Palm Oil Plantation
Recent papers in Palm Oil Plantation
Sime Darby Plantation runs a diverse set of businesses worldwide, with a global reach and expertise spread beyond topographic boundaries. Guided by a clear vision and strategy, we are committed to deliver sustainable returns without... more
Jika material organik dibentuk dalam sebuah tumpukan, maka bakteri dan jamur dalam material itu akan menghasilkan panas dan akan mengurai zat-zat organik komplek menjadi lebih sederhana dalam bentuk humus. Temperatur yang terjadi mencapai... more
The oil palm, an economically important tree, has been one of the world’s major sources of edible oil and a significant precursor of biodiesel fuel. Unfortunately, it now faces the threat of a devastating disease. Many researchers have... more
Ecotourism is a relatively new concept, and it is still often misunderstood or misused. Some people have abused the term to attract conservation conscious travelers to what, in reality, are simply nature tourism programs, which may cause... more
A total of 21 heronries comprising 11 species of birds were observed during a survey carried out in 2008 and subsequent monitoring of the sites in South-West region of deccan Maharashtra. Area covered was part of Solapur, Osmanabad, Pune... more
Smallholders cultivating oil palm (OP) under Land Settlement Scheme (LSS) in PNG are suffering from low income and over-population. Under this OP project, introduced in 1967, smallholders were granted 99-year lease for 6.0 to 6.5 hectares... more
Vladimir Putin is the third modern dictator, after Napoleon and Hitler to make the mistake of invading Ukraine, albeit the first to try from east to west. There are five potential outcomes to his historic act of folly. The most desirable... more
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut mulai Penanaman sampai kepada Pengolahan
Wann wurde Deutschland letztlich postkolonial? HistorikerInnen haben in den letzten Jahren in zunehmendem Maße das Gefüge etablierter Geschichtsperiodisierungen kritisch aufgebrochen und hinterfragt – für ein neues Verständnis von der... more
Kupas Tuntas semua Proses Penanaman sampai pengolahan Kelapa Sawit di Areal pasang surut
Oil palm is the best oil-containing crop in terms of yield capacity, even though planting oil palms won't give immediate returns. The crop's productivity depends on tree species, soil type, climatic conditions, oil palm plantation... more
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut mulai Penanaman sampai kepada Pengolahan
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut tentang Pengolahan TBS
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) carrying multi-spectral and multimodal data acquisition are widely used in precision agriculture. They have contributed to significant reduction of in-field walking costs and experiments. Accruing higher... more
Tujuan kajian dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti aplikasi sains dan teknologi dalam penghasilan penanaman kelapa sawit. Kajian ini mengemukakan beberapa objektif kajian iaitu objektif kajian yang pertama ialah untuk mengenalpasti aplikasi... more
Panen adalah kegiatan utama saat pohon kelapa sawit berada pada masa produktif. Banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan terkait dengan kegiatan ini. Mulai dari persiapan hingga pasca panen. Agar tercipta kelangsungan produksi yang... more
"Transboundary haze pollution is an almost annual occurrence in Southeast Asia. Haze originates from peat and forest fires mostly in Indonesia, with Malaysia and Singapore suffering the worst of its effects. Most of these fires are... more
This book examines the native Irish experience of conquest and colonisation in Ulster in the first decades of the seventeenth century. Central to its argument is that the Ulster plantation bears more comparisons to European expansion... more
Kata Pengantar APAKAH hubungannya Hak Guna Usaha dengan Hak Asasi Manusia? Hak guna usaha adalah suatu hak pengelolaan yang diberikan oleh negara kepada perusahaan di atas tanah negara selama 30 tahun sedangkan hak azasi manusia adalah... more
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut mulai Tanaman Baru sampai Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan
The oil palm plantation sector has been one of the front-runners in the Indonesian agriculture sector. The development of the oil palm plantation is aimed at employment creation, poverty alleviation, and rural development. The market of... more
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut khusus Hama Penyakit
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut perihal Land Clearing
Pemanenan Buah kelapa sawit adalah hal yang serius dan akan berdampak negatif bagi produksi dan pokok itu sendiri apabila tidak dilakukan secara benar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis sistem panen dan premi panen yang berlaku dilokasi penelitian; (2) menganalisis tingkat kinerja dan kepuasan kerja; (3) menganalisis hubungan premi panen terhadap kinerja dan kepuasan kerja... more
The end of the civil war in Aceh brought peace, but it has been of a predatory nature. As a moment of rupture, the peace revealed interests, powers and dynamics, and it offered an opportunity for their reconfiguration. When unrest ceased,... more
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut khusus Pembibitan
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut khusus Panen pada Tanaman Menghasilkan
As part of efforts to mitigate the oil palm industry’s harmful impacts in Southeast Asia, scholars have begun showing more interest in smallholder farming arrangements. However, the reasons why most smallholders in Malaya have shunned the... more
Buku Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut - Kupas Tuntas Usaha Kelapa Sawit di Pasang Surut tentang Tanah dan Pemupukan
Placing expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesia in the context of the global land grab, this paper analyzes the contemporary extent and early historical periods of plantation expansion via the theory of accumulation by... more
Plant disease assessment is conducted to analyze the measurement of disease/pathogens (phythopathometry) which is fundamental for estimation of disease intensity and crop loss. Plant disease assessment aids researchers and farmers to... more
Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa praktik bisnis di sektor perkebunan sawit di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah membawa perubahan signifikan bagi kehidupan individu dan komunitas. Keberadaan industri perkebunan sawit telah memperburuk kualitas... more
This article provides a historical political economy perspective of the Indonesian oil palm plantation sector. It aims to shed light on the process of how Indonesia took over from Malaysia in becoming the world’s current largest producer... more
Ekspansi industri perkebunan sawit terjadi hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan membuat industri ini jadi penopang ekonomi nasional. Di tengah berlangsungnya ekspansi kebun dan perkebunan sawit yang tidak terkendali, ada perkembangan... more
The expansion of oil palm plantations in Papua province, Indonesia, involves the conversion of forests, among other land types in the landscapes, which are a source of clan members' livelihoods. The way in which this expansion occurs... more
Over the past decade, the Brazilian government has actively promoted oil palm in the Amazon biome as an alternative biodiesel feedstock to soy. Because of oil palm’s comparatively high productivity, it places less demand on land than soy... more
This paper seeks to answer the question of how the global industry of palm oil is affecting the economies and natural environments of its two main producers – Indonesia and Malaysia. The first section examines the contemporary uses of... more
Since 2007, Indonesia has been the world’s largest producer of crude palm oil (CPO), overtaking Malaysia (Richter 2009: 3). For the country, the sector is not only an important source for foreign reserves, but is also a main instrument... more