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    • Palaeoentomology
Three new basal species of Odonatoptera from the upper Serpukhovian (325-324 Ma) of Guandacol 1 locality, Quebrada de las Libélulas, Guandacol Formation, La Rioja province, central West Argentina, are described. Two known species also... more
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      ArgentinaSystematic EntomologyPalaeoentomologyOdonata
Posted with the kind permission of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt (SCA) © SCA, Cairo, 2010 The number of hieroglyphs depicting insects is extremely poor and the same is true of the vocabulary naming them. This gives a good... more
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      EntomologyHieroglyphic PalaeographyPalaeoentomologyIconicity
Originally published in 1991 (Buckland & Coope, 1991), this is the most comprehensive bibliography of articles and books on Quaternary fossil insects and their use in palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology and environmental archaeology... more
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      EntomologyQuaternary GeologyPalaeoentomologyFossil Insects
Knowledge of biodiversity in the past, and the timing, nature, and drivers of human-induced ecological change, is important for gaining deep time perspectives and for modern conservation efforts. The Marquesas Islands (Polynesia) are one... more
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      PalaeoenvironmentIsland BiogeographyPalaeobotanyPalaeoentomology
This peer reviewed volume consists of selected papers from the Graduate Archaeology Organisation at Oxford Conference held 4-5 April, 2008 at Hertford College, University of Oxford that explored the premise that archaeological contexts... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryMobility/Mobilities
Over the last 25 years, since the 1983 conference, a range of new evidence has emerged on the changing nature of the post-glacial insect fauna of Ireland. Modern entomological research, especially new surveys and re-evaluation of existing... more
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Bei den archäologischen Untersuchungen im slawischen Burgwall von Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) wurden umfangreiche Funde von Nashornkäfern (Oryctes nasicornis (LINNAEUS, 1758)) und Balkenschrötern (Dorcus parallelipipedus (LINNAEUS,... more
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      ArchaeologyPalaeoentomologySlavic ArchaeologyArchäologie
Knowledge of biodiversity in the past, and the timing, nature, and drivers of human-induced ecological change, is important for gaining deep time perspectives and for modern conservation efforts. The Marquesas Islands (Polynesia) are one... more
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      PalaeoenvironmentIsland BiogeographyPalaeobotanyPalaeoentomology
Ein Flügelfragment aus Seeablagerungen der Meisen heim-Formation des Unteren Rotliegend (Autunium) bei Obermoschel ist der erste Nachweis von Riesen-Urlibellen für das Permokarbon des Saar-Nahe-Beckens. Mit einer Flügelspannweite von... more
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Tous droits de traduction, de reproduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays. Toute reproduction ou représentation intégrale ou partielle, par quelque procédé que ce soit (électronique, mécanique, photocopie, enregistrement, quelque... more
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The fossil record of scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) is reviewed and its relevance for the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the taxon is explored. After a discussion of the different kinds of preservation of scarab... more
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The first insect from the Lower Toarcian Posidonienschiefer (“Posidonia Shale”) of Holzmaden (Württemberg, SW Germany), a fore wing of Heterophlebia buckmani (BRODIE 1845) (Odonata: “Anisozygoptera”), is described from the “Unterer... more
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      GermanyPalaeoentomologyMesozoic FishesLiassic
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      PalynologyPalaeoecologyIrish ArchaeologyWetland Archaeology
Le site archéologique de l’îlot des Palais (CeEt-30) est un des hauts lieux d’importance dans l’histoire de la Nouvelle-France. C’est ici que réside l’intendant, l’un des piliers du gouvernement royal en Nouvelle-France de ca. 1675 à... more
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Insect remains occur in the Lias nodules of the Ahrensburg geschiebe assemblage first of all in elegantulum nodules and in lesser respect in siemensi nodules. Most common are isolated beetle elytra, which were washed to the sea by rivers... more
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      GermanyPalaeoentomologyMesozoic FishesErratic Boulders
Prosepididontus calopteryx HANDLIRSCH 1920, from the upper Lower Jurassic of Germ a ny, is transferred from Trichoptera to Grylloblattida: Geinitziidae. The anal loop like structure of P rosepididontus calopteryx is built of the concave... more
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      JurassicPalaeoentomologyMesozoic FishesLiassic
The fossil woodwasp Cratoenigma articulata gen. et sp.n. (Insecta: Hymenoptera) is described from the Lower Cretaceous Crato formation of Brazil. This fossil cannot be placed in any existing superfamily, but its putative phylogenetic... more
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      EntomologyPalaeoentomologyHymenoptera systematics
Wasted tan bark was used around 1385 AD in large quantities as filling material on the new built vaults of the town hall in Stralsund, NE Germany. In a multidisciplinary study the archaeological, archaeobotanical and zoological results... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyPomeraniaPalaeoentomologyBuilding Material
An introduction is provided to a developing collection of fossil insects and other arthropods from Baltic amber that once formed part of a forest ecosystem around 45 million years ago.
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    • Palaeoentomology
Serrano, M. de L., T.A. Hegna, P. Schaaf, L. Pérez, E. Centeno-Garcia, & F.J. Vega. 2015. The aquatic and semiaquatic biota in Miocene amber from the Campo La Granja Mine (Chiapas, Mexico): Paleoenvironmental implications. Journal of... more
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Insects from the Randecker Maar, a Miocene diatreme crater lake in the Suebian Alb are described and illsutrated.
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      Historical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyPalaeontology
In addition to the Baltic amber, insects occur in some fine grained sedimentary erratic boulders. Insects occur frequently in carbonate concretions of lower Toarcian age in the glacially dislocated c1ay deposits of Dobbertin and Grimmen... more
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      PalaeoentomologyMesozoic FishesTertiaryErratic Boulders
Two new species of snakefly (Insecta: Raphidioptera, Mesoraphidiidae) are described from the Weald Clay of the Wealden Supergroup, southern England and the Lithographic Limestone of Montsec, Spain. Proraphidia hopkinsi sp. nov. is the... more
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      Insect SystematicsInsect TaxonomyCretaceous lifeJurassic
The Wealden Group of southern England is a succession of non-marine sediments from the lower Cretaceous (c. 141-119 Ma), which also outcrop in Belgium and northwest Germany. Most insect orders are present as fossils, including Neuroptera,... more
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      Cretaceous lifePalaeoentomologyNeuropteridaWealden
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      ArchaeologyGeologyClimate ChangePaleoecology
During the last “International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber” held this year in the Dominican Republic, we unanimously agreed—in the International Palaeoentomological Society (IPS)—to honor our great colleagues who have... more
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      ArtPerformance EvaluationPalaeoentomology
The holotype is redescribed of the giant pterygote insect Bojophlebia prokopi Kukalova-Peck, 1985 from the Pennsylvanian of the Czech Republic. Multiple errors in the original description are documented and corrected. Bojophlebia prokopi... more
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      Insect SystematicsInsect TaxonomyCretaceous lifePalaeoentomology
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      Popular SciencePalaeoentomologyColeoptera
A catalogue and bibliography of fossil Scarabaeoidea (Lamellicornia) updated to November 2007 is presented. Of 264 described fossil species, 9 currently are considered as belonging to other taxa and 31 are doubtful due to a limited set of... more
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Fossil insects from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Crato Formation of north-east Brazil are preserved as goethite replacements in laminated limestones of lacustro-lagoonal origin. They display remarkable degrees of morphological detail... more
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Female ichneumonids dominate males in the Lower Eocene Mo-clay of Denmark by far. This is explained by an active spreading of fertilized females over the sea to reach new territories.
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      DenmarkPalaeoentomologyTertiaryLower Eocene
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryAnthropology of Mobility
Prehistoric field systems sometimes encompass excavated, pit-like features which are difficult to classify due to the complex stratigraphies resulting from reuse, infilling and collapse. They are frequently classified as wells and... more
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      EntomologyArchaeologyQuaternary GeologyPalaeoecology
Three new genera and four new species of the extinct mantidfly subfamily Mesomantispinae (Insecta: Neuroptera: Mantispidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning and the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation... more
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      PaleontologyPaleoentomologyInsect TaxonomyCretaceous life
A hangingfly (Mecoptera, Bittacidae) is described from bituminous shales of the late Oligocene crater-lake of Enspel, Germany. It is attributed to a new species, Eremobittacus opeth sp. nov., and constitutes the first post-Eocene record... more
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A high-resolution, continuous 10,500 cal. yrs-long macroscopic charcoal record from a peat and lake sediment deposit at Storasjö, in the hemiboreal vegetation zone of southern Sweden, is presented. This record was compared with the... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPalaeogeographyGeologyClimate Change
A new species and genus (Palaeospinosus hudae n. gen., n. sp.,) representing the earliest polyneopteran insect order Zoraptera is reported and described. This new species is the first from The Middle East and it is by far the oldest... more
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      PaleobiologyPaleontologyPaleoclimatologyInsect Taxonomy
Palatinarkema prokopi gen. et sp. nov., the third German representative of the late Carboniferous-early Permian archaeo rthopteran clade Cnemidolestidae is described and figured. It is compared to the other known genera. We discuss... more
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The ensign wasp genus Hyptia Illiger was previously known from 52 extant New World species and one fossil species from Lower Miocene to Upper Oligocene Mexican amber. Hyptia hennigi sp. nov., from Eocene Baltic amber, is the oldest known... more
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      HymenopteraPalaeoentomologyFossilsHymenoptera systematics
Arevision of the "Trichoptera" described by GEINITZ and HANDLIRSCH from the Upper Liassic of Dobbertin revealed that Prosepididontus calopteryx HANDLIRSCH, 1920 is a grylloblattodean (Grylloblattida: Geinitziidae) and Metatrichopteridium... more
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    • Palaeoentomology
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      Insect SystematicsInsect TaxonomyCretaceous lifePalaeoentomology
Fossils of dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera), three larvae and one isolated hind wing, are described from the late Oligocene crater lake of Enspel (Westerwald, Germany). The larvae are interpreted to belong to one species, although... more
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A micro-moth fossil from a specimen of Mid-Eocene Baltic amber is described and tentatively identified as a leaf blotch miner from the Lepidopteran family Gracillariidae Stainton, 1854 and belonging to the genus Gracillariites Kozlov,... more
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    • Palaeoentomology
Beetle remains from a small bog in southern Sweden contribute information concerning the forest history of the study area. The study shows that beetles are valuable indicators of woodland structures such as openness, field vegetation,... more
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      Climate ChangePalaeoecologyPalaeoentomologyHolocene
The fossil Prosyntexis species from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil are revised. The examination of three new specimens of the sepulcid species Prosyntexis gouleti Sharkey, 1990 allows amending its species diagnosis by... more
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      EntomologyPalaeoentomologyHymenoptera systematics
Der gegenwärtige Stand der Bearbeitung der Niedermoschel-Bank des Rotliegend (Unterperm) wird kurz zusammengefasst und eine aktuelle Liste der bislang publizierten Taxa gegeben. Funde aus fast allen Großgruppen werden abgebildet. Erstmals... more
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