Paleolithic Archaeology
Recent papers in Paleolithic Archaeology
The defense of Heritage is intrinsically linked to the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists (AAP), the oldest association in Portugal and one of the oldest in the world, created in 1863 with the aim of preserving and defending the... more
The ‘Türk Altay Theory / Türk-Altay Kuramı’ is a true story of the early existence of the Türks in North Asia. Sayan-Altay’s successive indigenous cultures from 6000 BC to 6th-8th century AD, were connected each other by using... more
Dracorex was a dinosaur of the family Pachycephalosauridae, that lived during the Late Cretaceous of North America. The type (and only) species is Dracorex hogwartsia, meaning "dragon king of Hogwarts". It is known from one nearly... more
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ornamental shells in order to establish whether they were used as tools or not. A total of 1946 ornamental sea shells were found in Hatay Üçağızlı Cave (Turkey) during excavation seasons of... more
Vladislav N. Gladilin (1935-2015) - an informal leader of Paleolithic research in Ukraine in 1970-1980s. To the memory of the Professor and Scientist.
This article unveils imagery that seems intended to be recognized in phases from such sites as Font-de-Gaume (pg. 24), Laugerie-Basse (pg. 35-37), Isturitz (pg. 37-38), Saint-Cirq-du-Bugue (pg. 38-39), and Guy-Martin (pg. 26-35), after... more
The site of Kostënki 21 (also known as Gmelin or Gmelinskaia) is located on the very edge of the Don River at Kostënki (Voronezh Oblast, Russia). The main archaeological horizon, layer III, is dated to c. 23,000-21,000 14 C BP (c.... more
Recent surveys and the researches of the Lower Paleolithic of Georgia demonstrate that the territory of Georgia was much more intensively occupied by the humans than it was known before. The Lower Paleolithic sites and the stone materials... more
"""Content AD GLORIAM N. A. Răileanu (Kishinev, Moldova)N. A. Chetraru: The Beginnings9 S. I. Covalenco (Kishinev, Moldova)The Leading Stone Age Researcher of Moldova11 N. K. Anisyutkin, G. V. Grigorieva (St. - Petersburg,... more
Nº 10, año 2020. urtea 10. zk.
Extended research has shown that the environmental stimuli triggered biomechanical and biochemical alterations in human species since the early Palaeolithic times (Laoupi, 2011; Laoupi, 2016). One unique example is the fact that our... more
Discuss the site distribution and settlement/ subsistence pattern of Palaeolithic Age in India
C’erano elefanti in Italia prima dell'arrivo di Pirro? E 'difficile immaginare che due o trecentomila anni fa la campagna romana era attraversato da branchi di elefanti, ma il territorio di Roma è tra i più ricchi al mondo per l’enorme... more
The book was published in Moscow in 1978 / Книга была издана в Москве в 1978 году.
In addition to housing some of the oldest known rock art in the world, Daraki-Chattan is also an important Palaeolithic site because it is one of the very few Indian locations where Mode 1 (pre-Acheulian) occupation evidence has been... more
H. Meller, Geisteskraft – Die Altsteinzeit im Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Halle. In: H. Meller (Hrsg.), Erkenntnisjäger. Kultur und Umwelt des frühen Menschen. Festschrift für Dietrich Mania. Veröff. Landesamt Denkmalpfl. u. Arch.... more
Донбасс - крупная географическая область на юге Восточной Европы. Основной водной артерией является р. Северский Донец - главный правобережный приток р. Дон. Благодаря особенностям геологической истории, Донбасс изобилует источниками... more
Designed to acquaint both young and old with the familiar shapes of light found within your bodies and in the nature around you. The ancient Letters are called the ALhhim/Elohim, as Strengths of combined Light energies, those in night and... more
The process and timing of initial dog domestication is an important topic in human evolution and one which has inspired much recent debate. Findings of putative domesticated dogs have recently been reported from two Gravettian sites by... more
Book Review of from "Cave Art to Hubble: A History of Astronomical Record Keeping (2020) by Jonathan Powell as printed in the June 2020 issue of Physics Today (magazine of the American Institute of Physics).The book review covers proposed... more
Basket-weaving classes, programs, and instruction books for ages 3 to 18 may provide insights into the cognitive demands of basket-weaving and the development of those skills. An understanding of the cognitive skills as related to... more
Tarih boyunca insanoğlunun en temel gereksinimi kuşkusuz ki beslenme ve barınma ihtiyacı olmuştur. İnsanoğlu ilk başta beslenme ihtiyacını çevresinde bulunan besin kaynaklarını toplayarak karşılamış ve sonraki süreçte avcılık ile... more
This text is an historical sketch of the excavations carried out by René de Saint-Périer in the Paleolithic sites of the Save gorge (Lespugue, Haute-Garonne). The main sources are the 25 articles and short notes published on the Lespugue... more
The replacement hypothesis proposes that “modern humans” evolved only in sub-Saharan Africa, through a speciation event rendering them unable to breed with other hominins. They then spread throughout Africa, then to Asia, Australia and... more
Kniha vyšla roku 1991 ve Lvově (ISBN 5.11-000837-2) / The book was published in 1991 in Lvov (ISBN 5.11-000837-2).
Summary: The colour red has played a predominant role in the cultural history of mankind since Palaeolithic times. Ice Age cave art was created on the cave walls by engraving or by painting, mainly in red or black, or in a few known cases... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 2005, ISBN:80-86912-04-3 / The book was published in Prague in 2005, ISBN: 80-86912-04-3
Kniha byla vydána roku 2003 v Kijevě / The book was published in 2003 in Kiev.
Aksaray is an important center for archaeological research. It has been visited by experts from different disciplines of archeology. Archaeological investigations are examined under two headings: excavations and surveys. Three sites are... more
This chapter presents new results from ongoing field work in the CentralRegion of the Emirate of Sharjah (UAE) and contextualizes these results with archaeological, geographic and paleo-climatic data of southern Arabia. Main... more
The Paleolithic Age is the beginning of human history and geologically covers the Pleistocene part of the Quaternary period. Human societies of this age had lived a nomadic life. Livelihood economies were hunting and gathering. People... more
New excavations at Contrebandiers Cave, Morocco, began in 2007 and continued through 2010. This site, originally excavated by Roche in the 1950s, contained deposits with Aterian, Iberomaurusian, and Neolithic materials, although the... more
صاحب امتیاز: شناسی باستان دانشجویان علمی انجمن بلوچستان و سیستان دانشگاه سردبیر و مسئول مدیر سلمانزاده جواد : اجرایی مدیر گرگی مرتضی : تحریریه هیأت : قاسمی وحید ، نژاد، اصالنی قاسم... more
À quoi ressemblait la Terre quand d’autres hommes que nous la peuplaient ? Comment y vivaient-ils ? Comment les hommes modernes sont-ils apparus et quel fut leur périple à la sortie de leur berceau africain ? Quels furent leurs rapports... more