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An overview of the archaeological data produced over the last decades for Brazil, coupled with a background of recent paleoenvironmentalstudies, suggests that during the mid-Holocene vast areas of Central Brazil ceased to be occupied by... more
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This report details an archaeological survey and testing program conducted at the Georgia Power Company's Flint River Project in Albany, Georgia, in June 1982. The project was required to satisfy licensing requirements for day-use public... more
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    • Paleoindian
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      Lithic Technology (Archaeology)Lithic Raw Material SourcingPaleoindianDalton
If there were geese anywhere in the universe besides earth, we should probably expect to find them in the constellation Vulpecula. Vulpecula the Fox was contrived by Johannes Hevelius, the famous Polish astronomer who was based in Gdansk... more
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      ChronobiologyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesOrnithology
This article investigates changing lake levels in the late Pleistocene eastern Great Lakes in order to gain insights into the Early Palaeo-Indian occupations. Significant new information bearing on lake level history is provided, notably... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyPaleoindiansPaleoindian archaeology
Recently, advocates of an “older-than-Clovis” occupation of eastern North America have suggested that bi-pointed leaf-shaped lanceolate stone bifaces provide definitive evidence of human culture on the eastern seaboard prior to the Late... more
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      PaleoindiansPaleoindianPreclovisSolutrean hypothesis
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologySettlement PatternsHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyCoastal and Island Archaeology
Presentation for local history and archaeology groups about the formation of the Alabama Archaeological Society, their early work and may of their prominent members. This paper/presentation may not be copied, referenced or used in any... more
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      PaleoindiansPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindianAlabama history
Red chert attributed to the Munsungun Lake geologic formation located in northern Maine is common in terminal-Pleistocene, fluted-point-period lithic assemblages throughout New England. A visually identical material also appears in some... more
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      New England ArchaeologyPaleoindian
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyAnthropologyCalifornia Indians
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      PaleoindiansPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindianAlabama history
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      LithicsLithic Raw Material SourcingEastern North American ArchaeologyPaleoindian archaeology
This report continues the author’s research on the location, status and artifact inventories of Paleoindian sites in Northern Alabama (c.f. Cole 2006) by providing a summary of the site data for Madison County, Alabama, and providing a... more
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      PaleoindiansLate Paleoindian ArchaeologyPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindian
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      PaleoindiansPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindianClovis
This paper argues that the Rocky Mountains played a significantly more important role in the process of the peopling of the New World than archaeologists have traditionally recognized. Although First Americans did not reach the Rockies... more
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      PaleoindiansThe peopling of the AmericasPaleoindian CachesEarly peopling of America
The purpose of this paper is to help the reader understand the general envi-rons of Paleoindian sites in the Middle Tennessee Valley, specifically in Limestone County, Alabama, as well as some of the history surrounding them. It is common... more
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      PaleoindiansPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindianPaleoindians, Paleolithic, Clovis
The recent proposal that North America was first settled by Upper Palaeolithic people from Europe who crossed the Atlantic along the edge of the Arctic ice sheet has generated considerable controversy. Here Michael O'Brien and colleagues... more
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      PaleoindiansSolutreanPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindian
This is a presentation that I give to local history and archaeology groups. The presentation provides background and context for the well known Quad Site Paleoindian Locality. This paper/presentation may not be copied, referenced or... more
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      PaleoindiansPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindianAlabama history
The prevailing archaeological consensus on Paleoindian origins and colonization of the Americas has been shaken by recent wide acknowledgment of pre-Clovis occupation at Monte Verde, Chile, and by claims that ostensibly non-Mongoloid... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNortheast AsiaColonization
This dissertation involves the development of a geologic framework applied to upper Pleistocene and earliest Holocene archaeological site discovery. It is argued that efforts to identify colonizer archaeological sites require knowledge of... more
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyGeomorphologyPedology
Clovis is the best known early development in North America but its lithic technology is poorly documented and often from animal kill sites. This evidence has been used to picture Clovis peoples as mobile, colonizing, big-game hunters and... more
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      Mobility (Archaeology)PaleoindiansLithic Technology (Archaeology)The Paleoindian toolkit
This report documents and analyzes two distinct assemblages from a pair of Paleoindian and Early Archaic localities in north Alabama. It resulted from an interesting discovery at MA85, a site in the uplands of Madison County, Alabama,... more
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      Southeastern Archaeology (Archaeology in North America)Lithic TechnologyLithicsPaleoindians
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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    • Paleoindian
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySpatial Analysis
This essay addresses the contentious issue of collaboration between archaeologists and artifact collectors. I argue that in many instances, alienating members of the collecting public is not just bad practice; such alienation itself... more
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      Public ArchaeologyPaleoindiansCommunity ArchaeologyLate Paleoindian Archaeology
late 1920s, peopling archaeology has sought to understand the earliest human occupants of the Western Hemisphere. Three generations of practitioners have made great strides in the techno-environmental arena. However, we have largely... more
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      PaleoindiansThe peopling of the AmericasPaleoindian RitualPaleoamericans
In this article, we review evidence for the initial presence, later expansion, and subsequent settling-in of first Floridians during times when climate change and sea level rise decreased the amount of habitable land. We present... more
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      PaleoindiansFlorida ArchaeologyPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindian
The Spring Canyon site (5LR205) is a multi-component prehistoric campsite located in a foothills valley within the city limits of Fort Collins, Colorado. The site has been surface collected by archaeologists since the late 1930s and... more
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      Lithic TechnologyPaleoindiansPaleoindianGreat Plains Archaeology
This paper presents a comparative study of two colonizing populations in the Americas: the Fluted Point tradition (FPt) and the early Arctic Small Tool tradition (ASTt) with the aim of understanding the role of lithic technologies in the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHunters, Fishers and Gatherers' ArchaeologyArctic Archaeology
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      Landscape ArchaeologyNorth American archaeologySoutheastern Archaeology (Archaeology in North America)Paleoindians
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)Hunters, Fishers and Gatherers' Archaeology
Located within the driftless area of southwestern Wisconsin, the Withington site provides a unique opportunity to examine the adaptive responses of Early Paleoindians exploiting this region. With a lithic assemblage dominated by Hixton... more
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      PaleoindianClovis Gainey
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      Ontario ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithicsProjectile technology
The recent proposal that North America was first settled by Upper Palaeolithic people from Europe who crossed the Atlantic along the edge of the Arctic ice sheet has generated considerable controversy. Here Michael O'Brien and colleagues... more
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      PaleoindiansSolutreanPaleoindian archaeologyPaleoindian
An isolated find of a Late Paleoindian/Early Archaic Hi-Lo point from southwestern Ontario is documented  and some implications of the find are discussed.
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      Archaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)PaleoindiansEarly Archaic ArchaeologyArchaic (archaeology in Midwestern North America)
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The following chapter was published in the 2018 book entitled: In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition: Volume II. The research presented in this chapter represents the analysis of an early Paleoindian lithic assemblage excavated and... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPedologyGeoarchaeologyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)
This report documents the results of Class III archeological survey of 134 acres for proposed mining project in the Star Lake area of McKinley County, New Mexico. Michael Meyer of Mineris Vitae, LLC contracted with the Office of Contract... more
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      The Paleoindian toolkitLate Paleoindian ArchaeologyNavajo archaeologyPaleoindian archaeology
"Distance and direction to source data were compiled on the main toolstones employed at 83 Paleoindian sites with concave-based points (ca. 11,000–10,000 B.P.) from across the recently deglaciated Great Lake-Northeastern area of North... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNorth American (Archaeology)North American archaeology
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
O n a continental scale, Clovis subsistence strategies are oft en characterized by the hunting of large game. Although diff erences in early Paleoindian subsistence choices between western and eastern North America appear to exist, this... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPaleobotanySubsistence systems (Archaeology)Paleoindians
Excavations at the Eaton Site, a late-precontact Erie village in Erie County, NY, uncovered a large suite of pre-Late Woodland bifaces among which were a small suite of diagnostic Late Paleoindian projectile points. Three, referable to... more
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Artifacts from eight locations in the Thedford embayment area have been modified by the post-glacial waters of the Lake Nipissing phase prior to about 4000 to 4500 years ago. The location of these sites relative to other inferred... more
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      GeoarchaeologyArchaic (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)PaleoindiansGeoarchaeology and Lithic Studies
In a recent American Antiquity forum (Pitblado 2014), I argued that not only is it possible for archaeologists to engage in ethical collaborations with members of the artifact-collecting public, but that the Society for American... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyPaleoindiansCommunity Archaeology
A key tenet of Clovis period hunteregatherer mobility is the utilization of large ranges based on the appearance of exotic raw materials, particularly chert, in Clovis assemblages. The identification of the sources of chert in Clovis... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryAnthropology of MobilityLithic Technology
North American fluted projectile points are the quintessential temporally diagnostic artifacts, occurring over a relatively short time span, from ca. 13,300 calBP to ca. 11,900 calBP, commonly referred to as the Early Paleoindian period.... more
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      PaleoindiansCladistics and Cultural PhylogeniesArchaeological SystematicsPaleoindian archaeology
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      Lithic TechnologyPlains ArchaeologyPaleoindiansLate Paleoindian Archaeology
Nogahabara I is a late Pleistocene age archaeological site located in interior northwestern Alaska. In contrast to most archaeological assemblages left by mobile hunter-gatherers, which consist largely of manufacturing debris and a few... more
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      The Paleoindian toolkitPaleoindian CachesBeringiaPaleoindian
The impact of the Younger Dryas (12,850–11,700 cal yr BP) on Paleoindian populations has been widely debated in the literature. In the Middle Atlantic region of the United States, fluctuations in alluvial and eolian deposition suggest... more
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      Climate ChangeGeoarchaeologyPaleoindiansEastern North American Archaeology