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      Sustainable DevelopmentPanchayati Raj
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    • Panchayati Raj
This book presents an in-depth analysis of key recommendations of the consecutive state finance commissions (SFCs) across states of India in the local and national perspective. It reviews the working of SFCs and their critical role in... more
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      Public FinanceFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralizationState And Local Public Finance
Panchayati Raj is a system of governance in which gram (village) panchayats are the basic units of administration. It has three levels: village, block and district. Mahatma Gandhi advocated Panchayati Raj, a decentralized form of... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceRural DevelopmentVillage StudiesDecentralization
While women have made many advances, their inferior status to men continues to be a global phenomenon. At a time of unprecedented economic growth, India is experiencing a dramatic intensification of violence against women and the majority... more
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      EducationSelf Help GroupsWest BengalPanchayati Raj
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) was announced as a National Mission on Financial Inclusion encompassing an integrated approach to bring about comprehensive financial inclusion of all the households in the country. This was viewed... more
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      EconomicsConvergenceSocial InclusionIndia
The Panchayati Raj system was initially set up by three states in 1959. After 1959, a network of PRIs went on being built up by most of the state governments. By 1964-1965, the PRIs began to function in 12 out of the then 15 states in... more
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      Panchayati raj institutionPanchayati RajPanchayat and rural developmentPanchayatiraj and Decentralization, political system
Panchayat Raj in Maharashtra has its own progression path. It was among the first few states to implement the Balwantrai Mehta Committee recommendation of establishing a three-tier Panchayat Raj structure. It constituted a committee on... more
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentMaharashtraPanchayati RajIndian Villages
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      TripuraPanchayati RajPanchayat and rural development
This qualitative study has been undertaken to study the obstacles for women in Panchayat and role performance in Panchayat using feminist methodology. In addition, the authors have examined the factors that promote and prevent women... more
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      Women's StudiesPoliticsWomen and PoliticsWomen and Gender Studies
The 73rd Amendment to the Constitution in 1993 was a landmark in the history of India. It brought democratic decentralisation at the grassroots to strengthen the roots of democracy in the villages. As a Constitutional mandate of... more
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      Development EconomicsGovernanceRural DevelopmentPanchayati raj institution
A Brief History Historically, the governing body in Assam was a fusion of tribal and non-tribal institutions. The system prevailing during the Ahom rule is the origin to the Panchayati Raj System in Assam. Ahom Rule The Ahoms, who had... more
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      Tribal Culture and Local self GovermentAssamPanchayati Raj
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      Development StudiesHistory of IndiaSouth Asian StudiesIndia
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      Environmental ScienceNatural Resource ManagementEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceIndia
In edited book 'Gender and Globalisation'
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      Women's StudiesWomen's RightsGovernanceGender
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      Rural DevelopmentLocal and regional historyPanchayati raj institutionPanchayati Raj
This paper is an attempt to underscore the pattern of grassroots democracy and governance in India and the role of Panhayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in the development of rural areas. The paper is concerned with the evolutionary... more
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      DemocracyPanchayati Raj
While women have made many advances, their inferior status to men continues to be a global phenomenon. At a time of unprecedented economic growth, India is experiencing a dramatic intensification of violence against women and the majority... more
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      EducationSelf Help GroupsWest BengalPanchayati Raj
The Government of India Act of 1935 provided Orissa with the status of a new province and also made provisions for the constitution of a Provincial Assembly. After Independence, the new Assembly passed the Orissa Gram Panchayat Act 1948.... more
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      Community DevelopmentOdishaOrissaPanchayati raj institution
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      Gender and PoliticsAnthropology of Police & PolicingAdivasi StudiesPanchayati Raj
Empowerment of women is a major concern over the centuries in third world countries. Social, economical and political are the foremost areas in which empowerment of women is focused in order to bring gender equality. Political empowerment... more
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      Women EmpowermentPanchayati Raj
This paper presents the empirical findings of implementation of the Provisions of Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 (PESA) and its implications for making decentralised governance effective in scheduled areas of Odisha.... more
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      Comparative PoliticsIndian studiesGovernanceDemocracy
The participatory research facilitated a critical analysis of the multiple vulnerabilities tribal women face in Dumka and Jamtara districts. Using participatory research methods, the barriers in accessing education and health services, in... more
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      National Rural Health MissionWomen HealthNaxalism / Left-wing ExtremismPanchayati Raj
Abstract The functioning of Panchayats in the tribal areas has received fresh impetus due to increasing role played by these institutions in the matters of local decision making, planning and implementation of the development programmes.... more
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      Development StudiesLocal GovernmentDemocracyIndia
Art. 243 O imposes bar on Court to interfere in the matters related to the Panchayat Elections. Independence of Judiciary is the part of the basic structure of the Constitution and Legislature can not take away the power of judicial... more
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      Constitutional Lawconstitution of IndiaPanchayati RajConstitutional Law Theory
It has been two decades since the Panchayati Raj system got the constitutional mandate of being the third-tier of democratic governance in India. Still, the lack of devolution of functional and financial powers being supported by the lack... more
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      Local governance and Rural DevelopmentIndian Constitutional LawPanchayati RajDemocratic Decentralization In Rural India
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      Regional and Local GovernanceLocal Government and Local DevelopmentPanchayati RajPanchayat and rural development
Right from the Vedic Ages to modern times there have been the references to Panchayats and they have played a vital role in the local Self-Governing institutions. Mahatma Gandhi's dream that every village should be a republic having... more
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      Community DevelopmentLocal Government and Local Developmentconstitution of IndiaUttarakhand
PESA bars the Panchayats at the higher level from assuming the powers and authority of any Panchayat at the lower level or of the Gram Sabha. The offices of the Chairpersons in the Panchayats at all levels are to be reserved for Scheduled... more
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      LawGovernanceLocal GovernmentIndigenous Peoples
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    • Panchayati Raj
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Constitution Amendments that led to the three-tier Panchayati Raj structures. The 73rd Amendment further led to legislation for its extension into tribal areas (Scheduled Areas) and the Forest... more
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      Local GovernmentHuman Resource ManagementRural DevelopmentDemocracy
Chapter-III in the Book "Decentralization, Governance and Development: An Indian Perspective" edtd. by Dr. Pranab Kr. Das (Orient Black Swan) India believed it could take development closer to its people, make the government more... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceRural DevelopmentLocal Government and Local DevelopmentDecentralization
Women's participation in publiclifeis often constrained due to various socio-economic conditions. The 73 rd Constitutional Amendment Act of India provides 33 per cent reservationfor women to give them wider representation in the local... more
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      GovernanceRural DevelopmentEmpowermentDecentralization
Darphal is a middle sized village in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra which belongs to the Aurangabad division. It is inhabited by a striving population of 1595 people who are either indigenous to the land or are migrants from nearby... more
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      Rural DevelopmentVillage StudiesRural GeographyMaharashtra
On the basis of experiences of past two decades, a need to critically review and to conclude as to in what direction the third decade of grassroots democracy should head so that the grassroots democracy can become more effective in... more
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    • Panchayati Raj
A significant rise in local democracy has been noted in most developing countries with the growing realization that devolution of political, administrative and fiscal authority to local units of government is one of the best ways to... more
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      Regional and Local GovernancePanchayati raj institutionPanchayati Raj
In the year 1950, when the governor of Assam, Shri Prakasa and his adviser met Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, the first Home Minister of independent India, they explained the difficulties regarding the merger of Manipur. Patel in return asked... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceManipurPanchayati raj institutionPanchayati Raj
1 In India, the 73 rd constitutional amendment of 1992 decentralises agriculture, irrigation, health, education along with 23 other items to the Panchayats, the village level selfgovernment body. It is envisaged that the three-tier... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceRural DevelopmentLocal governancePanchayati Raj
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      Public AdministrationRegional and Local GovernanceLocal Government and Local DevelopmentBihar
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      Fiscal federalism and decentralizationState And Local Public FinanceIndiaState and Local Government
With over three decades of existence, the Panchayats or the rural local bodies in the state of West Bengal (in eastern India) is the torch-bearer of the decentralization initiatives of the state government and its experiment towards... more
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentPublic HealthPanchayati Raj
, Foreword by Shri M.V. Rajasekharan, Hon'ble Union Minister for Planning and Ex-Officio Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi. The 73 rd and 74 th Constitutional Amendments aimed at the empowerment of Panchayati Raj... more
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    • Panchayati Raj
Village communities function most successfully when they are situated in a nested series of institutions. Academics often state that villages are self-governing and should have complete control over their natural reources, especially... more
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      ForestryCommonsSustainable agricultureCommon Property
* This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Constitution Amendments that led to the three-tier Panchayati Raj structures. * The 73rd Amendment further led to legislation for its extension into tribal areas (Scheduled Areas) and the... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceLocal GovernmentDemocracyParticipatory Democracy
Although community development by elected local bodies is considered to promote pro-poor development, there is little systematic evidence on what forces shape elected leaders' distributional decisions and how communities influence... more
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      Comparative PoliticsSocial WorkDevelopment StudiesVoting Behavior
It is quite exciting and pleasing to bring forth the first issue of the Journal of People’s Studies (JPS). The journal has evolved over a course of time due to several reasons. Most of the individuals associated with the journal, along... more
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      Cultural StudiesDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesInternational Studies
This article examines the transformation of the diverse imperial landscape of the Gorkha Kingdom into the more uniform and integrated space of the Nepali nation. It argues that nationalised schooling, as it was introduced under Panchayat... more
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      EducationNepalCultural DifferencesCritical Development Studies