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This study aims to trace changes in the River Nile flows over the Late Quaternary and is based on palynomorphs which were embedded in the sea floor of the Levantine Basin. The palynomorphs were extracted from two marine sediment cores,... more
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This thesis presents pertinent data on the low-frequency paleoclimatic regime of the Mesa Verde region in southwestern Colorado from B.C. 100 to the present era. Here, I define low frequency climatic changes as climatic changes over... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyClimate ChangePaleoclimatology
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      Palynology, Plant MacrofossilsThe end of Roman BritainRoman Frontiers (Archaeology)Hadrian's Wall (Archaeology)
"Two parallel ethnoarchaeological inquiries were undertaken, one in western Nepal and the other in Vendée (western France), in order to reconstitute the sequence of operations traditionally employed for processing millet (Panicum... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyArchaeobotanyEnvironmental ArchaeologyPalynology
Sediments recovered from Leru, Uturu and Ihube area in Anambra Basin, South-eastern Nigeria was analysed for their palynological and sequence stratigraphic potentials. Using palynological evidence, Late Campanian age was assigned to... more
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      PaleobiologyPalynology, Plant MacrofossilsPalynofaciespalaeoecology, palynology, Quaternary, archaeobotany
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif d’identifier entre le second Âge du Fer et le haut Moyen Âge les occupations et les activités humaines d’un territoire de marge aux confins des cités arvernes, vellaves et ségusiaves, le... more
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      GeoarchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyHuman-Environment RelationsPalynology, Plant Macrofossils
We report results of palynological investigation of a core of sediments extracted from the bottom of the Sea of Galilee. The core was sampled at high resolution for both palynological analysis (a sample was taken c. every 40 years) and... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyHorticulture
During the Jurassic, Sardinia was close to continental Europe. Emerged lands started from a single island forming in time a progressively sinking archipelago. This complex palaeogeographic situation gave origin to a diverse landscape with... more
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The palynoflora from the Lavanttal Basin is characterised by a diverse spectrum of conifers. Their pollen is mostly well preserved allowing for high taxonomic resolution. Most coniferous taxa belong to the Pinaceae (Abies, Cathaya,... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyClimate ChangeSpeciation
Two macrofloras, 15 and 13.5 Ma old, are described from the oldest exposed plant bearing sediments on Iceland. Many of the taxa are mentioned for the first time and a lime tree, Tilia selardalense, is described as a new species.
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      Climate ChangePaleobotanyPalynologySeed Dispersal
An Upper Pennsylvanian locality (Bonner Springs Shale, Kansas City Group, Middle Missourian) in western Missouri contains a diverse and well-preserved fossil assemblage of both plants and arthropods. The plants are preserved as... more
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      Palynology, Plant MacrofossilsUpper Pennsylvanian
This chapter provides morphological descriptions including remarks on nomenclatural problems for the macrofossil (M) and palynological (P) record from Iceland. The systematic section starts with Bryophyta (mosses), Lycopodiophyta... more
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      Plant EcologySpeciationPaleobotanyTaxonomy
The aim of this paper was to present changes in vegetation and climate which occurred during the late Sanian 2 (Elsterian) glaciation, the Mazovian (Holsteinian) interglacial and the early Liviecian (Saalian) glaciation. The... more
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      Climate ChangeClimatologyPalynology, Plant Macrofossilspalaeoecology, palynology, Quaternary, archaeobotany
The botanical macro-remain from an early modern cesspit, discovered in 1991 and excavated 1994-1995 by the town archaeology of Lüneburg (Dr. Edgar Ring), reveal the dietary habits and culinary preparations of a well-known and wealthy... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyArchaeobotanyEnvironmental ArchaeologyPalynology
The 10.5 m deep "D-Dor" core was taken at Dor (Tantura Lagoon), on the Carmel coastal plain, Israel. The established chrono-stratigraphic sequence (based on x-ray radiographs, and both luminescence and radiocarbon dating) covers the last... more
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      PaleoenvironmentPaleoecologyPalynology, Plant MacrofossilsPaleoclimate
Det er ynsket om å arbeida tverrfagleg med botanikk og arkeologi som har ført meg til Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger (AM). Jamvel om dette er ei naturvitskapleg avhandling, ynskjer eg å femna om den arkeologiske fagfellesskapen som eg... more
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      Palynology, Plant MacrofossilsPalaeobotanyPre-Roman Iron Age
Early Eocene sedimentary successions of south Asia, are marked by the development of extensive fossilbearing, lignite-rich sediments prior to the collision of India with Asia and provide data on contemporary equatorial faunal and... more
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      PaleontologyPalynology, Plant Macrofossils
The Permian-Triassic boundary within the Amery Group of the Lambert Graben is placed at the contact between the Bainmedart Coal Measures and overlying Flagstone Bench Formation, based on the first regular Occurrence of Lunatisporites... more
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      Palynology, Plant MacrofossilsAntarctic GeologyPermian-Triassic boundary
Little is known about the vegetation and fire history of Sardinia, and especially the long-term history of the thermo-Mediterranean belt that encompasses its entire coastal lowlands. A new sedimentary record from a coastal lake based on... more
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      PaleoclimatologyMediterranean prehistoryFire EcologyPalynology, Plant Macrofossils
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      PaleontologyClimate ChangePaleoclimatologyPaleobotany
The stronghold and settlement in Przytok has not been the subject of a larger study so far. After research conducted in the 1960s by Edward Dąbrowski, the only real foot print concerning this site was the term published by the discoverer... more
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      ArchaeozoologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyPalinologyPalynology, Plant Macrofossils
Barnett, C. 2011. The Tilbury Alluvial Sequence and a Submerged Forest of Neolithic Age at 118 Victoria Dock Road, Canning Town, East London. LAMAS 62, 1-15 Archaeological evaluation of a small redevelopment site in Canning Town... more
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      GeoarchaeologyArchaeobotanyNeolithic ArchaeologyPalynology, Plant Macrofossils
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      Climate ChangePaleobotanyPalynologyPalynology, Plant Macrofossils
A thin, white coloured ash/pumice layer on top of the poor macrofossil units at the Selárgil locality yields a rich late Messinian palynoflora that was deposited under a markedly different taphonomic setting than most other late Cainozoic... more
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      PaleontologyClimate ChangePaleoclimatologyIsland Studies
The article presents the results of a multi-proxy study investigating an alluvial deposit located in the coastal plain of Genoa (Liguria, Northwest Italy). A very deep core was sampled from 15 to 25 m below ground level to analyse... more
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Terrestrial fossils from Late Miocene sediments in the Mókollsdalur area are mainly known for their insect fauna. Plant fossils and the sedimentological context suggest that most of the macrofossils deposited at Mókollsdalur originate... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoclimatologyPaleobotanyPalynology
During the Late Bronze Age, the Iron Age and early medieval period (c. 600 BC – AD 1250) settlement at Vik in the Ørland peninsula emerged, flourished, vanished and emerged anew. Local landscape and vegetation development, cross-regional... more
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      ZooarchaeologyGeoarchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Medieval Archaeology
Leaf and cupule/nut remains belonging to Fagus (beech) have previously been reported from three plant-bearing formations on Iceland, the 15 Ma Selárdalur-Botn Formation, the 13.5 Ma Dufansdalur-Ketilseyri Formation, and the ca. 9-8 Ma... more
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      Climate ChangePaleobotanyPalynologySeed Dispersal
Preliminary studies of the palynoflora from the Lavanttal Basin show a relatively rich assemblage of pollen and spores. The palynoflora comprises at least 17 different kinds of spores, representing the Bryophyta (Sphagnum), Lycopodiophyta... more
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This work provides a tool whereby the needle remains of native, southwestern European Pinus spp. can be easily identified from species-specific epidermal features. To construct this tool, the needles of P. uncinata, P. sylvestris, P.... more
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      Palynology, Plant MacrofossilsPlant MacrofossilsStomataPlant Cuticle
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyForestryPlant Ecology
Archaeology’s ability to generate long-term datasets of natural and human landscape change positions the discipline as an inter-disciplinary bridge between the social and natural sciences. Using a multi-proxy approach combining... more
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      GeomorphologyGeoarchaeologyArchaeobotanyCoastal Geomorphology
The oldest plant fossils currently known from Iceland are ca 15 Ma, their deposition coinciding with the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum. At this time, forests in Iceland were dominated by mixed broadleaved deciduous and coniferous taxa with... more
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Dating the subsidence history of the North Atlantic Land Bridge (NALB) is crucial for understanding intercontinental disjunctions of northern temperate trees. Traditionally, the NALB has been assumed to have functioned as a corridor for... more
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      PalaeoclimatologyPlant EcologyClimate ChangePacific Island Studies
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Palaeontological research on the Miocene and Pliocene oras and faunas of Iceland date back to the 1770's. At that time, plant fossils from Iceland were considered belonging to a single ora, and in the early 20th century scientist... more
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      SedimentologyStratigraphyClimate ChangePaleoclimatology
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      PaleoenvironmentPalynology, Plant MacrofossilsNeolithicHuman Impact on Environment
proposed three similarly constructed fossil generic spore names with the first word base, Laevigat-, attached to the uniform ending-sporites giving the three generic names: Laevigata-sporites, Laevigati-sporites and Laevigato-sporites.... more
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)PaleontologyHistory of Paleontology
Dispersed pollen, fruits, and leaves of Tetracentron (Trochodendraceae) are described from the Miocene of Iceland and assigned to a new species, Tetracentron atlanticum. The Icelandic fossils represent the first unambiguous record of... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyPalynology, Plant MacrofossilsIron AgeLa Tene culture
Wet sediments of a former water reservoir were discovered during an archaeological rescue excavation. Vegetation and environmental changes taking place in the medieval suburbs of Prague, Czech Republic, from the 10th to the middle of the... more
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      ArchaeobotanyArchaeozoologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyPalynology
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyPalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatology
Fossil plants recovered from the Late Miocene (Messinian) Hreðavatn-Stafholt Formation grew in a landscape dominated by lakes of different sizes that were connected by small rivers and swampland. Well-drained areas bordering these... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyClimate ChangePaleoclimatology
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      PaleontologyHistory of PaleontologyPaleobotanyPalynology
"The Olduvai fossil plants documented by us in this paper are the first direct evidence for open grassland in the late Neogene of Africa based on macroplant remains. Silicified remains of herbaceous ground cover are exceptionally well... more
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      PaleobotanyPhytolith AnalysisPalynology, Plant MacrofossilsPlio-Pleistocene Evolution
Reconstruction of the Holocene palaeoenvironment conditions in Southeastern Latvia is based on multiproxy records from Lake Pilvelis: pollen, plant macrofossil and microfossil analysis; loss-on-ignition (LOI) measurements; 14C dating;... more
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      Northern EuropePaleoecologyPalynology, Plant MacrofossilsPaleolimnology
Recent excavation at the site of Chobareti (1615 m a.s.l., South Caucasus Mountains) reveals an important Kura-Araxes settlement and eleven burials so far, for which a first multi-proxies approach was conducted to understand both... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisAnatolian ArchaeologyPalaeoecology
Analysis of a large number of pollen samples from pools and wells has led to a more detailed understanding of the vegetation development in the eastern Netherlands between c. 1100 B.C. and A.D. 1500. During the Neolithic and the Bronze... more
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      Landscape EcologyPalaeogeographyPalaeoclimatologyArchaeology
Aim Forest communities in the European Central Alps are highly sensitive to climatic change. Palaeobotanical studies have demonstrated that forests rapidly expanded upslope during Holocene warm intervals and contracted when temperatures... more
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      Climate ChangePaleoecologyPalynologyBiogeography