects of Foreign Direct Investment for Turkey at the individual sector level. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first endeavor to investigate the sector-specific effect of FDI on GDP... more
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      MacroeconomicsTurkish EconomyPanel Data AnalysisForeign Direct Investment ( FDI )
Purpose -This study aims to examine the impact of corporate governance on firm performance for a large representative sample. Design/methodology/approach -This empirical analysis focuses on a large number of companies covering 20... more
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      Corporate GovernanceFirm PerformancePanel DataBoard Composition and Corporate Governance
By using a full panel design in a representative sample of Finnish dentists (N=2555), the present study aimed to test longitudinally the motivational and health impairment processes as proposed in the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model.... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyOrganizational CommitmentBusiness and Management
Çalışmamız, Türk bankacılık sektöründe elektronik bankacılık işlem ücretlerinin banka kârlılığı üzerine olan etkisini ekonometrik analiz yardımıyla incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Teknolojinin getirdiği yeniliklerden en çok yararlanan... more
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      BankingPanel DataEconometrics Models - Panel DataProfitability
This paper describes the trends in foreign bank ownership across the world and presents, for the first time, empirical evidence of the causes of multinational banks' exits from other countries. Using panel data for 149 closed or divested... more
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      FinancePanel DataPanel Data AnalysisEmpirical evidence
While it is common wisdom that “identity matters” in Ukrainian politics, we still lack a robust understanding of precisely when and how it matters. Reflecting challenges facing the broader interdisciplinary field of comparative identity... more
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      Ethnic StudiesEastern European StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical Behavior
This study deals with convergence analysis. Based on economic growth theories, the differences between regions were examined. With this study convergence process has been examined and analyzed between 12 regions which are placed on... more
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      Development EconomicsRegional developmentRegional EconomicsPanel Data
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate FinanceEmerging MarketBusiness and Management
Respiratory health effects of short-term exposure to ambient air pollution have been examined in 120 'asthma-like' school-aged children in some areas of Emilia-Romagna (urban-industrial and rural area). They kept a daily diary, through 12... more
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      AsthmaAir pollutionUrban HealthItaly