Padé Approximant

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A Padé approximant is a rational function that approximates a given function by matching its Taylor series expansion at a specific point, typically around zero. It is expressed as the ratio of two polynomials, providing a more accurate representation of the function's behavior, especially near singularities or over a wider range than polynomial approximations.
We calculate high-temperature graph expansions for the Ising spin glass model with 4 symmetric random distribution functions for its nearest neighbor interaction constants J ij . Series for the Edwards-Anderson susceptibility χ EA are... more
In Fitzpatrick and Flynn (J. Symbolic Comput. 13 (1992) 133), a Gröbner basis technique for multivariable Padé approximation problems was developed under a rather restrictive hypothesis on the shape of the numerator and denominator in... more
We show that for a vast class of matrix Lie groups, which includes the orthogonal and the symplectic, diagonal Padé approximants of log((1 + x)/(1x)) are structure preserving. The conditioning of these approximants is analyzed. We also... more
Based on the homotopy perturbation method (HPM) and Padé approximants (PA), approximate and exact solutions are obtained for cubic Boussinesq and modified Boussinesq equations. The obtained solutions contain solitary waves, rational... more
We employ a systematic and model-independent method to extract, from space-and time-like data, the η and η transition form factors (TFFs) obtaining the most precise determination for their low-energy parameters and discuss the Γ η→γγ... more
We consider the generalized anharmonic oscillator p2~_ x2 § fix s. This model is interesting because the coefficients of the perturbation expansions for the energy eigenvalues diverge faster than (2n)!. Evidence is found against the... more
In this paper, we introduce a novel analytical solution to Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation, which is ultimately a hydrostatic equilibrium equation derived from the general relativity in the framework of relativistic isothermal... more
The main purpose of the paper is to present some powerful data on the advantage of the rational approximation procedure based on Hermite-Padé polynomials over the Padé approximation procedure. The first part of the paper is devoted to... more
Актуальность исследования аппроксимации Паде-Фабера (обобщения аппроксимации Паде и аппроксимации Паде-Чебышёва) марковских функций, несомненная с точки зрения математического анализа, дополнительно аргументирована потребностями... more
Квадратура Гаусса-Арнольди для функции (zI -A) -1 ϕ, ϕ и Паде-подобная рациональная аппроксимация функций марковского типа Исследована эффективность применения квадратуры Гаусса-Арнольди для вычисления величины (zI -A) -1 ϕ, ϕ , где A... more
It is proved that whenever a nonlinear Padé approximant, derived from a series of orthogonal polynomials, exists, it is unique. r=m+n + l
СЛОБОДАН Ј. ПАВЛОВИЋ* Универзитет у Новом Саду Филозофски факултет Одсек за српски језик и лингвистику ТЕОРИЈСКЕ ОСНОВЕ ДАНИЧИЋЕВЕ ПАДЕЖНЕ СИНТАКСЕ (ПРИЛОГ ИСТОРИЈИ СРПСКЕ ФИЛОЛОГИЈЕ)** У раду се разматрају теоријске и методолошке основе... more
The quasi -relativistic harmonic oscillator bound -states constructed by Znojil ( 1996 J. Phys. A29 2905) are investigated via a new methodical proposal. Compared to those obtained by an anonymous referee ( from a direct numerical... more
Analytical solutions for the normal stress differences in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow (LAOS), for continuum or molecular models, normally take the form of the first few terms of a series expansion in the shear rate amplitude.... more
The nonlocal boundary conditions (NLBCs) for high-order finite-difference parabolic equations (PEs) are obtained by Z transformation of the discrete PE in a homogeneous medium. The considered NLBCs include the free-space radiation... more
The photoabsorption cross-section of an ion immersed in a plasma is studied on the basis of the Thomas–Fermi approximation for the equilibrium electron distribution and Bloch's classical hydrodynamic model for collective motion of the... more
The fact that physical phenomena are modelled, mostly, by nonlinear differential equations underlines the importance of having reliable methods to solve them. In this work, we present a comparison of homotopy perturbation method (HPM),... more
 Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research.  You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain ... more
This work is devoted to the thermodynamics of high-temperature dense hydrogen plasmas in the pressure region between 10 −1 and 10 2 Mbar. In particular we present for this region results of extensive calculations based on a recently... more
For time integration in finite element analysis, a higher order counterpart of the widely used Newmark method is formulated by applying the three step fourth order Adams-Moulton (AM) method to lightly damped systems with accelerations. A... more
It is shown that the non-relativistic ground state energy of helium-like and lithium-like ions with static nuclei can be interpolated in full physics range of nuclear charges Z with accuracy of not less than 6 decimal digits (d.d.) or 7-8... more
Concerns about the future energy needs challenge energy experts to present advanced power grids making them smarter. Smart grids employ digital technology and are based on highly collaborative and responsive decision-making strategies.... more
This paper describes the integration process between two tools in order to perform co-simulation for representation and analysis of dynamic environments in the context of smart grids. The integrated tools are Mosaik, a software to... more
In this work, the Daftardar-Jafari method has been submitted to deal with the approximated solutions for the nonlinear damped generalized regularized long-wave (DGRLW) equation with some given variable coefficient. by using this iterative... more
This paper investigates the problem of boundary layer stagnation point flow and heat transfer of couple stress fluid containing nanoparticles and flowing over an exponentially stretching surface in a porous medium. The governing equations... more
We perform a dimension analysis for colliding viscoelastic spheres to show that the coefficient of normal restitution ⑀ depends on the impact velocity g as ⑀ϭ1Ϫ␥ 1 g 1/5 ϩ␥ 2 g 2/5 ϯ•••, in accordance with recent findings. We develop a... more
This paper presents a numerical comparison of third order o L stable − numerical schemes for the two-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations subject to nonlocal boundary conditions. These numerical schemes are based on Pade`... more
Asthma is one of the most prevalent and costly chronic conditions in the United States, which cannot be cured. However, accurate and timely surveillance data could allow for timely and targeted interventions at the community or individual... more
This paper presents a numerical comparison of third order o L stable − numerical schemes for the two-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations subject to nonlocal boundary conditions. These numerical schemes are based on Pade`... more
This paper presents a numerical comparison of third order o L stable − numerical schemes for the two-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations subject to nonlocal boundary conditions. These numerical schemes are based on Pade`... more
Behavioral models are used for top-down design and for bottom-up verification. The efficient simulation of large-scale dynamical system needs a systematic procedure for order reduction of the original circuit. A method based on the moment... more
In this investigation, the series solutions of mixed convection boundary layer flow over a vertical permeable cylinder are constructed. Two types of series as well numerical solutions are presented by choosing exponential and rational... more
In the context of Pad~ approximation theory some methods are studied for the calculation of the resonances and the phase shifts in potential scattering. They are extensions of a method already used for the determination of the bound... more
In the context of Pad~ approximation theory some methods are studied for the calculation of the resonances and the phase shifts in potential scattering. They are extensions of a method already used for the determination of the bound... more
Resumo: This paper describes the integration process between two tools in order to perform co-simulation for representation and analysis of dynamic environments in the context of smart grids. The integrated tools are Mosaik, a software to... more
The number of visits is decreasing because in addition to the impact of the pandemic, but visitors' interest in staying at the Pade Hotel Aceh has also decreased. Friendly and responsive service can increase guest satisfaction. Location... more
Pasional MR 164 najstariji je hagiografski, rukopisni latinski kodeks čuvan u Knjižnici Zagrebačke nadbiskupije Metropolitani. Ovaj obiman hagiografski zbornik per circulum anni pisan karolinom napisan je najvjerojatnije u drugoj polovici... more
This paper is concerned with a thorough investigation in achieving exact analytical solution for the Van der Pol (VDP) nonlinear oscillators models via Adomian decomposition method (ADM). The models are nonlinear time dependent second... more
A generalization of the Krylov-Eckhoff method is investigated for removing of the classical Gibbs phenomenon. Convergence acceleration scheme for Fourier expansions of piecewise smooth functions is derived. Numerical results are presented... more
In this paper, we present a new ANM continuation algorithm with a predictor based on a new Padé approximant and without the use of a correction process. The ANM is a numerical method to obtain the solution of a nonlinear problem as a... more
In this paper, we propose a new analytical formula to define the next branch in the Asymptotic Numerical Method (ANM) using the Padé approximants. The proposed formula is based on the computation of the relative error of two consecutive... more
A new semi-empirical method for constructing the dipole moments of diatomic molecules as functions of the internuclear distance R∈[0,∞) is suggested. The dipole moment is described by a piecewise continuous function specified by a... more
A.P. Ivanov, Physical Foundations of Hydrooptics [in Russian], Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk (1975). 10. V.E. Zuev, Propagation of Visible and Infrared Waves in the Atmosphere [in Russian], Soy. Radio, Moscow (1970). 11. S.B. Mogil'nitskii,... more